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DAVID Modernization Project Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "DAVID Modernization Project Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAVID Modernization Project Presentation
Welcome Poll the Audience Ask: How many DAVID users in the audience How many DAVE users in the audience How many POC/DDC are in the audience How many Users are in the audience Background We received legislative funding for a two year period, which the 1st year ended June 30, We must have new DAVID fully functioning by June 30, 2014, at which time DAVID/DAVE/IRIS systems must be shut down. We received the funding in order to improve security and auditing capabilities as well as improve functionality of the system. The system is still a work in progress and you will continue to see updates and changes as we continue to roll out new DAVID. Reason for the Trainings: These statewide trainings were set up as Train-the-Trainers mainly for POC’s but for users too. This way you can go back to your agency with the information gathered today. The POC’s will be responsible for getting all of the users in their agency or sub-agency set up with using the new DAVID. We will have an operational manual, placed out on the “New” David by January 2014.

2 DAVID Modernization No longer certificate based
Enhanced audit functions Free text reference box (Other) Online Training for users Extra step for ECI Enhanced search functions: Partial Tag/VIN searches Address searches The differences between Old DAVID and New DAVID: New DAVID is web based with user name and password so that means no certificates and you may access DAVID from any computer. You will love our enhanced audit functions which will produce and easy to read report in excel format. There is a free text reference box when you choose the Other for purpose code. This allows you to type in a case number or any information you want that could reference the reason you are making the inquiry. All users must complete an online training regarding the proper use of DAVID and must successfully pass an exam prior to having access to the system. There is an extra step in ECI which will require the user to confirm that the access for ECI is truly for an emergency reason. New DAVID now has the ability to perform a partial tag or vehicle search as well as the ability to search an address to see each driver that has this address as their residency address.

3 DAVID Testing-Beta/Pilot
Beta Pilot Testing – July, 2013 Pilot Testing – August, 2013 Identify Errors and Issues Old/New Version Required Report finding to Beta Testing- began in July 2013 and we received great feed back and reporting of identified errors being returned. Pilot Testing began in August 2013 and we continued to receive feed back regarding functionality of system as well as any bugs that were identified. There was a total of 17 agencies participating in the Beta and Pilot stage. During this phase we required users to use both Old and New DAVID to ensure that the correct information was being returned. The system is intuitive, so when conducting Beta and Pilot testing, we purposely did not provide instructions and we are happy to say that with minimal training anyone can successfully use the DAVID system. As we continue rolling out the DAVID system we are asking for any errors found to be ed to The following information is required: User ID Time and Date Screen shot of the error (including the URL) (when possible) Error Report Form DHSMV must be able to reproduce the errors in order to resolve the issue

4 DAVID Training Train the Trainer Workshops 7 Regions 12 Sites
We are conducting these work shops throughout the state to assist POC’s with setting up their users as well as for all users to have a complete understanding of how the system operates. The system is role based so POC’s must have a clear understanding of what roles to assign each user. We will be scheduling WebEx’s as well besides the 12 trainings we have scheduled throughout the state. You can find a list of training dates and locations on New DAVID, Old DAVID message center as well as

5 DAVID Implementation Region 1 September 9 – October 9, 2013
Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Liberty, Franklin, Gadsden, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor Region 2 – October 10- October 31, 2013 Suwannee, Hamilton, Columbia, Alachua, Bradford, Union, Baker, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, Flagler, St. Johns, Lafayette, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion Roll out began September 9 for Region 1. You can just explain each roll out date and let them view the counties. You don’t have to read off each county. We will rollout as follows: Divided the state up into 7 regions We have currently rolled out Region 1 with all state, county, city , and colleges. (consisting of the Panhandle over to alachua and Duval county. DHSMV will set up the agency and the Primary Point of Contact (POC) Two (2) weeks prior to your region roles out you will receive two (2) s with all the pertinent information on the rollout Broadcast (by region prior to that region rolling out) Rollout Schedule from the Bureau Chief address to report to Form for primary POC to complete (when the department sets the agency in the system we must set up the primary POC also. Agency and POC is established will receive two (2) s from the department 1st. We will send the Primary POC their User ID 2nd We will send the Primary POC their Temporary Passwords Note: All temporary passwords expire in 14 days HSMV will set up all Agencies and Primary POC. It will then be the POC’s responsibility to set up sub-agencies and approve users and roles. It is recommended that agencies have more than one POC to assist with this task. This will be discussed in more detail later on.

6 DAVID Implementation Region 3- November 1 -November 21, 2013
Citrus, Volusia, Seminole, Orange, Lake, Sumter, Hernando, Pasco Region 4- November 22 - December 19, 2013 Polk, Osceola, Brevard, Hillsborough

7 DAVID Implementation Region 5- December 20 – January 10, 2014
Pinellas, Manatee, Hardee, Sarasota, DeSoto, Charlotte, Lee, Collier Region 6- January 11- January 25, 2014 Highlands, Okeechobee, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Glades, Hendry, Palm Beach Region 7- January February 28, 2014 Broward, Dade, Monroe All DAVID/DAVE users will be required to be on the new system by March 1, 2014. Keep in mind that these dates are approximate dates and if we run into any issues or problems with the New DAVID system we could have to adjust implementation dates. Note to trainer: As we continue rolling out successfully then this last statement would not need to be made.

8 Presentation Objective
Accessing DAVID Log On, Forgotten Password Legal Disclaimer Administrative Functions Self Registration Create Sub-Agency(ies) Roles and Purpose Codes Basic Navigation Search DL & MV New Features Day/Night Themes FSBI / Crash / Seatbelts Audit Functionality Excel Spreadsheet Question & Answer Go over the objectives for the training and re-emphasize to POC’s that after the training is completed they will be completely knowledgeable about the functionality of the DAVID system and the tasks that they are responsible for with the new system. Assure everyone there will be time for questions and answers after each segment of the training topics.

9 Access DAVID Initial Log In Logging In With Dual Access UserID and Password DAVID Tutorial Disclaimer Message Center Forgotten Password Navigation Bar This section of training will cover the following topics: As listed on Powerpoint

10 DAVID Sign In This page is known as the
DAVID Log In Page Logging onto DAVID is simple. All you need is a valid UserID and Password. UserIDs and Passwords may be obtained from the agency’s local Point of Contact (POC). Link to new DAVID Initial login will have additional steps. Web base system can be accessed from any computer. Requires a User Id and Password (No certificates) Key feature is the users self-registration makes it a lot easier for the POC when setting up the agency. The agency POC will send the URL to the user in order to self-register. System automatically generates User ID Temporary Password All Temporary password expires in 14 days Enter the User ID and Temporary Password Select Login We will touch on forgotten passwords later on in the presentation Screen 10 Logging into new DAVID is simple. No more certificates, no more tied to one machine. Anywhere you can get a security internet connection, you can access new DAVID. Users will obtain their UserIDs from their POC, whether by self registration or by manual add. Here is the link to new DAVID. Please make a note of it. You notice “Forgot your password?” on the screen, we will cover that shortly

11 Change Default Password
On initial log in, you will be required to update your password from the default password set. Password requirements are listed on the page. NOTE: Temporary Passwords are only good for 14 days. Change Default Password The system will require you to change the default password (Temporary) Password requirements are determined by the HSMV Agency Security Policy and in conjunction with CJIS policy. Passwords must meet the following requirements: Must be different than the last 10 passwords Must have a minimum of 8 characters Must include 3 of the 4 requirements below Upper case- 1 letter Lower case – 1 letter Numeric – 1 character Special etc.)- 1 character You will enter the Old - Temporary password New Password User will input password of their choice Confirm Password System confirming key strokes Currently password expires every 45 days; however we have been given approval to change Password expiration every 90 days and will be pushing this out in the next release. Note to Trainer: Once this has been done then you will just say password expires every 90 days.

