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Traditional English houses

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional English houses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional English houses
Автор: Ученица 5 класса «А» МОУ «СОШ №22 с УИОП» Бобкова Анастасия Евгеньевна Научный Руководитель: Учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ №22 с УИОП» Колесова Юлия Викторовна

2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Types of houses:
a) What are houses in England like? b) Types of houses in England 3. Inside an English house 4. Outside the house 5. Conclusion



5 Terraced house

6 Detached house

7 Semi-detached house

8 Terraced house

9 Apartments


11 Detached house

12 Inside the house. On the ground floor.

13 Inside the house. On the first floor.

14 Sitting –room

15 Back garden

16 Front garden

17 "There is no place like home"
"East or west home is best" "My house is my castle "

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