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South Africa Vocabulary

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1 South Africa Vocabulary

2 Definitions of the terms are in boxes.
Terms are in blue. Definitions of the terms are in boxes. We will use 3 columns:

3 1. Afrikaner The first large group of Europeans to settle in South Africa were Dutch. They came to farm. German settlers joined the Dutch in South Africa.

4 called themselves Afrikaners and called their language Afrikaans.
As generations passed, these immigrants no longer viewed themselves as Europeans. South Africa was their homeland. Separated from Europe, their language changed but still sounded a lot like Dutch and German. They called themselves Afrikaners and called their language Afrikaans.

5 1. Afrikaner: South Africans whose main ancestors were early Dutch settlers

6 South Africans whose main ancestors were early Dutch settlers

7 American Indians are native to the Americas.
2. Native Africans American Indians are native to the Americas. Europeans were not native to the Americas. They came as settlers, conquerors, or both.

8 Afrikaners were not native to South Africa.
Natives already lived there – Native Africans.

9 2. Native Africans: people who originally lived in Africa

10 South Africans whose main ancestors were early Dutch settlers
people who originally lived in Africa

11 An ethnic group is not just a race or nationality.
An ethnic group is not just a race or nationality.

12 Two people can both be Chinese and still have different ethnic groups.
China actually has 56 different ethnic groups.

13 South Africa has 4 main Black ethnic groups, 2 main White ethnic groups, and 1 main Asian ethnic group.

14 3. ethnic group: people who feel connected based on things like ancestry, religion, language

15 South Africans whose main ancestors were early Dutch settlers
people who originally lived in Africa people who feel connected based on things like ancestry, religion, language Hispanic Jews Afrikaner

16 4. Coloured: in South Africa, people who are part Native Black mixed with White or Asian
Hey, why is “coloured” spelled funny? It’s British spelling, silly!

17 5. apartheid In Dutch, this word means “apartness
5. apartheid In Dutch, this word means “apartness.” (But nope, that’s not the definition.)

18 5. apartheid: a South African policy of separating the races, now illegal

19 The absolute location for Bethany is 35°N 97°W.
11. absolute location: latitude & longitude of a place The absolute location for Bethany is 35°N 97°W.

20 6. African National Congress (ANC)

21 6. African National Congress (ANC): the main political party in South Africa now

22 7. townships

23 7. townships: towns where Blacks & Coloured South Africans were forced to live

24 8. ban


26 8. ban: to outlaw or prohibit
South Africa’s white government banned the African National Congress.

27 What can you infer happened here?

28 9. infer: using what you know plus evidence you see
to draw conclusions

29 10. evidence

30 10. evidence: facts that back up an opinion or belief

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