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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Daniel’s Prayer Daniel 9:1-23
If a Church wants to reach its community for Christ, it must be careful to lay down a foundation of prayer Prayer is an absolute necessity to the proper carrying on of God’s work. God has made it so.

3 Daniel’s Prayer Daniel 9:1-23
Salvation is the work of God's grace as the Holy Spirit moves upon a person Zechariah 4:6 - we must do the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way - it is by His power

4 A true heart of prayer is:
Rooted in Scripture Revealed in Confession Responds in Supplication Receives Answers

5 Rooted in Scripture Daniel 9:1-3
Darius the Mede is the same man as in Daniel 5:31 & Daniel 6. This is not Darius Hystaspes (Darius I) Daniel’s high position enabled him to gain access to copies of the sacred scriptures including Jeremiah

6 Rooted in Scripture Daniel 9:1-3
Daniel’s reading of the prophecy in Jeremiah 25 concerning the 70 years of desolation prompts him to pray Bible study and prayer go hand in hand each providing motivation for the other

7 Revealed in Confession Daniel 9:4-15
Confession means to "agree with“ and includes the truth about God, His character and your sin Verse 4 - Daniel begins by proclaiming his agreement with truths concerning God's character Verses 4 & 5 - Daniel agrees with God concerning the sins of his people -

8 Revealed in Confession Daniel 9:4-15
Daniel is a righteous man (Ezekiel 14:14), yet he includes himself in the prayer of confession Verses 7 & 8 - Daniel agrees that God was just is scattering them throughout the nations -

9 Revealed in Confession Daniel 9:4-15
Verses Daniel confesses that God has been compassionate and forgiving toward them The law of Moses warned about the curses that God would bring if they were disobedient - Deuteronomy 28

10 Revealed in Confession Daniel 9:4-15
Daniel’s example is that confession includes both personal sin and those of the groups to which you belong

11 Responds in Supplication Daniel 9:16-19
Daniel transitions from confession to humble and earnest requests of God - verses 16-17 Verses Daniel desires that the Temple in Jerusalem be built for the sake of the Lord’s glory Verse 19 - Daniel’s passion is that the Lord God be glorified

12 Responds in Supplication Daniel 9:16-19
Jeremiah prophesied restoration to the land following the 70 years of desolation in keeping with Deut. 30 We cannot pray for our nation as Daniel did for Israel, but we can pray for God to be merciful

13 Receives Answers Daniel 9:20-23
God quickly sent Gabriel in answer Daniel’s supplication 1 John 5: We can be confident God will answer our prayers when we pray according to His will

14 Receives Answers Daniel 9:20-23
James 4:2-3. God does not answer prayers not made nor prayers rooted in selfish desire People often do not acknowledge God’s answer when it is “no” or “wait”

15 Conclusions Are you reading / studying the Bible for yourself? Does that stimulate you to pray? What do your confessions include? Are your requests made in humility?

16 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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