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“The British Government”

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1 “The British Government”
Управление образованием администрации Муниципального образования «Тахтамукайский район» Презентация “The British Government” Автор: учитель английского языка сош№10 а.Козет Тахтамукайского района Республики Адыгея Ягумова Бэлла Рашидовна


3 The British Government
The legislative branch is in the hands of the Queen and the Parliament (which is the House of Commons and the House of Lords). The executive branch is represented by the Government – the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister. The legislative and executive branches are combined by the Queen. In fact, the Parliament is controlled by the executive branch, as all the bills pass to the Parliament by the decision of the majority party. Judicial system is represented by courts. So there is practically no separation of powers.

4 The British Prime Minister and the Cabinet
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the Head of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. At the end of the election the Queen appoints the Prime Minister (PM). Normally the leader of the party who wins the election becomes the PM. The PM chooses about 20 Members of Parliament from his or her party to become the Cabinet of Ministers (or simply the Cabinet), they are called the Secretaries of State. The Ministers are almost always the members of the Commons, also a few are Lords. The current Prime Minister, David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, was appointed on 11 May 2010.

5 Queen formally opens the Parliament

6 Brown vs. Cameron during Queen's Speech debate
State Opening of Parliament. Closing remarks of Prime Minister Gordon Brown during the 2007 Queen's Speech debate with Leader of the Opposition David Cameron in a scene similar to PMQs (Prime Minister's Questions).

7 The British Parliament
The British Parliament consists of two Houses (or Chambers): the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

8 The House of Commons The House of Commons, the lower Chamber of the Parliament, is the real governing body of the UK. It has greater power than the second, upper parliamentary Chamber, the House of Lords. Their main function is to make laws by passing Acts of Parliament. The House of Commons is made up of 630 Members of Parliament who are called MP’s for short. Each member of Parliament represents a county or a borough of the UK. MP’s are elected by voters for a period of five years. The election is held in the form of the voting by secret ballot.

9 UK Parliament tour - House of Commons Chamber
The House of Commons Chamber is where Members of Parliament meet to discuss legislation, to hold the Government to account and debate issues that concern them or their constituents.

10 The House of Lords The main function of the upper Chamber, the House of Lords, is to examine and revise bills from the Commons. But the Lords cannot reject a bill. They can only delay it for a maximum of one year. The members of the House of Lords are not elected. The House of Lords is the only non-elected chamber of Parliament in the world. It consists of Lords Temporal and Lords Spiritual and includes more than 1,000 members. Lords Temporal are 830 Lords by the right of inheritance (hereditary peers), 270 members are given life peerage (life peers). Lords Spiritual are 26 members of the House of Lords and they are spiritual peers (bishops and archbishops). The Lord Chancellor is the Chairman of the House of Lords.

11 UK Parliament tour - House of Lords Chamber
The House of Lords is an integral part of the UK Parliament. Bringing years of knowledge from many walks of life, Members of the Lords play a vital role making laws and keeping an eye on Government.

12 Political Parties The system of political parties in the UK appeared in the 17th century. At first, there were two parties – Tory (the party that supported the King) and Whigs (who supported the Parliament). Now the main British political parties are: - the Conservative Party - the Labour Party - the Party of Liberal Democrats. The proportional representation system in the UK means that all political parties, small and large, are represented in the government according to the proportion of votes they receive.

13 Now let’s do some tasks.

14 Find the best translations for the words and expressions.
the House — а)дворец б)палата в) дом the House of Lords — а) дом лордов б) палата лордов в) палата аристократов a Member of Parliament — а) гражданин парламента б) член парламента в) член совета hereditary peers — а) наследственные пэры б) наследственные аристократы в) наследственные члены парламента life peers — а) пэры на время б) пожизненные пэры в) живые аристократы a bill - а)законопроект б)счет в) документ

15 general election — а) общий конкурс б) общественное голосование в) общие выборы the House of Commons — а) палата простых б) палата обычных в) палата общин competent — а) компетентный б) надлежащий в) правомочный

16 Fill in the gaps with the words
1. In the UK there is no president, the Queen is ... of the .... 2. There are two Houses in the Parliament: ... and .... 3. People who sit in the ... Commons are called .... 4. People who sit in the ... Lords are called .... 5. British people ... for MPs at a general .... 6. The party which wins a general ... forms the ... and their leader becomes the .... 7. After the Queen approves the bill, it becomes ....

17 Mark these sentences true or false.
1. Members of the House of Commons never make important decisions. 2. There is a general election when the Queen decides. 3. If there was a general election in 2004, the next general election should be in 2009 or earlier. 4. Life peers get into the House of Lords because their parents were rich 5. Every member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons is called an MP. 6. If the House of Commons wants to do something, the House of Lords can't stop them. 7. If the Queen disagrees with a bill, she still has to approve it. 8. Most members of the House of Lords are very clever and competent. 9. Members of Parliament represent everyone in the country. Members of the House of Lords form the British government. The Queen chooses the Prime Minister. The United Kingdom is a monarchy.

18 Answer the questions. 1. Who is the head of state in the UK?
2. Who is the head of the government in the UK? 3. What is the building where the British Parliament sits called? 4. How many Houses does it consist of? 5. Which House represents the people of Britain? 6. How often do British people vote for MPs? 7. What are the members of the House of Commons called?

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