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Unit 1 Theme 4 Review Students can…

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1 Unit 1 Theme 4 Review Students can…
Unit 1 Theme 4 Review Students can… * read and use WTK words: come, that, on, good, need, living thing, care * read and spell words with r-blends: br, fr, gr, tr, cr * read and write possessive nouns (etc. Greg’s cat, Fran’s hat) * name the characters (people and animals) and setting (place) in a story * use correct punctuation marks (!/?/.) at the end of a sentence * read stories from Unit 1 Theme 4 with fluency (without sounding out words, good pronunciation, natural intonation)

2 that good come on _____ see the pet tricks! Zig can grab _____! Ham can run ____ the track! What a ____ trick, Kit! Come that on good Did you use a capital letter C in the beginning of the first sentence? Good job!

3 on good come that _____ down, Brad! Do not grab _____! Jump ____ me! What a ____ cat you are! Come that on good Did you use a capital letter C in the beginning of the first sentence? Good job!

4 grass trick brick frog crab
r-blend words grass trick brick frog crab

5 r-blend words crib friend track grab broccoli
Read the words first, then check your answers. Did you read each word correctly? crib friend track grab broccoli

6 Did you use an apostrophe (‘) then “s”?
possessive nouns This is ______(Fran/Fran’s) pet. That is ___________(Mrs. Chiou’s/ Mrs. Chiou) cat. This is not ________(Brad/Brad’s) hat. That is not _______(Jim’s/Jims) car. Fran’s Mrs. Chiou’s Brad’s Jim’s Did you use an apostrophe (‘) then “s”?

7 Read & Think Come Down, Brad!
Come down, Brad! Do not grab that! Jump on me. What a good cat you are! Who are the characters? Why is Brad a good cat? The boy and a cat named Brad. Brad is a good cat because he can listen to his owner.

8 Who are the characters? What is Kit’s good trick?
Read & Think Pet Tricks Come see the pets! Come see the pet tricks. Frizz has a good trick. Frizz can jump over a bat. Ham has a good trick. Ham can run on the track. Zig has a good trick. Zig can grab the rope. Can Kit do a trick? Kit can not jump over a bat. Kit will not grab the rope. Kit can kiss! That is a good trick. Who are the characters? What is Kit’s good trick? The characters are Frizz, Ham, Zig, and Kit. Kit can kiss!

9 What the Characters Do There
Character & Setting Pet Tricks setting What the Characters Do There Pet Park Frizz jumps over a bat Ham runs on the track Zig grabs a rope Kit kisses

10 Read & Think What Pets Need
What do pets need? Like all living things, pets need food. Some pets eat seeds or plants. Some pets eat meat or fish. All pets need fresh water. Pets need a safe home. Pets need our love and care. What do pets eat? What are three things that living things need? Some pets eat seeds or plants. Some pets eat meat or fish. All living things need food, water, and a home.

11 Punctuation Mark What is that____ ? What a good cat you are____
Is that your pet_____ My pet can do tricks_____ Grab the bat, Fran_____ ? ! ? ! !

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