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Presentation on theme: "ГОРОД МАСТЕРОВ Интерактивная игра START THE GAME"— Presentation transcript:

THE TOWN FOR PROFESSIONALS Автор: учитель английского языка Десятникова А.В., МБОУ ОШ №19 г. Ачинск , Красноярский край., 2015 г. START THE GAME

2 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 10 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50

3 Who can drive a car? a driver
10 10 a driver to the game field

4 Who can put out fires? a firefighter
20 10 a firefighter to the game field

5 Who takes care of all members of her family?
30 10 a housewife to the game field

6 Who can do a haircut? a hairdresser
10 10 a hairdresser to the game field

7 I am going to be… I’ll create new programs to help people in all life spheres
prompt 50 10 a computer programmer to the game field

8 Work is done, Translate the Proverb time for fun 40 Делу - время,
10 Делу - время, потехе - час Сделал дело, гуляй смело to the game field

9 I am going to be… I like travelling, taking photos and creating stories
20 10 a correspondent a journalist to the game field

10 Who takes care of sick people?
30 10 a nurse to the game field

11 Who catches criminals? a police officer
10 10 a police officer to the game field

12 Who can repair cars? a mechanic
10 10 a mechanic to the game field

13 Хороший повар никогда не смотрит в поваренную книгу
A Poem A good … never look  Into a cookery book 40 10 Хороший повар никогда не смотрит в поваренную книгу a cook to the game field

14 a farmer What is MacDonald’s job? Let’s sing a song 20 to the song
Гиперссылка на песню Old McDonald Had a Farm настроена на картинку с логотипом ресторана a farmer to the game field

15 a doctor An apple a day a Proverb keeps a … away 40
prompt 40 10 a doctor Ем по яблоку с утра- Не нужны мне доктора to the game field

16 a postman Guess the Hero of a Rhyme 50
I'd like to be a …, and walk along the street, Calling out, "Good Morning, Sir,“ To gentlemen I meet, Ringing every door-bell all along my beat, In my cap and uniform so very nice and neat. prompt 50 10 a postman to the game field

17 Who treats sick animals?
20 10 a vet to the game field

18 Who helps people with books, magazines and newspapers?
prompt 30 10 a librarian to the game field

19 Creative person who does researches and sets experiments to understand how our world works
prompt 50 10 a scientist to the game field

20 a sailor A … went to sea To see what he could see, a tongue twister
And all that he could see Was sea, sea, sea… prompt 30 10 a sailor to the game field

21 Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr
Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Pink lives in the pink house, and Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Who lives in the White house? a riddle prompt 40 10 a president to the game field

22 A Pretty Penny Кругленькая сумма
50 Play Blitz- Game And Get a Bonus 10 Кругленькая сумма to the game field

to the song 10

24 Использованные ресурсы:
фон для презентации скрипичный ключ дидактические карточки с животными sait 11 знак доллара золотой доллар евро знак символы валют рубль золотой один фунт дети с ноутбуками бобры медсестра сотрудник полиции кошелёк монеты анимация механик Айболит Почтальон врач с яблоком учёный Белый Дом cup +100 ЯБЛОКИ он лайн игра песня песня логотип

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