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Resource Discovery Landscape

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1 Resource Discovery Landscape
Andy Powell, UKOLN, University of Bath Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting 2005, London UKOLN is supported by: a centre of expertise in digital information management

2 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
Contents Based on main headings in the study… general issues provision fusion presentation shared infrastructure Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

3 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
JISC IE and Google previous paper considered relationships between JISC IE and Google: complimentary rather than alternative approaches develop guidance for exposing content to Google investigate use of Google APIs special treatment for community’s ‘high-quality’ material – c.f. Google Scholar encouraging use of OpenURLs by academic and commercial content providers Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

4 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
General issues service oriented ‘frameworks’ maturity of the JISC IE manual vs. automated approaches semantic Web community-driven activities p2p Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

5 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
General issues service oriented approaches maturity of the JISC IE manual vs. automated approaches semantic Web community-driven activities p2p Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

6 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
General issues service oriented approaches maturity of the JISC IE manual vs. automated approaches semantic Web community-driven activities p2p Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

7 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
General issues service oriented approaches maturity of the JISC IE manual vs. automated approaches semantic Web community-driven activities p2p Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

8 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
General issues service oriented approaches maturity of the JISC IE manual vs. automated approaches semantic Web community-driven activities p2p Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

9 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
General issues service oriented approaches maturity of the JISC IE manual vs. automated approaches semantic Web community-driven activities p2p Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

10 Provision layer issues
the ‘R’ word complex objects metasearch vs. full-text indexing simple search interfaces identifiers learning object repository eprint archive repository CMS Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

11 Provision layer issues
the ‘R’ word complex objects metasearch vs. full-text indexing simple search interfaces identifiers eprint (work) eprint (work) PDF (manifestation) PDF (manifestation) PDF manifestation MS-Word (manifestation) MS-Word (manifestation) now: expose separate simple objects (metadata only) future: expose complex objects (metadata and full text) Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

12 Provision layer issues
the ‘R’ word complex objects metasearch vs. full-text indexing simple search interfaces identifiers Do I make my content available for indexing by Google or do I make my metadata available for harvesting using OAI-PMH? Do I support Z39.50 or SRW? What do I do about OpenURLs? Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

13 Provision layer issues
the ‘R’ word complex objects metasearch vs. full-text indexing simple of search interfaces identifiers Z39.50 SRW Google API complexity A9 Opensearch Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

14 Provision layer issues
the ‘R’ word complex objects metasearch vs. full-text indexing simple search interfaces identifiers What did this identifier used to identify? Has this resource already been assigned an identifier? How do I resolve this identifier? Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

15 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
Fusion layer issues union catalogues and Google indexing and data mining hiding a complex provision layer performance measurement Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

16 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
Fusion layer issues union catalogues and Google indexing and data mining hiding a complex provision layer performance measurement Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

17 Fusion layer issues union catalogues and Google
indexing and data mining hiding a complex provision layer performance measurement fusion layer ‘federator’ repository portal heterogeneous - metadata formats, content formats, identifiers, packaging standards homogeneous - metadata Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

18 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
Fusion layer issues union catalogues and Google indexing and data mining hiding a complex provision layer performance measurement Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

19 Presentation layer issues
the ‘P’ word the other ‘P’ word OpenURL ‘link servers’ making work globally making OpenURLs work as URIs Why do I need a portal when I’ve got Firefox, Google and my favourite RSS channel reader installed on my desktop? Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

20 Presentation layer issues
the ‘P’ word the other ‘P’ word OpenURL ‘link servers’ making work globally making OpenURLs work as URIs > JSR 168 WSRP portlets Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

21 Presentation layer issues
the ‘P’ word the other ‘P’ word OpenURL ‘link servers’ making work globally making OpenURLs work as URIs works for member of University of Bath &issn= &date=2005&spage=575&volume=20&issue=2 works for member of UK university &issn= &date=2005&spage=575&volume=20&issue=2 &issn= &date=2005&spage=575&volume=20&issue=2 works for everyone Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

22 Shared services issues
Note: I’m not going to talk about AAA distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

23 Shared services issues
distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

24 Shared services issues
distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

25 Shared services issues
distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

26 Shared services issues
distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

27 Shared services issues
distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

28 Shared services issues
distributed service registries metadata schema registries identifier services terminology services licensing services who’s using what licences? ensuing persistence of licensing agreements? automated metadata-generation tools name authority services Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

29 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
Conclusions the study makes 26 suggestions – too many to consider here – but general need to recognise that… our services are not (and will never be) the sole focus of the end-user’s attention our services fit into broader fabric of the Internet – therefore need to be able to be integrated by others some things are better done by others possible tension between Web-based ‘portal and browser ‘desktop application framework’ approaches need to align eLeaning and ‘digital library’ Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

30 Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting
Questions? Joint JIIE/JCS Meeting

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