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2. Identifying different types of nouns

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1 2. Identifying different types of nouns

2 Person Nouns Place Nouns Thing Nouns Teacher Doctor Mother Father Sister Brother Student Classmate Coworker School Ball field Stadium Amphitheater Classroom Chick-fil-a Restaurant Amusement park beach Mouse Computer Speaker Car Mat Football Marker Pencil Eraser Turn and talk to your neighbor about what you notice about the words in columns.

3 Look at the following nouns into the category in which it belongs.
Person Nouns Place Nouns Thing Nouns Gavin house park dentist Rollercoaster mansion camera Mrs. Bright monkey picture Explorers globe

4 I can identify the different types of nouns.
Fill out the chart with examples of each kind of noun. Person Place Thing



7 Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Concrete Nouns Nouns that you can use your five senses to detect Abstract Nouns Can’t use your five senses Ideas concepts


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