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Vein Valves Plexuses Superficial and deep veins Pulmonary veins

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Presentation on theme: "Vein Valves Plexuses Superficial and deep veins Pulmonary veins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vein Valves Plexuses Superficial and deep veins Pulmonary veins
characteristic Valves Plexuses Superficial and deep veins Pulmonary veins Systemic veins

2 of the right and left lung
Pulmonary veins superior and inferior pulmonary vein of the right and left lung

3 Systemic veins Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava
Hepatic portal vein Veins of the heart

4 Superior vena cava collect the blood from head neck upper limbs
the wall of thorax upper wall of abdomen

5 Veins of the head and neck
facial vein retromandibular vein external jugular vein anterior jugular vein internal jugular vein subclavian vein venous angle: the angle of the union of internal jugular vein and subclavian vein. the danger area of face: between the facial vein around the nose and upper lip. facial vein –deep facial vein-pterygoid plexus-cavernous sinus

6 veins of upper limb superficial vein
  cephalic vein- end in axillary vein or subclavian vein   basilic vein- axillary vein median cubital vein deep vein (follow the arteries given the same name: axillary vein, radial vein, ulnar vein and brachial vein)

7 veins of the thorax azygos vein(right)
Hemiazygos vein (left, T8 level end in azygos vein) accessory hemiazygos vein (left down)

8 Inferior vena cava veins of lower limb veins of the pelvic part
veins of abdomen

9 veins of lower limb deep vein superficial vein great saphenous vein
from the medial margin of dorsal venous arch of the foot end in saphenous hiatus -femoral vein 1,superficial epigastric vein 2,iliac circumflex vein 3,external pudendal vein 4,medial femoral vein 5, lateral femoral vein small saphenous vein from the lateral margin of dorsal venous arch of the foot end in popliteal vein

10 pelvic veins internal iliac vein external iliac vein common iliac vein

11 abdominal veins inferior vena cava parietales: viscerales
adrenal veins renal vein testicular vein (left to renal vein and right to inferior vena cava) (ovarian vein) hepatic vein

12 Hepatic portal vein superior mesenteric vein splenic vein inferior mesenteric vein left gastric vein right gastric vein cystic vein paraumbilical veins collateral circulation with vena caval system esophageal venous plexus rectal venous plexus periumbilical venous rete

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