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Smart Cities & DigiGov - on the Road to Reality

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Cities & DigiGov - on the Road to Reality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Cities & DigiGov - on the Road to Reality
Jury Konga, Open North Associate – Open & Smart Cities May 3, 2017 2017

2 Do you work in a Smart City?
Smart City - DigiGov

3 Smart is … Data Driven Smart City - DigiGov

4 Smart is Data Driven Without data – there is no map, no analytics, no visualizations, no Smart Personal, Open, Big, All - most already digital Data volumes growing exponentially Opportunities for innovation & discovery grow as data grows Not to scale Smart City - DigiGov

5 Smart is … Standards Based Smart City - DigiGov

6 Smart is Standards Based
Smart Cities rely on many different types of standards to work! Standards can be open (open license, transparent standards process, consensus-based)  or closed (proprietary, restrictive license, costly, inaccessible standards process) Governing actors of Smart City standards include: ISO, ITU, JTC1, IEC, OASIS, etc. Smart Cities implement standards to: Ensure a common understanding of terms Benchmark and compare performance Interoperate information across discrete systems Avoid vendor lock-in/foster competition Source: Rachel Bloom Smart Cities Lead, OpenNorth Figure’s source: International Telecommunications Union Focus Group – Smart and Sustainable Cities Smart City - DigiGov

7 Smart is … Sensor fed Smart City - DigiGov

8 Smart is Sensor fed Machine & People Sensors for Air pollution
Fire detection Water quality Smart parking Traffic congestion Waste management Golf course conditions Smart City - DigiGov

9 Smart is … Location Based Smart City - DigiGov

10 Smart is Location Based
“In 2020, computers evolve into connected systems that sense, monitor, and control human and physical environments.” Source: Deloitte Smart City - DigiGov

11 Smart is … Analytics & Visualization Smart City - DigiGov

12 Smart is Analytics & Visualization
Hmmm … #OpenAlgorithm ? Source: ESRI Source: OpenSpending, Open Knowledge International Source: Smart City - DigiGov

13 Perspectives for a Smart City
Smart City - DigiGov

14 Smart City Assessment How does your community and organization align
Digital Infrastructure Big & Open Data Culture of Innovation Leveraging Internet of Everything Optimizing Technology tools Sustainable Economics Building Community Wellbeing Smart Community How does your community and organization align with these traits? Smart City - DigiGov

15 Smart Planet Local -> Global Ecosystem
Need to address … Food Education Water Security Global Health Energy Environment Poverty Space Source: … everything connects to everything Smart City - DigiGov

16 Smart Examples Smart City - DigiGov

17 Digital Government Yesteryear (2002) … e-Government
Today - Province of Ontario Smart City - DigiGov

18 Digital Government “Hello, Ontario! I am so excited to join an incredible team of passionate people, with wicked digital skills, who are working hard to create change and bring user-focused design and internet-era ways of working to government. Making government services simpler and easier to use will have a huge impact on people’s lives — I can’t wait to get started.” Hillary Hartley Chief Digital Officer Smart City - DigiGov

19 Digital Government - the Digital Citizen
The need for digital literacy Real-time mobile service delivery Leveraging citizens as sensors Co-designing & co-developing What about the non-digital citizen Smart City - DigiGov

20 Digital Government - the Customer Experience
“Designing Digital Organizations” Boston Consulting Group Perspectives Addressing customer experience: Digital companies address the total customer experience. Digital companies integrate digital and physical elements The customer experience becomes the primary driver of product and service design. They rely on ready access to customer data. They use state-of-the-art digital interface design. They exploit social media and communities. Source: Carp Diem Valuenet Smart City - DigiGov

21 Digital Government - being Transformative
Smart City - DigiGov

22 Digital Government - Integrated Service Delivery
Service One (2.0) - The Service Coordinator Products & Services Provincial Municipal Federal Private & Non-Profits Integrated Service Delivery “Engine” Process C Process B Process A Standardized Processes, Protocols and Knowledge Base Business Knowledge Database Service Requests Requests from MyGovID (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) Source: From a Social to a Service Web, 1 2 3 3 Smart City - DigiGov

23 Food for thought … Smart Cities & Digital Government – capacity & priorities directly impact citizens Establish a “Smart” ecosystem with staff, politicians, citizens, academia and business Leverage the power of geospatial data & GIS Analytics and Visualization Smart Cities & Digital Gov are complementary – need a holistic approach We’re all in this together – its time for us to collaborate better … time for us to get DigiSmart Smart City - DigiGov

24 Thank You Jury Konga Open & Smart Cities Associate
Twitter @jkonga Skype jury.konga

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