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3 On the agenda : the main law of the RF, the USA, the UK;
the political system of each country; III. the information about the Head of Russia, the USA, the UK and his / her residence; IV. the most interesting facts connected with the states; V. the project “An Ideal State, as I Understand It”.

4 “The Political System of the RF, the USA and the UK”

5 law /lɔː/ constitution /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən/ national /ˈnæʃənəl/ rights /raɪts/ amendment /əˈmɛndmənt/ presidential republic/ˌprezɪˈdenʃəl//rɪˈpʌblɪk/ power /ˈpaʊə/

6 8. legislative branch /ˈlɛdʒɪslətɪv/ /brɑːntʃ/ 9
8. legislative branch /ˈlɛdʒɪslətɪv/ /brɑːntʃ/ 9. executive branch /ɪɡˈzɛkjʊtɪv/ 10. judicial branch /dʒuːˈdɪʃəl/ 11. government /ˈɡʌvənmənt/ 12. prime-minister [praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə/ 13. Supreme Court [sjuːˈpriːm kɔːt/ 14. to determine [dɪˈtɜːmɪn] 15. representative [reprɪˈzentətɪv]

7 I. The Main Law of the Country

8 II. The Political System of Russia, the USA, the UK

9 III. The Head of the Country and his/her Residence

10 The Russian Federation
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 7 October 1952) The Residence: the Kremlin

11 The USA Barack Hussein Obama II (/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) The Residence: the White House

12 The UK Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) The Residence: Buckingham Palace (/ˈbʌkɪŋəm/ /ˈpælɪs/)

13 IV. the RF The USA The UK

14 “An Ideal State, as I Understand It”
V. “An Ideal State, as I Understand It”

15 The President + the Presidential Council
The Political System The Head of the state The branches of power and their functions Bill of Rights republic The President: V. Putin The President + the Presidential Council legislative: executive: judicial: The Supreme The Supreme The Supreme Council Government Court People shall never be jobless. Everyone should obey the law, even the President. No human being should be a slave. Nobody has the right to be a master. People shall have the right to free medical service and free education.

16 1. Our ideal state has a democratic political system
1. Our ideal state has a democratic political system. It is more effective than others. 2. We don’t offer a certain ruler. We can just say that he or she should be ambitious, risky, hard-working and wise. 3. The President is the Head of the state and the Head of the government. The Parliament represents the legislative branch of power. It adopts laws, forms and supervises the executive power. The supreme Court represents the judicial branch of power. The judges are appointed by the President. 4. The Bill of Rights consists of 4 main points: All are equal under the law. All people are free. All people have the right to life. Interests of all people should be protected.

17 Ideal State Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.
Political System: Monarchy Parliament represents the legislative branch of power. The King signs the Bill. The Government represents the executive branch of power And it can challenge the King’s will!

18 One of the houses of Parliament is the Duma
The Russian Federation The USA The United Kingdom One of the houses of Parliament is the Duma It is a presidential republic The Head of the country has no power It is a semi-presidential republic The residence of the president is the White house The main law is the “uncodified” constitution The Constitution consists of 137 articles The name of the Parliament is Congress It is a parliamentary monarchy The Head of the country collects stamps The Constitution came into force in 1789 The residence of the president is Buckingham Palace

19 Home task! You are going to be the leader of your imaginary state. Think over the election campaign (your program of action; your promises to voters). Be ready to present the information in Russian and in English! – Вы планируете стать лидером воображаемой страны. Продумайте свою предвыборную кампанию (Вашу программу действий; что Вы планируете пообещать избирателям). Будьте готовы представить информацию на русском и английском языке. Электронные ресурсы: 16



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