12 Validation Process DAVID will then require you to log in with your new credentials Validation Process To verify to the system who the user is they will enter: User Id User Password (new password created by user) Select Login Screen 12

13 Initial Log In The Setup Security Questions screen will show when you log on for the first time and are required to set up Security Questions. Setting up Security Questions will assist in establishing who you are and your rights to access DAVID if you ever forget your password. Initial Login The security questions are an added feature that let’s the system know who your are. The user is required the first time entering the system to: Setup Security Questions Establishing who you are and your rights to access DAVID if you ever forget your password User will select 2 security questions out of a bank of random questions. Security questions answers are not case sensitive Select SAVE Screen 13

14 DAVID Annual Training The DAVID System Information Training screen will show when you successfully log onto the system for the first time and annually thereafter. This is a required training module for gaining access to DAVID and is required annually. There is a 10 question exam at the end of the tutorial and you must have a passing score of 80 or above to gain access to the DAVID System. DAVID Annual Training/ Required at the initial login Receiving this screen, the user knows they have successfully log into the system for the first time Required Annually The system will track the date when the test is passed. The system will notify user when it’s time to take the tutorial 30 day prior to expiration of test every 364 days. The system will allow the user to take the exam as many times a necessary to successfully pass the test. DAVID Training Exam There is a total of 10 exam questions. Questions are randomly generated so each user should have different questions. To pass the user must have correct 8 out of 10 questions. Passing score is 80 % Takes approx. 10 minutes max. Screen 14

15 Legal Disclaimer DAVID has a new look and feel however the same statutory regulations apply. The information contained in the new DAVID System is confidential and should be treated as such. You must acknowledge… INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL You must acknowledge legal disclaimer that you understand the consequences if misuse occurs. If you decline, you will not be allowed into the system. Reminder to User All data contained within the DAVID system is sensitive and privileged information and shall be handled accordingly Data will only be accessed and used by authorized personnel in accordance with state and federal law. Activity in system is subject to detailed monitoring and audits to protect against improper or unauthorized use. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to, Queries not related to a legitimate business purpose Personal use Dissemination or sharing of data Copying or passing of DAVID information to unauthorized users Screen 15

16 Message Center Information contained on the Message Center Page ranges from announcements which are intended to capture your immediate attention to memos and other documentation to keep you informed. Information which has reached its maturity can be found in the archive section. This page is considered the “Home Page” If you click on the “DAVID” logo in the navigation bar it will bring you back to the message center screen. Message Center Announcements This areas is to provide current information that users need to be aware of. To announce when deployments will occur throughout the rollout of DAVID. Normally you should not see any down time when this occurs; however, you could experience an occasional hiccup which could require you to re-enter an inquiry. Current announcements Welcoming our agency involved in the Beta and Pilot testing. Training Presentations Memos All new memos will appear on the screen (these are identified a new). All older memos will be archived you just “click on view archived messages” to locate the memo in question. Screen 16

17 Message Center-My Alerts
Message Center- My Alerts (Top of the Screen Only) My Alerts -The system is intuitive Information relevant to you and your access to the DAVID system. System will alert user when DAVID Training and password will expire Will count down and advise user the number of days prior to expiration Notifies you 30 days in advance it’s time to take the annual training Notifies how long before passwords expire ie. User has 7 days password expires Password will expire on that date Screen 17

18 FORGOTTEN, update and Locked PasswordS

19 Accessing DAVID when you have forgotten your Password….
You must have previously logged onto DAVID and set up your security questions. Forgotten Password In order to utilize the forgotten password feature: You must have signed into the system once before and already set up your security questions Select – Forgot your password Screen 19

20 Forgotten Password If the User has forgotten their password, they can select “Forgot Your Password?” from the log in page. Enter your UserID and select Continue NOTE: The option to reset your password in this manner is only available if you have previously logged into the DAVID System and established your security questions. NOTE: Passwords can be updated at any time from the User Profile. Forgotten Password Correctly answer your pre-selected security question You can only use the forgotten password feature once you have complete your initial login Set up your security questions NOTE: Passwords can be updated at any time from the User Profile. Page 20

21 Forgotten Password Continued
Correctly answer your pre-selected security questions and select Continue. NOTE: The option to reset your password in this manner is only available if you have previously logged into the DAVID System and established your security questions. Forgotten Password Continued User successfully answers the pre-selected security questions The system will then present you with the option to select a new password. Enter your User ID and select Continue NOTE: The option to reset your password in this manner is only available if you have previously logged into the DAVID System and established your security questions. NOTE: Passwords can be updated at any time from the User Profile. Screen 21

22 Forgotten Password Continued
Once you have successfully answered the pre-selected security questions, the system will then present you with the option to select a new password. Forgotten Password Continued The system will ask you to enter the new password Then confirm the key strokes confirm new password Change passwords is required every 45 days and is being changed to every 90 days Password Expires- you will be locked out of the system (Message- Contact your agency point of contact) Enter New Password Confirm New Password SAVE Screen 22

23 Validation Process DAVID will then require you to log in with your new credentials Validation Process Every time the password is changed in DAVID the system will require you to enter your User Id New Password Select LOGIN Note: Since the system is Web Based this keeps malicious viruses from not being able to log into the system. This requires human interventions in order to move forward. Screen 23

24 Locked UserIDs When a User desires to change their password. Whether due to the password comprised, expiration of password or a need to update. User option for updating Password via the User Profile screen When a User has attempted to log onto and failed or the User prefers the assistance of the POC to again access to DAVID. Their option for access is to contact the POC: Point of Contact (POC) option for updating User Password via the Edit User in Agency Locked User IDs User Profile Page Change Password Button If password is compromised you will select this to be able to change. User Profile Page user can change their passwords at any time. Change Security Questions User has the ability to go and select another security question if deemed necessary Edit User In Agency POC –function When a User has attempted to log onto and failed or the User prefers the assistance of the POC to again access to DAVID. Their option for access is to contact the POC: Point of Contact (POC) option for updating User Password via the Edit User in Agency Screen 24

25 Dual Access

26 Dual Access When logging in with dual access the User will log in as normal with their UserID (Username) and Password.

