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Demonstration of the Tsunami Model (2015)

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstration of the Tsunami Model (2015)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstration of the Tsunami Model (2015)
Miyako Technical High School

2 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to We are Last year our school celebrated
and also it was              of the founding                     tsunami model team. We have been receiving        from our seniors             its history.

3 Well, let us introduce ourselves in turn. I’m [ 名前 ]
Well, let us introduce ourselves in turn. I’m [  名前   ]. I’m a [first/second/third]-year student of [ 科の名前: Electronical and Electronic / Facility and Architecture / Machinery ] Course. This is my [ 回数  ] th time demonstration. I’m [nervous/very happy/excited/honored]. I will do my best. Now, we are going to of our tsunami model.

4 First, this model. This is a
First, this model. This is a The sizes of this model are as follows;  the length is , the width is the same, and the weight is The scale is one-2,500. This means 40 centimeters here is actually one kilometer. This red line is the point which in March 11th, 2011.

5 Second, I’ll tell you of Miyako on this model.

6 1. (This is )

7 2. Route 45 leads to or Sendai City

8 3. Route 106 leads to

9 4. This blue line shows. 5. The yellow line shows. 6
4. This blue line shows The yellow line shows This is the JR Yamada Line.   The bridge over River Hei was the tsunami The line from Miyako Station is now.

10 7. (This is ) 8.

11 9. Tohoku Electric Power Company and an NTT office 10
9. Tohoku Electric Power Company and an NTT office 10. The Fishermen’s Cooperative

12 11. Fishermen’s 12. Miyako 13. Kuwagasaki 14. Old Atago 15. Fujiwara 16. Fujiwara

13 When the big earthquake , there were more than 100,000 (one hundred-thousand) imported from overseas at Those timbers were all , and even more houses.

14 Now, we will create by this model
Now, we will create by this model. Before watching the tsunami demonstration, imagine , and guess where and where to The tsunami will be the same size as the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

15 What do you think of the demonstration
What do you think of the demonstration? You imagined where to Was it the right place ? We should run to around us possible. The higher, the better.

16 Four years ago, the tsunami surged over the         And it reached Some seawalls were destroyed by As you see, seawalls are just for         to Be careful: the waves of tsunami may change                             or grow , depending on or other conditions.

17 At the end of our demonstration, we would like to                   We cannot a natural phenomenon. We never when it happens. All        and have to do is        more aware of disaster prevention.

18 We hope this demonstration to think of disaster prevention
We hope this demonstration to think of disaster prevention. We would appreciate it  this tsunami demonstration to your family or friends and expand Thank you very much for

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