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Fossil Hill Middle School

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1 Fossil Hill Middle School
Welcome to the Fossil Hill Middle School Wildcat Showcase

2 6pm-7:30pm Showcase in Cafeteria
Tonight's Agenda: 6pm-7:30pm Showcase in Cafeteria 7:30pm-8pm Review of 6th to 7th grade Registration and Q&A with Counselors

3 Fossil Hill Middle School Administration
Jennifer Gonzales-Principal Lela Barksdale- Asst. Prin. A-F Virginia Campbell- Asst. Prin. G-O Mose Brown. Asst. Prin. P-Z Mrs. Clanton/Meitz-Counselor A-F Mr. Paul Higgins-Counselor G-O Mrs. Cynthia Kearney-Counselor P-Z Janet Thornton-Academic Associate __TBA____-Diagnostician-Special Ed. Services

4 Middle school is a great opportunity to meet new people and begin to explore who you are and what you want to do with the rest of your life. It can also be a difficult time, as there are a lot of things that are changing in your life. You are meeting new people; there are more choices and decisions to make. Instead of being in one or two classrooms with one teacher all day, you now have 6 or more teachers. You no longer stay in one classroom; you have to switch for each subject. Teachers will expect more of you, and your parents will too. You will be faced with more responsibilities.

5 Adjectives of a Middle School Student
“Young, Vibrant, Indecisive, Inquisitive, Spunky, Sensitive, Challenging and Emotional” “Unique, Unpredictable, Adorable, Keen, Creative, Special and Outspoken” “Tenacious, Dramatic, Playful, Witty, Exceptional, Temperamental, Gregarious, and Heart-Warming” The Voice of the School Counselor, November/December 2006

6 It takes a village….. As a team we will celebrate each achievement, empathize with all the defeats while still holding them accountable for their actions. Middle school is the time to equip our students with the tools they need to be successful young adults in an ever-changing world. Seeing through the lens of the parent in varying situations is imperative to building a strong and open partnership  Schools value their role in providing students with the opportunity to build new friendships with peers and new relationships with teachers between home and school. The beginning of every school year brings optimism. We have hopes and dreams for our children, and we enter into the school year with the belief in a child's capacity to grow, prosper and excel. We start with the The Voice of the School Counselor, November/December 2006

7 Proud to be a FHMS Wildcat
Athletics Art Band Spanish Choir PALS Theatre Clubs Cheer

8 What to expect in middle school……
CHANGE….Physically, Socially, Emotional CHALLENGES….School becomes different (meet with multiple teachers a day, homework, research projects, more expected from student) Clubs, Activities, After School Events Lockers UIL…..No Pass, No Play-Boys & Girls Athletics, Cheerleading, Band, Choir Failure Intervention-What to do? Build Healthy Habits

9 2017 Registration Process Wildcat Showcase 1/23 6pm-8pm
Q&A with counselors 1/23 7:30pm-8pm 6th to 7th grade registration CTI February 21st-24th 7th to 8th grade registration FHMS February 13th-17th Selection Class Names Due February 3rd After Spring Break Athletic Packets will be available online and need to be completed by June 2nd. Early April, Registration Verification Forms will be handed out. Any changes must be submitted in writing by May 28th to FHMS.




13 6th to 7th Grade REG. Info

14 Selecting 7th grade Classes…What’s required
We have an 9 period day. We schedule for 7 classes because all students get a CAT class (CAT=Advisory class) and Lunch period. 2 Periods English Language Arts (Reading and Writing) On level, PAP, GT 1 Period of Math On level, PAP 1 Period of Science On level, PAP, GT 1 Period of Social Studies On level, PAP, GT 1 Full Year Elective (Band, Choir, AVID, PALS, Art 1, Theatre 1, Partner Art) And/Or 1 Period of Athletics, Competitive Tennis, Non-Completive Tennis or PE 2 Semester (half year) classes (Speech, Creative Writing, Conversational Spanish, Exploring Careers, Energy Environment & Flight HS Credit, Touch System Data Entry, Intro to AV/P online HS Credit) **Math-Quest and/or Reading -Styles Intervention class will be added to the students schedule if they do not meet the passing standard on the corresponding STAAR Exam.**


16 7th to 8th Grade Reg. Info

17 Selecting 8th grade Classes…What’s required
We have an 8 period day. We schedule for 7 classes because all students get a CAT class (Advisory) 1 Period English Language Arts (On level, PAP, GT) 1 Period of Math (On level, PAP) 1 Period of Science On level, PAP, GT 1 Period of Social Studies On level, PAP, GT 3 Periods of electives: See list below FULL YEAR ELECTIVES: Athletics, Competitive Tennis, Non-Completive Tennis or PE Band, Choir, AVID, PALS, Yearbook, Theatre Production, Art 1, Art 2, Pre Ap Spanish*, Online Courses* HALF YEAR ELECTIVES: GTT-Design Modeling Automation*, GTT-Applied Science & Technology*, GTT-Architecture & Biomedical Sciences*, Exploring Careers, Speech, Creative Writing, Conversational Spanish, Aide positions, Mythology, online courses*) * High School Credit Classes **Math-Quest and/or Reading -Styles Intervention class will be added to the students schedule if they do not meet the passing standard on the corresponding STAAR Exam.**



20 Very IMPORTANT If you want to be part of a selection/application based class YOU MUST COMPLETE the application by January 31st. AVID-Amber Womble (7 & 8) PALS-Jeff Boswell (7 & 8) Band-Darlene Janeski (7 & 8) Choir-Ruben Castenuela (7 & 8) Partner Art-Rhonda Hanlon (7 & 8) Partner PE-Kristy Seale (7 & 8) Girls Athletics-Ginger Williams (7 & 8) Boys Athletics-Shawn Morse (7 & 8) Online Classes-Sandi Leichliter (7 & 8) Theatre Pro-Anna Morrison (8 only) Journalism-Kendra Anderson (8 only)

21 Course Guide Online Choose Students and Families
Choose Need to Know on the drop down menu Look for Course Guide on the next page

22 Course Guide Online Choose Students and Families
Choose Need to Know on the drop down menu Look for Counseling on the next page

23 Course Guide Online Choose Students and Families
Choose Need to Know on the drop down menu Look for Counseling on the next page Select Middle School Course Guide on the Counseling page

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