27 Logging In With Dual Access

28 Legal Disclaimer Page


30 The DAVID Navigation Bar is divided into two (2) sections.
The left side of the bar displays user information and navigation options. The navigation features available (left side of the bar) allows you to conduct an advanced search, navigate to the home page by clicking on the DAVID logo and navigate to other security access granted by using the Menu drop down option. (Please Note: Options on Menu Drop Down vary and is dependent on your level of access). The right side of the bar serves as a “Quick Search” for the system, and will be available for immediate use through out the system. The Quick Search featured on the navigation bar allows users to search for information in a fast and easy method. When conducting name searches with the Quick Search bar, it will require an exact match. The navigational BAR will be on top of every search screen through out the system. User will not have to go back to the home page to start a new search Left side of Navigation BAR DAVID – If you click on DAVID logo, it will take you back to the Message Page (home). 2) SEARCH – takes you to the Advanced Record Search TABS - Name, Business name, address, vehicle, MV History, Make/Model 3) MENU - User’s screen can look different depends on their assigned roles FSBI (Fatality Serious Bodily Injury), CRASH, Administrative, Home 4) MY PROFILE User name will appear My Profile Where you set your preferences in the system Log Out Button 5) Light Bulb- Day and Night Time mode (Toggle between day and night screen) 6) Quick Search – Requires Exact Match The right side of the bar serves as a “Quick Search” for the system, and will be available for instant results in the system. The Quick Search featured on the navigation bar allows users to search for information in a fast and easy method. Select Purpose Code (codes are on next screen) Select Search (Go to next slide)

31 Search Selection Criteria
New DAVID is consider intuitive. It anticipates your search needs based upon the information entered and narrows your selection. New DAVID has the ability to determine if you are searching for a person’s name or driver license rather than a license plate. QUICK SEARCH New DAVID is intuitive. It anticipates your search needs based upon the information entered and narrows your selection. Starts with an alpha character will bring back: Driver License number Form number License plate Vin number Starts with a numeric character will bring back: Social Security number License Plate VIN Title number Decal number Note-The more information (alpha/numeric) you type, the smaller the list of choices will be available Note-New DAVID has the ability to determine if you are searching for a person’s name or driver license rather than a license plate. Screen 27

32 DAVID Purpose Codes This list can be modified to only include the Purpose Codes relevant to your agency. During the workshops we were asked for the user not to be required to select a reason code. We were not able to get rid of the reason code and they are now Purpose Codes These purpose codes should cover most scenarios as to why a User is accessing the selected screens. We are giving every agency all of the purpose codes the primary POC will select what the roles each member will receive Go over the purpose codes in the PowerPoint Other – is a free form text box. Can be used to add case number or warrant number etc. Example: Dispatcher is asked to run a DL number or name in DAVID. The dispatcher can insert the name of the office and why into this box. We are programming now due to a suggestion from another training requesting that when a purpose code is select to have an optional free form text box appear if needed.

33 Advanced Searches Driver & Motor Vehicle Record Detail
DAVID Test Record DAVID L Advanced Searches Driver & Motor Vehicle Record Detail

34 Advanced Record Search NAME
Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been selected. You can select the “Like” option to conduct a partial search. The first name will be optional with the next release, however currently 1 character for first and 4 characters are required in the last name to conduct a partial search. You have the option to select one or multiple counties. Advanced Record Search Screen- NAME DAVID Navigation To navigate in the screen you will tab from field to field. To go forwards and backwards use the arrow on your PC tool bar. (just like any other program used on the web) Go over the screen 2) Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been selected. (Defauld purpose code will be discussed in more detail later in presentation) 3) Search by Name, date of birth, or age range, county, race and sex (Do not know the driver license number) 4)“Like Search” (Is a partial search) Partial Search - select the “Like” option Defaults to entering the name, d/o/b etc. Partial search Currently: First name must have at least 1 letter Middle name – is optional Last Name – 4 letters We are in the process of updating this functionality to allow the following: First Name is optional Middle Name – is optional Last Name characters 5). Hyphen in the name the program scripts it out and will search for the name 6) If you complete all data fields and receive an exact match you will be taken directly to the Record Detail page. 7) If you do a “Like” partial search on a name you will receive back a listing with multiple names 8) “NEW” You have the option to select one or multiple counties. The default key is “all” , to check all counties (statewide) or select one, two or three 9) The limit on the return search is 500 records You will receive a message: Limited search is 500 and to refine your search 10) Record Type Individual-Driver License Individual-Motor Vehicle If you select driver license information appears first, if motor vehicle is selected then the motor vehicle record appears first. Important The partial/like searches are off the Data Warehouse.(not real-time). There will be a 24 hour delay, batch files run overnight and then appear on the record the next day. If you select a match and go to Detail screen this is always real time update.

35 Name Search Results Customer has a driving record
Advanced Record Search-NAME- Results Go Over the Screen Top Information Bar The information bar indicates the search criteria entered for the return by the user You must select driver license or motor vehicle record (required) Sort – Ascending and Descending Select how many records will show on the page this can be 25, 50, or 100 Sort by: Driver License number, First name, Last name, D/O/B , Gender, Race and Business Show All – Thumbnail Photo and signature Name - Click on Name, will take the Record Detail page DL & Status - Provides the driver license number and the current status of license D/O/B Race and Sex Address New Feature The person symbol indicates this record is associated with a driving record The vehicle symbol indicates this record is associated with a motor vehicle record. There will be a limit of 500 names returned and will receive a message to refine the search (add additional information). Screen 30 The vehicle symbol indicates a motor vehicle record is attached to this record

36 Example of Record Detail Screen
Basic Driver and License Information Screen The main navigation screen to access all the different information tabs for a specific driver or vehicle record tied to a customer. Screen 31

37 Advanced Record Search BUSINESS NAME
Advanced search By Business name Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been defined. Name of company is required. You have the option to select one or multiple counties Advanced Record Search-Business Name NEW Function- Entering the company name will bring back company info. and vehicles registered to the company Go over the screen 1) Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been selected 2) A red * asterisk means that this information is a required field 3) The name of the business is required to conduct a search 4) Enter the city if you know it 5) Ability to search statewide, search by multiple or single counties. Example: Hit and Run crash: one of the witness identified the vehicle involved to be a white van with the Business Name- Mike’s Plumbing. You can conduct a search on Mike’s Plumbing. Screen 32

38 BUSINESS Search Results
Denotes a business Business Search Results B- Indicates a business Exact Match-Business Name Takes you directly to the Business Detail Page Partial Search Returns multiple business listing User selects Business Name underlined and goes directly to the Business Detail Page Example Trucking _______ Will return all companies that start with Trucking in the system. Screen 33

39 Business Record Detail Screen
Provides the following information: Company FEID number Physical Address Number of Vehicles registered to the company Mailing Address Business Record Detail Tabs Address and Parking Permits Address TAB Address (current) Address History - Provides Driver License and Motor Vehicle history on file. Parking Permit (handicap)

40 Advanced Record Search ADDRESS
Required field(s) -Street You have the option to select one or multiple counties. Advanced Record Search – Address New Feature Go over the screen 1)Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been selected. 2) *The street address is a required field: a) Must be a complete address , house number and the street name (can leave off street, Road, and Avenue) 3) Insert the city if known ( providing as much information know will always assist with the search; however, if a city or street is spelled incorrectly on the driver license/identification card then it will affect the return of the address search) You can give an example of city listed on one address as West Palm Beach and on the other it is listed at West Palm Bch. However you list the city on the search is what will be returned so you may want to leave the city blank and just use the county. 4) Single or multiple statewide county search 5) Will show all individuals licensed or hold Identification card at that address Example: This will be used more by law enforcement who is trying to determine who all lives at the address that he will be going to serve a warrant.

