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Key Issues in Incident Reporting with PowerSchool

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Presentation on theme: "Key Issues in Incident Reporting with PowerSchool"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Issues in Incident Reporting with PowerSchool
Ken Gattis

2 Overview of this Session
Upcoming Incident Reporting Webinars Big Picture of Incident Reporting Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool Your Questions

3 Upcoming Webinars on Reporting Incidents in PowerSchool
Friday, Sept. 5, 1:00 – 3:30 pm Friday, Sept. 19, 9:00 – 11:30 am Monday, Nov. 17, 1:00 – 3:30 pm

4 Big Picture of Incident Reporting
Data required by state statute: State reports with data on suspensions, alternative program placements & school crimes School Report Cards with data on suspensions & school crimes A record of any impermissible use of seclusion & restraints by school staff

5 Big Picture of Incident Reporting
Data required by federal law and SBE policy Transfers offered to and accepted by victims of violent crimes Report of any schools named Persistently Dangerous because of high rates of violent crimes

6 Big Picture of Incident Reporting
Data required by federal regulations (USDOE) Possession/Use of drugs, alcohol, weapons, and tobacco at school Firearm incidents Violent acts at school Victims of harassment due to perception of victim as a member of a certain group Removals from regular classroom—Students with Disabilities compared to students without disabilities Reports to law enforcement School-based arrests

7 Big Picture of Incident Reporting
Data Needed for Management of Schools Incident histories of individual students Where incidents are happening When incidents are happening Who is reporting incidents What kinds of disciplinary actions have been utilized Whether a particular management decision affected the occurrence of particular behaviors or actions

8 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool
Entering Incidents Running Reports - State Reports - sqIReports

9 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool – Entering Incidents
Detailed information available in document “Entering Incidents” at: Also additional information in Discipline Data Reporting Procedures on pages 10-12: Upcoming webinars will focus on the mechanics of entering incidents.

10 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool – Entering Incidents
Reporting an Incident Correctly: Important to select the appropriate behavior(s) for each student involved. Data entry personnel should not be allowed to select behaviors with prefixes RO or PD without explicit direction of principal. School administrators should consult crime definitions, School Resource Officers, and/or central office staff before designating a behavior as a crime. See crime definitions at:

11 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool – State Reports
In PowerSchool, you must run the Discipline Report in order to make the incidents you have entered accessible to the state. Click Run, then Review, then click Clear Cache at bottom right of report, then Run again. Discipline Data Views: Reportable Crimes (Detail and Summary) Reportable Actions (Detail and Summary) Impermissible Uses of Seclusion and Restraint (Detail and Summary) Transfers Offered to Violent Crime Victims (Detail and Summary) Violent Crime Summary Incident Detail

12 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool – Entering Incidents
Generally, multiple offenders, behaviors, actions, and victims may be included in a single incident. Exception – Create a separate incident for each victim in the following situations: The behavior is a violent crime (has a PD prefix). The behavior is harassment of a targeted group: Sexual harassment, Harassment-Race, Harassment-Disability, Harassment-Sexual Orientation, or Harassment-Religious Affiliation.  You do not need to create separate incidents when there are multiple victims of Bullying, Cyberbullying, or Verbal Harassment.

13 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool – State Reports
All reports can be downloaded into Excel, which can then be sorted and filtered to customize the data. Reportable Crimes and Reportable Actions summary reports will eventually replace the verification process used to verify the counts of suspensions and crimes for state reports and the School Report Card. Incident Detail is the most comprehensive report. - provides all incident data to the state for both state and federal reporting - makes all incident data available to schools and LEAs

14 Incident Detail Report
School# School Name Incident Date Incident Number Offender Type Offender Type Code Offender ID Offender Name Offender Gender Offender Race/Ethnicity Offender Race/Ethnicity Code Offender Grade Level 90368 West Bladen High 9/20/2013 901020 STUDENT 1 Jones, Jennie F White W 10 9/13/2013 901021 Smith, Johnny M Black or African American B Offender Brithdate Offender Age on Incident Date Offender EC Offender EC Code Offender Section 504 Status Offender LEP Status Behavior 1 Behavior Code 1 Behavior State Code 1 Behavior 2 Behavior Code 2 8/1/1996 17 N 031-UB: Dress code violation 31 2/16/1998 15 006-RO:Possession of marijuana 6 9 Action 1 Action Code 1 003 OSS 3 ISS enALP STS LTS LTS365 LTS Rem Year EXP ISS Days OSS Days 1 2 9

15 Keys to Incident Reporting with PowerSchool — sqIReports
- Similar to Reporting Hub in NC WISE - Under State Reports, but on a separate “tab” - click NCDPI Reports, then sqIReports 4, then select Incidents - Currently there are only three reports: - Incident Report by School - Individual Student Incident Report - Student Incident Action

16 Questions??? Ken Gattis Safe & Healthy Schools Support Division (919)

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