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Year 4 Curriculum Evening

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1 Year 4 Curriculum Evening
Learning happens when you make mistakes.

2 The Year Four Team Dr. Oakley – Year Group Leader 4O
Miss Colman – Class teacher 4C Mrs Niculau – Class teacher 4N Mrs Musk & Mrs Guttridge – Class Teachers 4A

3 The Curriculum Texts: Foundation subjects: Maths: Theme: English:
Poetry Play scripts Non-chronological reports Instructions Fables Adventure stories Persuasion Texts: Bill’s New Frock – Anne Fine Roman myths and legends Aesop’s Fables The Firework Maker’s Daughter – Philip Pullman The Marble Crusher – Michael Morpurgo The Iron Man – Ted Hughes Maths: Place value of numbers Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions Geometry Statistics Measures Theme: The Romans Food and Farming around the World Crime and Punishment The power of the monarchy Britain from the air Foundation subjects: RE – Sikhism Music French PE Sport

4 Home Learning Daily: Reading and Reading Eggs;
Spellings and Spelladrome; Times tables; Weekly: Mathletics; Half Termly: POWer Projects; Class teachers will be checking that these are being completed.

5 Trips and Assemblies 28th September Kew Gardens
10th November 4O Assembly 9:00 am 13th January 4N Assembly 9.00 am 22nd March 4O/4A Windsor Castle 23rd March 4C/4N Windsor Castle 24th March 4C Assembly 9.00 am 11th May 4A Assembly 9:00 am 17th May CSI Day

6 Swimming Information – Highgrove’s Rules
Please remind your child to bring in their swimming costume or trunks, a towel and a swimming hat. Coats need to be worn on swimming days, as it can become quite cold for the children when they leave the pool. Please note that boys must have trunks that are no longer than mid-thigh length. Bermuda shorts are not allowed and they will be unable to swim if these shorts are worn. Children will not be permitted to wear goggles until they have passed the National Curriculum. This is because the test up to and including the National Curriculum have to be achieved without the use of goggles. A letter would be needed for any medical conditions that would require a child to wear goggles. Jewellery must not been worn in the swimming pool. It is recommended that earrings are not worn on swimming days so that they will not be lost or broken. If earrings can’t be taken out a headband is needed to be worn underneath the swimming hat. Any religious bracelets must be taken off during the swimming session or covered with waterproof tape, sweatband or bandage.

7 Swimming Dates Group 4 4A May 16th, 23rd June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
Group 1 4O September 13th, 20th, 27th October 4th, 11th, 18th November 1st, 8th, 15th Group 2 4C November 22nd, 29th December 6th , 13th January 10th, 17th, 24th , 31st February 7th Group 3 4N February 21st, 28th March 7th, 21st, 28th April 18th, 25th May 2nd, 9th Group 4 4A May 16th, 23rd June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th July 4th, 11th, 18th

8 Website Information about the learning within your child’s class;
Spellings and POWer Projects are uploaded; Key information about topics and skills being taught.

9 Uniform

10 Learning happens when you make mistakes.
Expectations All children to be supported at home; Children to challenge themselves and always work to the best of their ability – chilli challenge; To be organised; To reflect on their learning with the use of ‘Assessment Cups’; Set a good example for year 3 and act as positive role models; Take risks, give concepts a go and make mistakes; Maintain positive behaviour. Learning happens when you make mistakes.

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