41 Advanced Search Vehicle
Partial search available for License Plate/Tag Minimum 3 characters Partial search available for VIN/Hull ID (HIN) Minimum 6 characters Can use wildcard * for search or use “Like” option. Partial/Wildcard searches *** The partial/wildcard searches is searching off the data warehouse and could be up to 24 hours old. During population of the warehouse(~1am-5am), these searches may not work reliably. *** Advanced Record Search – Vehicle NEW Function Top section- Requires an exact match - no availability for a partial search “No Like Button”. 1) Currently, you can search on 1 character in the first name and last three characters 2) Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been selected. 3) License Plate Vin/ Hull number Vessel 4)Title- Drop down All, Land Craft Water Craft. 5) Decal –Drop Down – All OR Any year Bottom Section (In the system Tag is the only one you can do a Wildcard search on) 6) License Plate Number a. Search on the “Like” button – requires a minimum of 3 performs a partial search b. You can place an asterisk in the search “Wildcard” (characters you do not know) ex. ABC* will bring back all tags that start with ABC *ABC will bring back all tags that ended in ABC *A*B* will bring back all tags in a combination of plates with those letters in it. 7) Vin a. Requires a minimum of 6 characters to conduct a search Important The partial and wildcard searches are off the Data Warehouse.(not real-time). There will be a 24 hour delay, batch files run overnight and then appear on the record the next day.

42 Advanced Search MV History
Partial search is not available on motor vehicle history tab Advanced Search – MV History This is Motor Vehicle Historical Data Requires an exact match search There is no “Like” partial search on this Screen (Box on left) Registration History License Plate/ Vin-Hull ID /Vessel (Box on right) Title History Tag and VIN/Hull ID Screen 37

43 Advanced Search Make/Model Search
Required fields are denoted with *. Vehicle Types: Trucks Auto Motorcycle All Customer Types: Individual Business Vehicle Make and Model Series are intuitive. The system will give you options to select from based upon what is entered. Advanced Search – Make/Model Search No Partial searches 1)Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been selected. 2) Red * Asterisk are required fields Year Range Color Vehicle Make 3) Model Series- optional 4) Vehicle Type All Auto Truck Motorcycle 5) Customer Types Individual Business 6) County Ability to select one or multiple counties (statewide) 7) Vehicle make and model series is intuitive Example- if the user types in ME a list will drop down with possibilities starting with ME Mercury, and Mercedes etc. The more information provided will reduce down the list of possibilities.

44 Advanced Search Scanned Documents
Advanced Search – Scanned Documents ( ROLE Based Function) This is the screen for inquiry a record for scanned documents Requires search by Exact Match: 1) Driver License Number 2) Social Security Number 3) First, Middle and Last Name 4) Office 5) Document Country 6) Document Type 7) Sex Age Range Birth Country 10) Date of Office Visit- (enter start and end date) Returns documents that were scanned at the time of a license issuance. Example of these documents such as a passport, birth certificate, marriage license and social security number etc. Screen 39

45 Scanned Document SEARCH Results Role Based Function
Return Search Information Bar Provides the search perimeters as entered Sorting– Social Security number Last Name List to be Ascending or Descending Select the number of listings of 25, 50, 100 per page Scanned Documents Listing Driver License Link- will provide a list of scanned documents for each transactions if any. a. Returns the following information: Document description ex Passport, Marriage Cert. Birth Cert. Number of pages Country Date uploaded to the system User ID Office number and Examiner number Name Sex D/O/B Social security number Birth Country ex US Date Office ID

46 Driver & Motor Vehicle Detail Information Test Record DAVID

47 Records Detail Screen

48 Records Detail Screen The Name Search and Quick Search results always take you to the Record Detail Screen Go over the screen Information Header – User will always know the individual’s record screen that they search on and how they enter the search 2) License Status Red – Sanctions Green – Valid Yellow- Expired Gray - No Licensed Black - Deceased 4) Information Header - Name, DL#, S/S#, Class Type, License status, Issuance dates, New function Prev DUI will list the number of previous DUI on the customers complete record Prev DWLS will list the number of previous Driving While License Suspended on the customers complete record Center of the Records Detail Page 5) Displays Photo and signature Personal information - Line 1: Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Height Line 2: Original License Issue Date, Issued, Expires Line 3: CDL Status, Line 4: Citizenship status, Country of Birth, State of Birth Line 5: Restrictions, Endorsements, Conditional Messages 6) Go over the TABS Screen 42

49 Driver History Screen The 5 Year Driver History has changed.
The system now returns a complete driver history instead of the last 5 years. Record Detail – Driver History Return Information Header Driver Name Driver License or Identification Card number Prev DUI and Prev DWLS (off the complete record) Will return a complete Driving History- In process of programming now currently displays last 5 years. The information provided in the complete history is: Description - list the different type of Sanctions Ex. Revocation - Failed to appear-worthless check citation # Crash or Offense Date Reinstatement Date - Will provide the actual date of the conviction or date paid in court. Action Required- Means this is an open offense/sanction ( not paid) and the driver has to take action to pay the citation County , State - Duval, FL Screen 43


51 Photo And Signature Array Tab
New DAVID has now combined the photo array and the signature array onto one page. Hovering over photo will display pertinent information: Name, License Number, Transaction Date and Photo Date Clicking on photo will take you to the DL Transaction page. Photo and Signature Role Based Photo and Signature is now combined on one page 2) Hovering over photo displays : Name, Driver License #, Transaction Date, and DL Photo date 4) The signatures are formatted to be able to show all at one time 5) Click on photo-takes you to the DL Transaction page: Information collected on that day of issuance or action View Photo and Signatures (per (4)) Only agencies that are allowed by statute to view photo signature will be given this role. If your agency does not currently have this functionality you will continue to not have this functionality unless the statute is amended to include your agency. Note to Trainer- Currently the following agencies have statutory authority to view photo and signature. You do not have to cover this in detail but in case you are asked the information is below. To these agencies only: Law Enforcement Agencies; Dept of Business & Professional Regulation (for reproduction of licenses issued by DBPR; Department of State (to facilitate determinations of eligibility of voter registration); Department of Revenue (to establish paternity & to establish, modify, or enforce child support obligations); Department of Children and Family Services (to verify identity and determine eligibility for public assistance); Department of Financial Services (to locate owners of unclaimed property and validation of unclaimed property claims, for use in public assistance fraud investigations and the identification of fraud or false claims); District Medical Examiners (to identify a deceased individual, determining cause of death, and notifying next of kin of any investigation)

