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OR: How I learned to stop worrying and love the database

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1 OR: How I learned to stop worrying and love the database
HMIS and You OR: How I learned to stop worrying and love the database

2 2016 Data Changes Takes effect Oct 1st
Minor upgrade but some moderate appearance changes No “new” questions  Any client exited before Oct 1st will not be affected Any clients active clients as of Oct 1st should have their data mapped over to match the new requirements automatically

3 Actual Changes All Projects PATH Projects RRH RHY & SSVF
Gender-No More “Other” Disabling Condition- Required for All Residence Prior/Living Situation-More in a sec… PATH Projects Income, Non Cash, Health Insurance now required Services Provided/Referrals Picklist wording changes Connection with SOAR RRH “Client in permanent housing?” removed. Now just Move-In date RHY & SSVF Last Grade completed now required (SSVF & RHY) Employment and General health status now required (RHY) Project Entry & Head of Household required (SSVF) HP Screening scored retired (SSVF)

4 Homeless Definitions HUD Chronic Homeless Definition- An individual with a disability who has been homeless on the streets, in shelters, or safe havens continuously for 12 or more months OR has had 4 episodes of homelessness on the streets, in shelters, or safe havens in a 3 year period where those episodes add up to 12 or more months. What constitutes an “Homeless Episode”?-A homeless episode begins on the first night a client is not stably housed and continues until they; A. Spend at least 7 nights in a permanent* housing situation OR B. Spend at least 90 days in an institutional* setting. If an individual meets these living situations, then their episode of homelessness is considered over.

5 Pop Quiz Client stayed at a shelter for 2 weeks, then couch surfed for 2 weeks, now is back at the shelter. How many homeless episodes does this client have? A client has been on the streets since Dec 1st then went to jail on Jan 1st and was released on Feb 28th. They then couch surfed for 2 weeks until he went to a shelter. How many episodes did they have? When did his last episode start? How many total months in the past 3 years have they been homeless? A client tells you they have been on the streets since 2013 when they came out of foster care. You notice their HMIS history contains entries in 2013 & 2014 but there is a gap for all of 2015 until they show up in a shelter in What is your next step? A client is on the streets, stayed with friends for a weekend, then was back out on the streets. How many episodes? A client stayed at a shelter then couch surfed for a weekend. When they next enter your program, what is their residence prior situation? 2 episodes 2 Episodes March 15th 4 months Check HMIS for 2014 destination information or ask further questions 1 Episode F&F

6 Living Situation “If/Then” Logic
Question will start off the same but the next question will be based off the answer you give to the previous question. You are essentially asking the same questions, just in a different order, and then only if you need to. Reduces redundancy Two versions of the question: A) Shelters and Outreach B) Everyone else

7 A) Outreach or Shelter Intake
Type of Residence Prior: Homeless Situation (Literally Homeless) Institutional Situation Transitional and Permanent Housing Situation Client Doesn’t Know, Client Refused, Data Not Collected Length of Stay in Prior Living Situation Approximate Date Homelessness Started (Date Field) Number of Times Homeless on streets, in ES, or SH in the past 3 years, including today Total Number of Months homeless on streets, in ES or SH in the past 3 years

8 B) Everyone Else Type of Residence:
Homeless Situation (Literally Homeless) Institutional Situation Transitional and Permanent Housing Situation Client Doesn’t Know, Client Refused, Data Not Collected If Type of Residence = Homeless Situation then… Approximate Date Homelessness Started (Date Field) Number of Times Homeless on streets, in ES, or SH in the past 3 years, including today Total Number of Months homeless on streets, in ES or SH in the past 3 years

9 B) Continued If Type of Residence = Institutional Situation then…
Did Client stay less than 90 days? Yes or No If No, no other responses needed If Yes, then… On the night before did client stay on the streets, in ES or SH? Approximate Date Homelessness Started (Date Field) Number of Times Homeless on streets, in ES, or SH in the past 3 years, including today

10 B) Continued If Type of Residence = TH or PH…
Did Client stay less than 7 nights? Yes or No If No, no other responses needed If Yes, then… Length of time in the prior living situation

11 Servicepoint 6 Fun Features
Copied Google Docs template for visuals Forgot Password feature Chat within Servicepoint with other CM’s Set your own “theme” Mobile adaptation Tours and workflows to help guide you through new features and the steps you should take during data entry New reporting tool with faster data refresh rates, integrated analysis, and better visuals.

12 Coordinated Entry CoC voted on replacing the “Coordinated Entry For Singles Without Children” Assessment with the VISDPAT Keeps consistent with best practices Working on “cleaning” the assessments so the CE process can be more streamlined Expect to be ready in early October-We’ll send out an announcement

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