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SWITCH Africa Green Support to Green Business

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1 SWITCH Africa Green Support to Green Business
The UN implemented programme. Each 6 countries a national coordinator who seats at the UNDP. UNOPS on Component B. The grant are awarded at UNOPS. Policy and Networking are left to UNEP. Burcu Tuncer, SwitchMed Networking Facility at the UNEP Centre for SCP

2 Objectives Objective: “To support countries in Africa to achieve sustainable development by engaging in transition towards an inclusive green economy, based on sustainable consumption and production patterns” Specific objective: To support the development of green businesses and eco-entrepreneurship through: Better equipped MSMEs and business service providers to seize SCP and green business opportunities. Better informed public and private consumers, and (iii) Enabling conditions in form of : clear policies, sound regulatory frameworks, incentives structures, tax, other fiscal instruments and market-based instruments Green is for Green Economy. Incorporate SCP into Green Economy.

3 Note: The components complement each other and don’t function as silos
Project components Component A: Policy support Provide technical support to establish or strengthen the enabling conditions for the selected target sectors in the respective countries, complementing efforts underway through the national SCP programmes and green economy initiatives in Africa. Component B: Green business development Support transformation towards an inclusive green economy by providing services to SMEs that enable them to start and develop green business and/or apply more sustainable production practices. Component C: Networking Facility Provide project support services for networking and communication among the projects and countries, distilling knowledge from project implementation for wider replication, and facilitation of policy uptake. The components are much linked to eachother. Country targets: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa, Uganda Note: The components complement each other and don’t function as silos

4 Policy Support Component
Selected countries already had SCP national plans and/or green economy policies or action plans/strategies, etc. Invested in understanding the policy support needs of countries: 6 National Implementation Documents received (stock taking of policy gaps, business environment assessment and implementation plan). Synthesis Report of the National implementation documents under development – including identification of low hanging fruits Capacity building on SCP to policy makers and SCP practitioners in Africa; SCP course with UNITAR and 10YFP building on course developed by SWITCH Asia: These plans are in place. National implementation documents. Whether there are any gaps to support green business development. How can SWITCH-Africa Green support business development? What specific policies can work? One issue that came up was the awareness building. The SWITCH-Asia training was customised for SWITCH-Africa Green.

5 Green Business Development Component
34 grants awarded in 2015 to 31 country specific projects and 3 multi- country projects. Grants awarded to intermediary organisations to work with MSMEs in greening their businesses including ARSCP and National cleaner production centers. Main support includes: capacity building on uptake of SCP practices and patterns; demonstration projects; audits (energy/water), industrial symbiosis; etc. Existing SCP toolkits disseminated during national forums. Toolkits developed and used for training (see website for examples) Support differs from project to project e.g. Training and support on water efficiency, energy efficiency Guide on labeling and standards - Promoting Eco-tourism and eco- labeling. Promoting renewable energy Support for start-ups with potential for growth in green business; etc. Support to green marketing, etc. Max is like €250k. The Networking Facility has developed new toolkits and disseminated the old ones. Mauritus is keen on eco tourism. South Africa is keen on eco labelling.

6 Case study: Energy efficiency audits
Demand side management of energy use in MSMEs in Uganda. Project by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) in partnership with  Uganda Cleaner Production Centre (UCPC). Detailed Energy Audits in progress in Mpanga Growers Tea Factory Ltd

7 Case study : Promoting Eco-tourism
Promoting Eco-tourism by assist participating hotels in implementing the concepts of sustainable consumption and production. Project by Association Hotels De Charme, Mauritius.

8 Training in Biogas production
Artisans (MSMEs) trained and guided on developing biogas plants in Ghana. The artisans have formed an association that accredits the outputs and work of the artisans. Biogas policy in Ghana has created demand for biogas plants. Project by Ghana National Cleaner production center. Specific curriculum was done regarding industrial symbiosis to manage waste.

9 Sustainable meat production
Sustainable meat production in rangelands. Sustainable marketing – mobile markets in South Africa, by grantee – Conservation South Africa.(To be replicated in Kenya)

10 Networking Facility Component
SAG Website and networking platform operational and project participants encouraged to be members of the SAG networking facility Other communication and networking channels: Participation in national exhibitions and conferences/workshops SAG on social media: FB, Twitter, you tube, etc

11 First SWITCH Africa Green Networking Forum
First SAG Regional Networking forum held in collaboration 10YFP and held back to back with ARSCP-9 in Kampala, Uganda on May Participants will included: Grantees, Selected MSMEs (Champions), National Focal Points, National Coordinators. Networking not only on green business support but also on policy support required in advancing green business development in Africa. Best practices from the green business development component. What worked well in the demos? National committee in each country, they follow up with the ministries. All the results go through the MTCC. National coordinator who sits at the UNDP who is the secretary of the MTCC. 3 Programme officers, one is grant manager. Rhoda is at the UNDP. Three UN agencies work in synergy for implementing the components.

12 Thank you

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