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Campus Safety New Faculty Orientation

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1 Campus Safety New Faculty Orientation
Carol A. Shelby, Senior Director, Environmental Health and Public Safety August 17, 2017

2 System Policies

3 Purdue University Policies
Use of Facilities Who can use them and how they can be used Prohibits weapons, use of controlled substances, etc. Persona Non Grata Provides a “no trespassing” warning when appropriate Violent Behavior Prohibits violent behavior or threats Provides a structure for reporting behaviors of concern Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Provides a structure for Purdue’s safety culture

4 Freedom of Expression at Purdue
Commitment to Freedom of Expression “In a word, the University’s fundamental commitment is to the principle that debate or deliberation may not be suppressed because the ideas put forth are thought by some or even by most members of the University community to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or wrong-headed. It is for the individual members of the University community, not for the University as an institution, to make those judgments for themselves, and to act on those judgments not by seeking to suppress speech, but by openly and vigorously contesting the ideas that they oppose. Indeed, fostering the ability of members of the University community to engage in such debate and deliberation in an effective and responsible manner is an essential part of the University’s educational mission.”

5 Campus Emergency Preparedness and Planning

6 Emergency Preparedness
West Lafayette Integrated Emergency Management Plan Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee Faculty preparedness resources including syllabus requirements Emergency Procedures Guide Purdue Alert – sign up for text alerts 7 outdoor hazard warning sirens – signal to suspend class and secure shelter (go indoors) Fire alarm and strobe lights – signal to suspend class and evacuate (go outdoors) Training All hazards awareness and emergency preparedness Tabletop/discussion drills Siren Tests – monthly on 1st Saturday, and each semester

7 Emergency Preparedness
How will you know when an emergency is occurring on campus? Text, , desktop popup alert, siren, digital signs, Twitter, Alertus Beacon (in very large classrooms only)

8 Purdue University Police Department

9 Purdue University Police
Dial 911 from any phone and give your location first If you see something, say something We are fully sworn officers of the state, on duty 24/7/365 We are here to serve you - if you don’t know who to call, call for information We are among the safest campuses in the Big 10 #1 crime is theft of property

10 Purdue University Police
If your class dismisses after dark, consider the free SafeWalk service from PUPD – to escort Purdue community members home. Call 494-SAFE ( ) to request a SafeWalk escort Purdue Student Security Patrol work in pairs, wear identification and have radio contact with PUPD When PSSP is not available, a police officer will provide safe walk or ride home.

11 Purdue University Fire Department

12 Purdue University Fire Department
Fire and HazMat spill responders – dial 911 Emergency Medical Services 2 Transport ambulances – to Lafayette hospitals Paramedics and EMTs – also provide medical assistance onsite, without transport Airport Rescue Firefighters – FAA required Fire safety inspections Fire prevention training

13 Radiological and Environmental Management
(aka “REM”)

14 REM - System wide As supervisors, you are responsible for providing a research environment and workplace free of recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to your students or employees Policy: Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Integrated Safety Plan Assistance Lab Safety –training available online Shop Safety Safety Committees Regulatory Compliance: OSHA, EPA, DOT, IDEM, NRC, ISDH, DHS, FAA, DEA, IATA, etc. OSHA first report of injury documentation Hazardous waste removal – typically, at no charge to the researcher

15 Compliance Expertise - System wide
Mike Koppes - Purdue’s “Fire Marshall” Safety consultation regarding research protocols specific to your research and your building Building code Fire code Robin Ridgway – Environmental regulatory compliance Air, land, water regulations On campus and across the state

16 EHPS Resources 765-494-7504
Carol Shelby John Cox, Police Chief Kevin Ply, Fire Chief Director, Emergency Preparedness Ron Wright, Director, Radiological and Environmental Management Jim Schweitzer, Director Fire Protection Engineering Mike Koppes, Director, EHS Regulatory Compliance Robin Ridgway,

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