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Storwize DST Storwize V3x00 Software Features

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Presentation on theme: "Storwize DST Storwize V3x00 Software Features"— Presentation transcript:

1 Storwize 6.4.1 DST Storwize V3x00 Software Features
Djihed Afifi IBM Confidential until announce

2 Agenda Terminology Features and Limitations Flexible Hardware
Direct Attach Fibre Channel Licensed Machine code Energy Star Call home changes Write same & Package split Out of the box experience Performance

3 Key DS3500 Terminology Differences
Storwize V3500/V3700 DS3500 Control Canister Controller Expansion Canister ESM Control Enclosure Controller Enclosure Expansion Enclosure Expansion Enclosure / ESM Enclosure

4 Feature Comparison & Limitations
IBM Confidential until announce

5 Feature Comparison Feature SVC V7000 V3700 V3500 Remote Copy Yes
Licensed in the future No Space Efficient Disks Flashcopy Limited to 64. Limit lift licensed in the future Limited to 64.  Virtualisation For migrations only (Image mode disks) EasyTier Compression SSDs Expansions N/A 9 per Control Enclosure 4 Clustering Up to 8 Nodes Up to 4 Control Enclosures (8 nodes) 1 Control Enclosure (So no NDVM!)

6 Features & Limitations I
V3500/V3700 canisters and enclosures are not interchangeable. They are two separate products. It is not possible mix canister types in an enclosure. It is not possible to put canisters in the “wrong” enclosure. V3700 expansions will not be accepted by a V3500. However… drives are the same. No clustering is allowed outside of the control enclosure i.e. a maximum of 1 IO group. So Non-Disruptive Vdisk Move is not applicable.

7 Features & Limitations II
Remote copy (Local Mirror, Global Mirror, Global Mirror low bandwidth) will be available in the V3700 in the future with a license. SSDs can be used in the V3700 for Storage. However, EasyTier will only be available as a licensed feature in the future. No Compression or virtualisation, not in roadmap. However, a V3x00 can virtualise mdisks in image mode for migrations only. A Storwize V3x00 can also be virtualised by an SVC, V7000 or Flex V7000. Similar to a V7000 “behind” an SVC.

8 V3x00 SVC/V7000 Interoperability
6.3.0 introduced the concept of storage and virtualisation layers SVC can only be in the virtualisation layer. Storwize V3500, V3700 and V7000 can be in the storage layer: They can be put “behind” another V3500, V3700, V7000 or SVC that is in the virtualisation layer. Storwize V3500, V3700 and V7000 can be in the virtualisation layer: They can “virtualise” another V3500, V3700 or V7000 that is in the storage layer. Remember that the V3500/V3700 will only virtualise image mode disks for migrations. Remote copy interoperability will be available in the future.

9 FlashCopy Limit By default, in V3x00 the FlashCopy limit is 64.
This restriction can be lifted on the V3700 with a license in the future. Global Mirror Low Bandwidth change volume mappings, once licensed, do not count towards this limit. change volumes have flashcopy mappings to the “master” volumes. The limit needs to be explained carefully: It's not 64 mappings or 64 volumes in FC mappings. It's "For each FC graph, count the number of volumes involved that are not GM change volumes and subtract one. Do not permit the sum of those per-graph scores to exceed 64.” Example in the next slide…

10 FlashCopy Limits Example
Both of these flashcopy graphs contribute as 3 towards the limit

11 Flexible Hardware IBM Confidential until announce

12 Flexible Hardware “Flexible Hardware” allows the customer to configure various options in their hardware: Code is written to allow us to offer different CPUs, amount of RAM, Ports (i.e. HICs) etc… In Storwize V3500: Fibre Channel HIC or No HIC. In Storwize V3700: Fibre Channel HIC, 4 port 1Gb HIC or 10Gb HIC (SAS HIC in the future) 4GB or 8GB RAM

13 Flexible Hardware - Configurations
We want to make sure that changed configurations are intended by the user: e.g. is a missing FC HIC a faulty card or did the user remove it? There are two configurations of a node: The current (actual) configuration: the current hardware configuration of the node. The saved configuration: the configured hardware of the node. These can be viewed with “sainfo lshardware” A user may commit the actual configuration to the saved configuration satask chnodehw Commits the actual configuration to the node. Reboots the node and activates any new hardware. After this, the two configurations are the same.

14 Flexible Hardware – Example: RAM Upgrade
A V3700 has an optional 4GB cache (RAM) upgrade. Once fitted, the saved configuration will have 4GB but the node actually has 8GB. The node records the error 841 841: new valid hardware. Counterpart is error 840: invalid hardware detected. The user then either: Runs svctask chnodehw to commit the 8GB of RAM. Runs the GUI directed maintenance procedure (DMP) to commit the new RAM.

15 Mismatched Hardware Hardware Flexibility allows scenarios where the customer runs two canisters with different hardware configurations. We only support having exactly the same configuration in both canisters in a V3x00: Same amount of RAM Same HIC If we detect a hardware mismatch, we log an error, but we let the cluster run.

