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Electronic Poster.

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1 Electronic Poster

2 What is an E-poster The E-poster is a PPT presentation accessible on a computer station during the congress. The computer stands will be located in the exhibition area. The E-poster system provides a user friendly browsing engine available to all MUSoc2017 attendees. The E-poster system allows you to search presentations by: Author names and Abstract Titles. The E-poster system allows you to save interesting presentation once onsite either on your USB flash drive or you can send it by .

3 How to prepare an E-poster?
Format: All E-posters must be prepared as a power point 2013 or newer, converted into PDF and sent to the MUSoc2017 secretariat. No. of Slides: Each E-poster presentation may include up to 6 PowerPoint slides. Images: You are welcome to include images and tables, however videos, animations and transitions should not be inserted into the E-poster. Title: The first page must include: Abstract title, Abstract authors (First name, Last name, Affiliation and Country). The details should be exactly the same as the submitted Abstract. Contact Details: Please include one author’s address within the presentation final slide. Resolution:1080*1920,16:9 ratio (Vertical page layout)

4 General Terms Deadline: All presentations must be forwarded to the conference secretariat no later than September 10, 2017 using these address: (in PDF format only). The file should be saved by Last name and First name, for example: Gail Tito will be saved as: Tito Gail Presentations sent after the deadline will not be included in the E-poster system. Abstract Publishing: The Abstract, as submitted before, will be published on the MUSoc2017 conference materials. .

5 Further Information Should you require any further information, please contact us at: Congress Secretariat: Shirly Lester Project Manager MUSoc2017 Paragon Group 15 Aba Even St. Herzelya | Israel Tel: +41 (0) Fax: +41 (0)   Website:

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