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MDE Data Center Reporting Features

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1 MDE Data Center Reporting Features
Holly Brunson Kat Edwards Maira Rosas-Lee “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”

2 Parts of the Data Center
Minnesota Report Card Data Reports and Analytics Schools and Organizations (MDE-ORG) Secure Reports Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLEDS) SLEDS Secure Reports Maps Schools, Districts and Teachers at a Glance

3 Minnesota Report Card Interactive website Mobile and tablet compatible
Minnesota Report Card Information Guide on the Home page helps explain the reports on the Report Card, where to find additional data, and general release schedule of the reports Link:

4 Minnesota Report Card: Reporting Options
Can look at and compare up to 6 districts/schools at once Statewide data defaults on many reports Allows users to explore data for only certain student groups, grades, tests, etc. A student group must have at least 10 students to have data reported in aggregate If there are fewer than 10 students, CTSTR (count too small to report) appears To change from 4 to 6 views, you can click on the gear at the top to change.

5 Minnesota Report Card: Features
Users can copy the URL for the data they have selected in order to share the same data with others All graphs generated on the webpage can be downloaded and/or printed directly To print the graph with the data table, you can use keyboard commands (CRTL+P on a PC) Many of the graphs are interactive You can make certain pieces of data not visible by clicking on the graph legend

6 Minnesota Report Card: New Student Groups
Homeless indicator information Demographics Test Results Academic Standards SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education)

7 Minnesota Report Card: New Report
ACCESS for ELLs Proficiency Levels reported for each of the composite scores Overall Comprehension Literacy Oral Proficiency Levels also reported for each of the domains Reading Writing Listening Speaking To change between composite scores and domain scores, change the selection in Score Type

8 Data Reports and Analytics
Many Excel files with all schools’ and districts’ information available in one file Some individual district/school reports can be generated in PDFs Link:

9 Data Reports and Analytics: Key Locations
Subscore Report Under Accountability and Assessment Allows users without secure report access to see filtered Test Results Summary information Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) Under District Information Currently only has information about what classes are offered within districts Information about student demographics Under Student Data Can find enrollment counts, open enrollment, attendance, home language, graduation rates, membership days, and school mobility information

10 Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)
How to Access MSS Data MDE Website Data Reports and Analytics Data Request via

11 Minnesota Student Survey
Under Data Reports and Analytics Student Data Minnesota Student Survey Tables ( ) Download Excel and PDF files Static tables Minnesota Student Survey Data Reports 2013 Interactive website Mobile & tablet compatible Link:

12 MSS Data Reports A student group must have at least 25 students to have data reported in aggregate If there are fewer than 25 students, CTSTR (count too small to report) appears Allows users to explore data by: “Categories” & “Reports” Sexuality (9 and 11 grades only) Race Ethnicity Special Education Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRP)

13 2019 MSS will be ONLINE ONLY MSS 2016
MSS administration: January-June 2016 If MSS was completed before March 18th, districts received data back before the end of the school year. Official release of all MSS data: Fall 2016. What’s New: Gender Identity and Expression School Resource Officers Gambling E-Cigarettes/Flavored Tobacco 2016 was the last year for paper administration 2019 MSS will be ONLINE ONLY

14 MDE-ORG Useful for finding a list of particular types of schools
See Tagged Collections Useful for finding school/district contacts Lists of all organizational heads (superintendents, principals, directors) are available To find this, look under Schools and Districts Link:

15 MDE-ORG: How Information is Updated
Ensure your site verification coordinator has updated the information for your district Contact lists are pulled from MDE-ORG If you are not receiving information as you should, it may be because your contact information has not been updated Information about site verification:

16 Secure Reports Requires superintendent authorization for access
Allows for data to be explored without cell size restrictions Link:

17 Secure Reports: Reports of Interest
Four-Year, Five-Year, and Six-Year Graduation Rate Roster Downloads Multiple Measurement System School Improvement Assessment Reports Assessment History Report Proficiency and Growth Tracking

18 Student Assessment History Report
Look up individual student testing history for any student enrolled in the district during the current school year Title I, Title III, GRAD retests, and GRR entries included Not available to school-level users Request for Test Scores form only used for students no longer enrolled The Student Assessment History report allows districts to look up the individual student testing history for any student who has been enrolled in their district during the current school year. The student testing history includes Title I assessment results, Title III assessment results (ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and/or TEAE/MN SOLOM, as applicable), and graduation assessments (GRAD, BST, and any GRR records) that can be matched to the student. The student test history look up is on an individual basis by MARSS number and includes historical test records validated through the Student Identity System. Only district-level users are able to access the Student Assessment History Report because the report looks at district enrollment data in MARSS. Now that this report available, the Request for Test Scores form in Appendix A of the Procedures Manual should only be used for students who are not enrolled (e.g., “super seniors” who have completed all coursework but still need to meet graduation assessment requirements)

19 SLEDS Interactive website Mobile and tablet compatible
Links Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) data with Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) and Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) data Link: 4 new reports are planned. One is for DEED, the other 3 will be higher education related.

20 SLEDS Secure Reports Contains student-level de-identified data from K-12 and postsecondary education Data are linked at the individual student-level from K-12 to postsecondary but no identifying information is included This data is provided to LEAs and postsecondary institutions in the state to answer questions specific to their student populations so that data can be used to drive decision-making and program improvement Link:

21 Maps Many different types of maps available
Some maps are interactive, others are available as PDFs Link:

22 Schools, Districts, and Teachers at a Glance
Quick overview of statewide statistics Be sure to check which year’s data is being reported in each section Is not updated at the same time as other parts of the website Link:

23 ESSA Requirements: Accountability System
The accountability system will include measurements of: Academic achievement Growth (optional) Progress on English language development for ELs Graduation rates New indicator(s) of student success or school quality The details for each of these will be worked out once the U.S. Department of Education issues guidance and regulations

24 ESSA Requirements: Accountability Data
The accountability system must still disaggregate by: Major racial and ethnic groups Economically Disadvantaged status (Free or Reduced Price Lunch) English Learner status Special Education status All accountability measurements except English language development must be disaggregated by each student group at the school level

25 ESSA Requirements: Data Disaggregation
Report cards must disaggregate data by: Major racial and ethnic groups Economically Disadvantaged status (Free or Reduced Price Lunch) English Learner status Special Education status Gender Homeless status [NEW] Foster Care status [NEW] Status as a child of active duty military parent(s)/guardian(s) [NEW]

26 ESSA Requirements: Data Elements
Report cards must provide data on: Student participation and performance on state assessments Each type of measurement used for accountability Identification for improvement under the accountability system Progress toward the state’s long-term goals and measurements of interim progress Teachers’ professional qualifications Per-pupil expenditures

27 ESSA Requirements: Additional Data Elements
Report cards must provide data on school quality, climate, and safety, including: In-school suspensions Out-of-school suspensions Expulsions School-related arrests Referrals to law enforcement Chronic absenteeism (excused and unexcused absences) Incidences of violence, including bullying and harassment

28 ESSA Requirements: More Additional Data Elements
Report cards must provide data on the number and percentage of: Students enrolled in preschool Students enrolled in accelerated coursework

29 New Legislative Requirements: Data Disaggregation
Data must be reported for any racial/ethnic group with at least 1,000 people in Minnesota based on the most recent Census

30 Questions?

31 Contact Information Holly Brunson – Outreach & Training Specialist ESSA Questions Data Center Questions

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