52 ECI Acknowledge Warning
Emergency Contact Information Role Based Function An extra step is required when selecting the ECI button You must acknowledge that this is for emergency purposes only before obtaining the information Example - There should not be any accidental selecting of the search button for ECI since you must acknowledge the selection prior to receiving the information. Available only to law enforcement agencies (2) ECI Acknowledge Warning

53 Report Driver for Re-exam Role Based Function
1) This form is used when a driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely is questionable. 2) Law enforcement can complete this form and is submitted directly to our Medial Section. Information Required: Name License D/O/B Sex Current address Driver’s phone number Check all medical conditions that apply Brief description of what is observed and why you feel they cannot operate a motor vehicle safely on the highway Crash Involved ? Did the driver medical condition contribute to the crash? If yes Provide Crash Report Number When the form is submitted by a law enforcement officer, the department will immediately send the individual forms for their medical doctor to complete and submit back to the medical section. Note to Trainer: You can ask how many LEO use this tool? Please encourage use of this form as it will get driver assessed in a timelier manner than if they just check for driver to be re-examined on a crash report.

54 Records Detail Screen The Name Search and Quick Search results always take you to the Record Detail Screen Go over the screen Information Header – User will always know the individual’s record screen that they search on and how they enter the search 2) License Status Red – Sanctions Green – Valid Yellow- Expired Gray - No Licensed Black - Deceased 4) Information Header - Name, DL#, S/S#, Class Type, License status, Issuance dates, New function Prev DUI will list the number of previous DUI on the customers complete record Prev DWLS will list the number of previous Driving While License Suspended on the customers complete record Center of the Records Detail Page 5) Displays Photo and signature Personal information - Line 1: Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Height Line 2: Original License Issue Date, Issued, Expires Line 3: CDL Status, Line 4: Citizenship status, Country of Birth, State of Birth Line 5: Restrictions, Endorsements, Conditional Messages 6) Go over the TABS Screen 42

55 Vehicles DL Transactions Tab
Record Detail Page-Driver License Transactions View - Brings up the Driver License Transaction page for that particular transaction date Driver License Number – Customer License number Transaction Date Date of the issuance or activity Issue Date Update Time License Typed Class A, B, C, E, etc Issue Type Renewal, Replacement, Scan Document, Photo, Reinstatement etc. Change type No change or Yes change Fl. Disposition License surrendered Vehicles DL Transactions Tab

56 Record Address With results Record Detail Page - Address History
The address history shows all addresses on record given for a: Current Address Driver License Record Motor Vehicle Record This information is as up to date as the individual has provided address changes given to the department Record Address With results

57 Insurance Tab with results
Record Detail- Vehicle Insurance Information Role Based Per section Insurance information is confidential and exempt and stands alone and is separate from Chapter 119 and Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) Can only be used for enforcement purposes only. Note to Trainer: Most agencies are currently receiving this information. This will be changed per legal opinion that only those agencies that meet statutory authority will receive this information. Insurance Tab with results

58 Prior Vehicles Tab with results
Record Detail Page/ Prior Vehicles – Returns all prior vehicles tied to this customer. Select View - Results Vehicle Information Header information: Year Make Vin Registration Returns the current vehicle registration information Click on the owners name and will take you to the Record Detail Page From this area select Registration History Title Returns the current vehicle title information Click on the owners name and will take you to their Record Detail Page From this area select Title History Vins If applicable Year Make Body Color Type VIN view 2013 KIA 5 Door Green Auto ABC Prior Vehicles Tab with results

59 Parking Permit Tab with results
Record Detail – Parking Permits Parking Permit Status- Active, Cancelled, Revoked, Parking Permit Number Effective date Expiration date Cancellation date Cancellation reason code Type - Temporary Issue Type - Permanent Registration type Name Phone number Address Disability Certifying Authority Phone Screen 53 Parking Permit Tab with results

60 Crash

61 Crash Individual Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been defined. MENU-CRASH-Individual Search Role Based Function Will return crash report for selected crash. 1) Purpose code is required if a default has not been defined 2) Complete information requested First and Last name D/O/B SEX 3) Enter a start date and end date for the crash date 4) If no crash date range is specified in the inquiry results will default to the last 30 days only Screen 55

62 Crash County/City Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been defined. MENU-Crash- Crash by County/City Role Based Function 1) Purpose code is required if a default has not been defined 2) Complete information requested County- Drop Down has all counties listed in order to select City – Drop Down 3) Enter a start date and end date for the crash date 4) If no crash date range is specified in the inquiry results will default to the last 30 days only Screen 56

63 Crash VIN Number Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been defined. MENU-CRASH- VIN Number Role Based Function 1) Purpose code is required if a default has not been defined 2) Complete information requested Vin number 3) Will return crash report for this vin number Screen 57

64 Crash Crash Report Number
Purpose Code is required if a default purpose has not been defined. MENU-CRASH- Crash Report Number Role Based Function 1) Purpose code is required if a default has not been defined 2) Complete information requested Crash Report Number Screen 58

65 FSBI Traffic Fatality/Serious Bodily Injury System

66 Fatality/Serious Bodily Injury
Menu-FSBI Home Page Role Based Function 1) Inquire Traffic Fatality/Serious Bodily Injury (SBI) 2) Add Traffic Fatality/Serious Bodily Injury (SBI) record Instructions for the Traffic Fatality/Serious Bodily Injury System Screen 60

67 Search FSBI Records The availability to search by any field or combination of any field listed on the screen. If no date range is specified, the system will default to the last 30 days and return items within that timeframe. Menu-FSBI-Search FSBI Records Role Based Function Availability to search by any field or combination on the screen 2) If no crash date range is specified in the inquiry results will default to the last 30 days only Screen 61

68 Search FSBI Records Results
When an exact match is not found for search parameter, the system will return a list of possibilities for selection. FSBI/ FSBI Search Criteria Role Based Function Left side of screen Exact match is not found for the search parameter The system will return a list of possibilities for selection Right side of the screen This screen will appear when an exact match is entered for the search parameter Will display the information entered into the system by the law enforcement officer View FSBI Report

69 Search FSBI Records Results
When an exact match is found for the search parameter, the system will return the record.

70 Adding a FSBI Record Required fields are denoted with an *.
Individuals whose license is to be considered for suspension should be entered on this screen under the “Driver Information to be Reviewed for Suspension” section. If the license is unknown, there is the ability to search for the individual. Unlimited number of fatalities and/or serious bodily injuries may be added. NOTE: Only Fatalities and individuals with serious bodily injury should be added in the “Add a Fatality, or Serious Bodily Injury” section. Menu-FSBI-Adding a FSBI Record Role Based Function Crash Information, Required Fields * Crash Date, Crash Time, Country, City, Investigating Officer Name, Investigating Agency Name, Crash Locality, Rural Urban Investigating Officer Investigating Officer phone The Driver License number is entered into the record and will prepopulate the fields Required fields are denoted with an *. Individuals whose license is to be considered for suspension should be entered on this screen under the “Driver Information to be Reviewed for Suspension” section. If the license is unknown, there is the ability to search for the individual. Unlimited number of fatalities and/or serious bodily injuries may be added. NOTE: Only Fatalities and individuals with serious bodily injury and a blood draw should be added in the “Add a Fatality, or Serious Bodily Injury” section.