16 Direct Attach Fibre Channel
IBM Confidential until announce

17 Direct Attach Fibre Channel
Previously, SVC based products only allowed fibre channel hosts to attach via a fabric behind a fibre channel switch. This is acceptable in high end and mid range products. Nevertheless, customers frequently requested the ability to direct attach hosts to a V7000. In 6.3.0, some work was done to partially introduce direct attach fibre channel to attach V7000 Unified file nodes to the Storwize V7000. 6.4.1 extends this to allow direct attach fibre channel for general hosts. Lower the cost of using high speed fibre channel. As well as being available for the V3x00, this is also available on Storwize V7000.

18 Switch Attach Fibre Channel

19 Direct Attach Fibre Channel

20 Direct Attach Fibre Channel
A maximum of 4 redundant fibre channel hosts can be directly attached. Cannot directly attach a V3x00 to a V7000 for a direct attach V3x00 “behind” V7000 configuration. The full interoperability list will be posted to the web upon GA. Expect a fairly extensive interoperability matrix. A notable exception is AIX hosts – support for direct attaching AIX hosts is planned in the future.

21 Licensed Machine Code IBM Confidential until announce

22 Licensed Machine Code V3x00 software is delivered as “Licensed Machine Code” rather than as “Software”. Under IBM rules, this means that users do not have to purchase and install a separate license to use the system. The term “Software” is replaced with “machine code” throughout all CLI help/documentation/output and errors. CLI names that have “software” remain, e.g. applysoftware, but the help will say “applysoftware – Upgrades the system to a new level of machine code” There is no EULA to be accepted as part of EZSetup. The following commands have changed some field headings: sainfo lsservicestatus svcinfo lsnodevpd

23 Energy Star IBM Confidential until announce

24 Energy Star “A joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices” Compliance requires the ability to report various energy usage information to the user: Input power Temperature Total system raw drive capacity Augment existing commands with new information: lssystem: add raw drive capacity. lssystemstats: add power consumption of the whole system, add system temp. Introduce new command for enclosure statistics: lsenclosurestats: add power consumption of the enclosure, add enclosure temp. Allows for an “IOPS per Watt” or “MBs per Watt” insight into the system.

25 Call Home Changes IBM Confidential until announce

26 Call Home Changes Call home setup in V3x00 requires the following fields: Organisation Machine Address Machine City Machine State Machine Zip Code Machine Country Changes to ch and lssystem commands. For other products, these fields will be present but are not mandatory.

27 Write Same & Package Split
IBM Confidential until announce

28 Write Same Package Split
Some client operations are writes of zeroes that cause unnecessary use of available bandwidth. This feature detects buffers full of zeroes and converts them to a write same: send 1 block of zeroes with prescribed length. In only drives are supported. An obvious benefit is much faster array initialisation. Package Split From onwards, the binary install packages will be split: BM2145_INSTALL_ : SVC nodes BM2076_INSTALL_ : Storwize V7000 BM4939_INSTALL_ : Flex V7000 BM2072_INSTALL_ : Storwize V3x00

29 Out of the Box Experience
IBM Confidential until announce

30 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Improvements
The OOB experience of a V3x00 is similar to that of a V7000 with some improvements: Usability improvements to the init tool. New two page quick installation poster. Poster quickly describes how to physically assemble the system and place it into a rack. Installation wizards lower the barrier to entry by walking the user through the first installation tasks: System setup Expansion enclosure detection Call home and notification setup Host creation

31 Out Of the Box Installation Steps – Poster

32 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool I
The init tool is a small utility for initial system setup. Now available on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS and Linux. Supplied in a USB disk that comes with with the system. Similar experience to Storwize V7000 and V7000 Unified Information required for initial setup: Cluster IP address. Gateway Netmask

33 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool II

34 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool III

35 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool IV

36 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool V

37 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool VI

38 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool VII - Success

39 Out Of the Box Installation Steps - Init Tool VIII - Failure

40 OOB Steps - Certificate

41 OOB Steps - Initial Screen

42 OOB Steps – Password change

43 OOB Steps – Upgrade Now Build
The first produced V3500 systems will have an “upgrade now” build Users will not be able to configure or use the system for IO unless they upgrade to the GA build

44 OOB Steps – System setup

45 OOB Steps – Enclosure setup

46 OOB Steps – Host setup

47 Performance IBM Confidential until announce

48 Performance The following are current measurements and may not fully reflect GA level performance.

49 Performance – current measurements
V3700 (Measured) 120611 V3500 (Measured)# 120628 DS3500 Drives 120 x 15K 24 x 15K 96 x 15K Cache Reads (IOPs) 280,000 180,000 140,000 Disk Reads (IOPs) 40,000 7,500 30,000 Disk Writes (IOPs) 9,000 2,500 Disk 70/30 (IOPs) 21,000 7,000 19,000 Cache Reads(MB/s) 3,300 2,000 Disk Reads (MB/s) 1,990 940 1,950 Disk Writes (MB/s) (cache mirrored) 650 300 500

50 Performance – current measurements
V7000 V3700 (Measured) 120611 DS3500 Drives 240 x 15K 120 x 15K 96 x 15K Cache Reads (IOPs) 900,000 280,000 140,000 Disk Reads (IOPs) 110,000 40,000 30,000 Disk Writes (IOPs) 24,000 9,000 7,500 Disk 70/30 (IOPs) 55,000 21,000 19,000 Cache Reads(MB/s) 5,500 3,300 2,500 Disk Reads (MB/s) 4,000 1,990 1,950 Disk Writes (MB/s) (cache mirrored) 2,200 650 500

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