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Laura Huiberts Human-Technology Interaction, IE&IS

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1 Laura Huiberts Human-Technology Interaction, IE&IS
Licht en het brein Waar psychologie, biologie en technologie samenkomen. Laura Huiberts Human-Technology Interaction, IE&IS I am humbled by the excellent speakers that went before and will present after me today, and very proud and happy to present our work to you. We have just learned a lot about time and timing in the human body. I would like to talk about light.

2 Evolutie van licht Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

3 Licht: verschillende functies
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

4 Licht in de avond en nacht
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

5 Twee paden van licht in het brein
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Het niet visuele systeem Het visuele systeem

6 Niet-visuele paden van licht
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

7 Entrainment van de biologische klok
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Pijnappelklier -> melatonine

8 Toepassing in de gezondheidszorg
Dementie: slechter en minder slapen Tijdsbesef en onderscheid dag en nacht neemt af Positive invloed op slaapkwaliteit en cognitieve prestatie door goed getimede lichtblootstelling overdag en ‘s nachts. Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

9 Niet-visuele paden van licht
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

10 Acute activering van het brein door licht
Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., & Dijk, D-J. (2009). Light as a modulator of cognitive brain function. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. - Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex - Intraparietal sulcus - Insula - Anterior cingulate cortex SCN Thalamus Locus coeruleus

11 In het lab: vitaliteit, alertheid, cognitie
Blootstelling aan hogere lichtintensiteit kan zorgen voor toename in alertheid, vitaliteit en cognitieve prestaties (e.g. Rüger et al., 2006; Phipps-Nelson et al., 2003; Cajochen et al., 2000) Maar; veel studies worden gedaan onder niet-natuurlijke omstandigheden en/of ‘s nachts (constante houding, slaapdeprivatie, geen of weinig licht voor de blootstelling) Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

12 In het lab: vitaliteit, alertheid, cognitie
Ook onder meer natuurlijke omstandigheden? Slaperigheid Vitaliteit Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Measurement Block Measurement Block 200 lux 1000 lux 200 lux 1000 lux Baseline Baseline

13 In het lab: vitaliteit, alertheid, cognitie
Ook onder meer natuurlijke omstandigheden? 200 lux lux Baseline Reactiesnelheid, ms. Ochtend Middag Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

14 Seizoensafhankelijkheid?
Lichtdeprivatie in de winter > winterdepressie Zijn positieve effecten van relatief fel licht groter in de winter t.o.v. het voorjaar/zomer? Voorjaar Winter Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Huiberts, L. M., Smolders, K. C., & de Kort, Y. A. (2017). Seasonal and time-of-day variations in acute non-image forming effects of illuminance level on performance, physiology and subjective well-being. Chronobiology International, Under review.

15 Ook buiten het lab? Gebruik van Daysimeter en Experience Sampling Protocol Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Smolders, K. C. H. J., De Kort, Y. A. W., & Van den Berg, S. M. (2013). Daytime light exposure and feelings of vitality: Results of a field study during regular weekdays. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36,

16 Ook buiten het lab? Natuurlijke lichtblootstelling overdag:
Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Smolders, K. C. H. J., De Kort, Y. A. W., & Van den Berg, S. M. (2013). Daytime light exposure and feelings of vitality: Results of a field study during regular weekdays. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36,

17 Ook buiten het lab? Natuurlijke lichtblootstelling en gevoel van energie: Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies. Smolders, K. C. H. J., De Kort, Y. A. W., & Van den Berg, S. M. (2013). Daytime light exposure and feelings of vitality: Results of a field study during regular weekdays. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36,

18 Ook buiten het lab? Significante positieve relatie tussen lichtblootstelling per uur en gevoel van energie / vitaliteit. Relatie is het sterkst in de ochtend en als men lage vitaliteit ervaarden gedurende het vorige uur. Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

19 Ontwikkeling van intelligente lichtapplicaties
Lichtapplicaties die onze alertheid en cognitieve prestaties overdag maximaliseren maar ook rekening houden met energieverbruik! Lichtinstellingen die persoonlijk in te stellen en dynamisch zijn, bijvoorbeeld naar werkschema, verwachtingen en voorkeuren, en tijd van de dag en seizoen. Light is the most important Zeitgeber Non-photic zeitgebers include temperature, social interactions, pharmacological manipulation, exercise, and eating/drinking patterns. Every time you receive light in the morning, your internal clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle. If we give light in the very early morning, late evening or during the night, we may be phase shifting the clock to an earlier or later time. So by giving bright light then, you can reset people’s internal time In the presentation by Anna Wirz Justice, we will learn a lot about the effects of Forced desychnrony and continuous routine studies.

20 Bedankt! Laura Huiberts Yvonne de Kort Karin Smolders Intelligent Lighting Institute Philips

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