71 This tracking system is for those cases that involve all of the below”
Crash Fatality Serious Bodily Injury Blood Draw Report within a 24 hour period Once submitted, the report will be sent electronically to the Bureau of Motorist Compliance (BMC) They will review the crash report to see if the crash meets the above requirements. BMC will take action prior to the individual going to court on their charge for the crash. Due to the seriousness of the offense ( injury or fatality) and their ability to operate a motor vehicle safely the department will take the following action. The driver is placed under a 1 year suspension for committing an offense revocation required if convicted. Who are here uses the FSBI system? FHP uses HITS and I understand smaller agency will have FHP enter their FSBI case into the HITS system for them. All other agencies should be using this FSBI program.

72 Maintaining DAVID Accounts

73 User Profile Access Users have options to modify information regarding their Profile: Change/Update Password Change/Update Security Questions Establish Time Zone Set time for auto night mode to begin and end Access DAVID Tutorial Set Screen Preferences. (NOTE: Setting default screen preferences is based upon your access level). Set Default Page Vehicle Information Driver License Transactions Address History Vehicle Insurance Information Prior Vehicles Parking Permit Set Default Purpose Code Agency Discretion Set Day/Night Theme Menu/ Admin/ User Profile Access Go over the screen Users have options to modify information regarding their Profile: Change/Update Password Change/Update Security Questions Establish Time Zone Set time for auto night mode to begin and end Access DAVID Tutorial Set Screen Preferences. (NOTE: Setting default screen preferences is based upon your access level). Set Default Page Vehicle Information Driver License Transactions Address History Vehicle Insurance Information Prior Vehicles Parking Permit Set Default Purpose Code Agency Discretion Set Day/Night Theme

74 Apply for Dual Access and Transfer to Another Agency

75 On the screen you have options to “Change Password”, “Change Security Questions”, “Apply for Transfer” and “Apply for Dual Access” Change Password and Change Security Questions, we have already covered, so now let’s discuss Transferring and Dual Access

76 Apply for Dual Access User will select agency from the drop down menu.
All red asterik fields are required And submit

77 Applying for a Transfer

78 Notification to User of successful request

79 POC Notification of Transfer
Notification sent to POC. sent and Pending User Page.

80 POC Approval Page The POC of the current agency must approve the transfer of the User prior to the transfer occurring. User Pending Status are: New Approved Denied Pending

81 Point to Remember Dual Access Transfer
User must accurately select which agency they are working for at the time of sign on POC must monitor User’s access for activity during their assigned working hours POC must use the system’s features to restrict use outside of their designated time. User must request the transfer prior to termination Current POC must approve transfer POCs must inactivate User in their current agency Notification is sent to POC when requests are made

82 Maintaining User Access (POC)
From the Edit User option on the Admin Function Menu, POCs are able to do the following: Update User basic information Name Phone Number Driver License Number Update User Access Lock/Unlock User Account User Status Create/Reset Password Edit User Role Edit User’s Hours of Access Extend Session Time Out (Law Enforcement)* Set User Display Preferences EDIT USER IN HSMV Red dots indicate required Fields POC can modify if name change POC can reset the password POC can edit roles User Status – Active or Inactive User Accounts; Very Important if someone on leave, POC can make inactive- allows access to the system LOCKED USER ACCOUNT If logged on multiple times Forced to change password User ID can show how many times locked out HSMV Security Guidelines in conjunction with CJIS In order for LEO not to be required to login every 45 minutes, an EXCEPTION is required TIME EXTENSION: Only given to LEO & Dispatchers, Officer not behind desk, Each POC, HSMV not going to be Auditing 8 Hours from the last time you were in the system searching; Access time can be on 24 hours, 8-5, weekends DEFAULT PURPOSE CODE Recommended for front line Law Enforcement Officers due to Office Safety Record Detail Default Tab can be Vehicle Information, Driver License Transaction, Address History, Vehicle INS Information (role); Prior Vehicles, Parking Permit (handicap) Purpose Code: if set your own default or if the agency recommends-will not set default only set to No Default OTHER Requires an explanation if agency wants to notate a reason for the search, such as: case number, warrant number, etc. Text box will allow at least 200 keystrokes

83 Extended Session Timeout Acknowledgement
Due to Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle policies, POC will be required to acknowledge their intent when granting individuals access to DAVID for the extended session. Extended Session Timeout (Law Enforcement and Dispatchers) 8 hours from the last activity (not login) POC will have a Warning pop up “ are you sure you wish to authorize the Extended Session Timeout” Answer: yes The system will allow the user 8 hours from the actual use of the system (not from the login time)





88 Creating an Agency/Sub Agency
Administrative Creating an Agency/Sub Agency Self Registration Notification POC Approval Process

89 Administrative Functions
Administrative Functions Page (Please Note: Options on the Administrative Functions Page varies and is dependent on your level of access). Add User – allows POC to add new Users to their sub-agency Edit Agency – allows POC to modify an existing agency and add sub-agencies Edit User – allows POC to edit and existing UserID and their privileges, reset passwords Review Pending Users – Directs user to list of users who have requested access to the DAVID System Generate Registration URL – Generates a web link for self registration. The link is sent by the POC to individuals requesting access to the DAVID System.   Add New Agency – allows DHSMV to add new agencies to the DAVID System - DHSMV will add the primary POC to the agency as per the MOU Edit Agency – allows the primary POC to modify an existing agency and add sub-agencies Message Center – allows DAVID Administrator to post message for statewide viewing Edit User – allows POC to edit and existing UserID and their privileges, reset passwords Review Pending Users – Directs user to list of users who have requested access to the DAVID System Generate Registration URL – Generates a web link for self registration. The link is sent by the POC to individuals requesting access to the DAVID System. There is a Hierchy: EXPLAIN: YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SELECT ANOTHER AGENCY, YOU CAN ONLY ACCESS YOUR OWN AGENCY THE “PARENT” agency or the primary POC can see the whole agency and sub agencies The “SUB-AGENCY” cannot see the parent agency or any other sub-agency Administrative Functions Page NOTE: Options on the Administrative Functions Page varies and is dependent on your level of access.

90 Creating Sub-Agency To add a new sub-agency, select the parent agency
Reminder : Edit Agency – allows the primary POC to modify an existing agency and add sub-agencies Once you select the Edit Agency button it will take you to this page. Enter your agency name Select (hit select and enter to proceed)

91 Creating Sub-Agency cont’d
SELECT ADD SUB AGENCY ENTER NAME OF SUB-AGENCY The primary POC will set up their sub-agencies The primary POC will assign a Point of Contact (POC) to the sub-agency The primary POC will assign roles to the sub-agency POC You do not have to change the agency MOU to add extra POCs Screen 72

92 Create Sub-Agency continued
Street address for sub-agency can be updated at this time. Add Roles for sub-agency Add Users to sub-agency You also have the ability to set limited Purpose Codes which are relevant to your agency/sub-agency’s needs. Street address for sub-agency can be updated at this time. Add Roles for sub-agency The sub-agency will have the same or less roles depending on the sub-agencies job duties and responsibilities Add Users to sub-agency You will also have the ability to set limited Purpose Codes which are relevant to your agency/sub-agency’s needs. For example if you have five senior clerks that perform the same job duties. The poc will be able to set a profile for a position and select all instead of selecting each role to be given Screen 73

93 * Red asterisk indicates information is required
Basic User Information POC must verify the information is correct *First Name * Address Middle * Driver License Number * Last Name * Phone Number Suffix Ext: POC should verify the information is correct; address, phone number, etc. Access Control Select Time Zone Eastern Central User Status Active Inactive - If a member leaves the agency or takes leave you can inactivate the account Extended Session Timeout (Law Enforcement and Dispatchers) 8 hours from the last activity (not login) Access Begin Time and Access End Time - Time frame member can access the system Options 24 hours, 8-5pm, Night Mode Begin Time and End Time Defaults to Daytime mode Must set the start and the end time for when Daytime should start and end. Set for when Night time should start and end. Preferences Record Detail Default Tab Default Purpose Code Address History No Default OR Driver License Transaction Select one of the 36 codes DHSMV recommends only LEO and Dispatchers Prior Vehicles Parking Permit Vehicle Insurance Information

94 Create/Access Sub-Agency continued
To modify sub-agency created, you must first locate parent agency. Sub-Agencies are listed under parent agency. Select “view” to access sub-agency created. Sub-Agencies will only be allowed access assigned to Parent Agency. Not all individuals in an agency or sub-agency is allowed all access granted to agency. POCs must make a determination based on statutes. (Top of Screen) To modify sub-agency created, you must first locate parent agency. Sub-Agencies are listed under parent agency. (Bottom of Screen) Select “view” to access sub-agency created. Sub-Agencies will only be allowed access (roles) assigned to Parent Agency. Not all individuals in an agency or sub-agency is allowed all access granted to agency. POCs must make a determination based on job responsibilities. Screen 74

95 EDITING USER Search by User ID will return information for the specific DAVID UserID entered. To obtain a list of Users assigned to an agency, search by “Agency Name” To obtain a list of User by name, search by “First Name” and “Last Name”. Menu – Administrative Functions- Edit User - Select User Screen Three (3) ways to search for a user in the system. (continued on next page) 1) Search by User ID will take you directly to the Edit User Screen of the user for the specific DAVID User ID entered. (Left side of the screen) Enter the User Id Number Select Button- Returns the User information at the bottom of the screen Menu – Administrative Functions- Select User Screen 2) To obtain a list of User by name, search by “First Name” and “Last Name”. To obtain a list of User by name, search by “First Name” and “Last Name”.

96 List of Agency Users To get a list of Users for an Agency type in the
Agency name when searching for a User (Edit User). Menu- Administrative- Edit User-Select User List of Agency Users 3) To get a list of Users for an Agency Type Agency name when searching for User in Select User-Search by Advanced scroll down to the bottom of the page. It will provide View Agency Name Name of User User ID Number Status - Active or Inactive

97 Self Registration

98 Generate Registration URL for Self Registration
When you are allowing the user to self register for access to DAVID, you must first generate the URL to to the individual. This is accomplished by: Going to the Administrative Functions menu Select “Generate Registration URL” Click the “Click to Select Link” button link to recipient(s) Menu-Administrative-Generate Registration URL POC Function When you are allowing the user to self register for access to DAVID, you must first generate the URL to to the individual. This is accomplished by: Top of Screen Going to the Administrative Functions menu Select “Generate Registration URL” Bottom of Screen Select “Generate Registration Link” 2) Select “Agency Specific Registration Link” Click the “Click to Select Link” button -by clicking on select link it will highlight URL the link copied to recipient(s)

99 Self Registration Internet Registration Form (screen shot of what Users fill out via the internet to request DAVID access) Self Registration User will receive an from their agency POC with an URL address to click on and take them to the self registration form User can register from their computer and complete the registration form Red * asterisk indicates information is required 1) User Info: *Agency *Time Zone – Eastern or Central * Address *First Name * Driver License Number (can be OOS DL#) Middle – Optional * User Telephone Number *Last Name * Telephone Extension (if applicable) * Work Address includes * Street * City * State * Zip Code 2) New Password Code (User will create their own password) Password - Imperative for User to remember the password they create. The approver will not know the password and it will not be returned with the assigned User ID by the system. 3) User Verification * Supervisor Name (User Immediate supervisor not the agency POC) * Supervisor Telephone number Security Feature – “Captcha” (symbol on the sign in and registration screens) is only required the first time you gain access to the DAVID system and when your password has be to reset

100 Confirmation Email Sent to Registrant
User Self Registers- below is sent to the registrant Confirmation Sent to Registrant (Go over information on screen) Confirmation Sent to Registrant NOTE: Concerns were discussed in previous Train the Trainer sessions and we are programming now not to return the DL # or user specific details already provided at the time of registration

101 Notification Email sent to POC
sent to the POC - advising pending self registrant DAVID Notification: New Pending User Submission (LastName, Firstname) for Agency DHSMV If the POC is in the DAVID system when the is received. Click on the “Go to DAVID” link and you will be sent to the POC Approval Screen If you are not in the DAVID system, it will take you to the DAVID Login Screen

102 POC Approval Screen POC Approval Screen
The primary poc and all sub-agency poc will receive the and see the pending list of Users’ Once a pending user is selected and approved user name will automatically be deleted from the list. ( no chance of pre-approving twice) Select Pending User You can filter the list if you wish by selecting in the information header the following: Agency Agency Name User Pending Status Pending Sort Columns Sort: Ascending or Descending Page Size: The number of returns can be 25, 50, 100

103 POC Approval Screen User Pending Status: Approved, Denied, New, Pending
Registrant User Details Any agency policy requirements is still to be adhered too. The department requires the POC to verify the following information: User Name Agency Work Address Work Phone number Supervisor name address If the address is incorrect do not approve, the user will never receive their User ID sent to them NOTE: Working on programming for the functionality for the POC to correct/edit the address prior to approving If any other information is not correct the POC can edit the information before approving OR The POC can deny and the Registrant to re-apply again Any “Comments” made will be sent to registrant in their as well. These comments are not POC personal notations

104 Sample Emails of Access Request
on the left Approval granting access to the DAVID system on the right Denied-Will receive an denying access to the system. Comments Comments-Are not required POC can type why user was denied are not personal notations Comments made will be sent to the user in their reply sent approving or denying

105 Assigning Roles

106 Please NOTE: Granting Access
Not all individuals in an agency or sub-agency are allowed all access granted to the agency. POCs must make a determination based on statutes. Agencies and POCs are responsible for granting access and will be held accountable. The responsibility is on the Agency to ensure that users are only receiving roles that they are entitled to receive. Roles will determine your access to the system Each POC needs to go back and discuss with their agency heads Example whether or not a front line officer needs the full nine social security numbers. Example does a senior clerk at the front counter need to see photos and signatures Most members are entitled to the last 4 numbers of the social security number. You can have as many POC in an agency that is necessary to handle the assigning of roles and conducting audits as needed. The primary POC can give and remove roles from a POC as needed

107 DAVID Roles Roles determine you level of access.
The following roles should only be assigned to the appropriate : Report Driver for Re-Exam Search/View/Add/Edit FSBI Search/View/Print FSBI View Crash Records View Emergency Contact Information View Full SSN View Last 4 SSN View Photos and Signature View Public Official Blocked Information View Voided Photos View/Add/Edit Seatbelts View Insurance DAVID access is monitored DAVID Roles DHSMV will assign the agency roles by what is provided in their MOU The agency’s primary POC responsibility will be to assign the roles to members in your agency. Current DAVID does not give you the ability to give different users different access. The new DAVID does. This is a safety feature to curb misuse. If you are not sure what roles users should have ask your agency head for guidance. Every member should not get the same roles, roles will depend on their daily job responsibilities Social Security Number: Is the agency allowed by statute to receive full social security numbers and does it reflect on your MOU Just because your Agency may be entitled to have certain roles it does not mean every user should have the same roles. For example if your agency has authority to have full social security number does every user need that role? We are had a huge misuse of social security numbers- Example –Two officers in Miami-Dade were profiling on DAVID and selecting records and using their social security number to apply for their tax returns

108 AUDITING Agency Audits Role Based Function New and Improved
Audits can now be saved into an Excel Spreadsheet and can be manipulated as your needs require. Expectation of the POC is: Is that all Users are audited yearly (MOU says random sample) We are working on updating the MOU If the agency is large, the POC can give the audit function to the front line supervisors to conduct the audit on their member Primary POC can assign additional POC’s to assist with auditing members POC can assign specific users to perform audit functions only All POC’s should discuss with their Agency Head how they are going to handle auditing of users. It is the Agency Head that is ultimately responsible to ensure proper auditing is occurring as well as the Primary POC.

109 Auditing Excel Report Audit Run Limitations
Administrative Auditing function is found under the Administrative menu located on navigation bar. Auditing Excel Report Audit Run Limitations

110 Audit Functions User Activity Tab
NOTE: Start Dates and End Dates are required fields User Activity Who has _USER_looked at in DAVID Ex. Who has Officer Jones looked at in DAVID Agency Name User ID Number *Start Date and End Dates are required fields Page/Action Type of search (Can select a specific page) Leave Blank will return all pages Purpose Code - Can choose to audit by a certain purpose code Example: If you want to see how many people in your agency are performing inquiries for the purpose of ECI you could select that. First Name – Who the audit is being conducted on Middle Name - If applicable Last Name Who the audit is being conducted on Sort by: Sort Direction – Ascending or Descending Column Selecting - You can choose the columns that you want to appear in the audit report: Agency – gives the name of the agency the user works for User Name – gives the name of the user IP Address - reflects the DAVID server IP address not the IP address of the user. This is not really useful information at this point so you may decide not to check this so report is less cumbersome. Future planning is to be able to actually identify the IP address of the user but at this time that is not possible. Time Accessed – time the inquiry was done Purpose Code – purpose of the inquiry Page Viewed – the actual page that was viewed on system


112 DAVID Audit Report Export to Excel
User Activity Report STATE OF FLORIDA Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles D river A nd V ehicle I nformation D atabase Below is a listing of all activity from 08/01/2013 to 08/02/2013 for Cheryl Zenoz (123180) AgencyName FullName IP Address Time Accessed Purpose Code Page Viewed Search Field Search Value HSMV Cheryl Zenoz (123180) 08/01/ :02:19 Sign In UserName 123180 08/01/ :03:40 08/01/ :05:03 Change Password UserID 106 ForgotPassword 08/01/ :05:22 Logout 08/01/ :05:47 08/01/ :05:52 Message Center Legal Disclaimer Accepted 08/01/ :06:15 Audit Functions 08/01/ :10:47 Public Records Request by Name 08/01/ :19:18 View Admin Menu 08/01/ :19:22 Select User 08/01/ :19:56 08/01/ :21:34 CITY OF AVON PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT [ DARK SIDE ] 08/01/ :24:36 08/01/ :24:39 08/01/ :26:04 08/01/ :26:14 08/01/ :26:25 08/01/ :26:33 08/01/ :26:54 CITY OF AVON PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT 08/01/ :29:54 08/01/ :29:56 08/01/ :22:43 08/01/ :22:48 08/01/ :23:08 Advanced Record Search 08/01/ :23:41 Search Name Demographic LastName PEACOCK SelectedCustomerType IC 08/01/ :23:56 034 - Training FirstName B This is what the report will look like according to what fields you selected to be displayed.

113 Audit Functions Public Records Request-Customer
NOTE: Date Range is a required field Audit Functions-Public Records Request An agency can only audit their own agency or sub-agency. A sub-agency may only audit their sub-agency. If a public records request wants to know who all in the state looked at their information: These request should be directed to Tallahassee for the Data Listing Unit to handle Can check the following Categories Driver License Motor Vehicle Vessel

114 DAVID Audit Report Exported to Excel
Public Records Customer Activity Run Report produced.

115 Audit Functions Public Records Request-Motor Vehicle
NOTE: Date Range is a required field

116 Audit Limitations-Multiple Customers
If you receive this message you will need to refine your search and add the DL# or Social Security number etc.

117 Audit Limitations – 30,000 Capacity Reached
The results will only be able to bring back 30,000 records. If you receive a message on your report telling you the information is truncated you will need to refine your search and shorten your time frame for audit.

118 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS This concludes the training.

119 Useful Information New DAVID Link DAVID Support
DAVID Support Websites

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