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CERNET2 DVTS Experiences

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Presentation on theme: "CERNET2 DVTS Experiences"— Presentation transcript:

1 CERNET2 DVTS Experiences
Congxiao Bao Tsinghua University, CERNET

2 Outline Introduction CERNET2 DVTS Experiences Lessons learnt Summary
Configuration Data flow Reflector development Traffic monitoring User controlled testing tools Lessons learnt Summary

3 CERNET Video Experiences
IPv4 unicast and multicast 38 GigaPops in 36 cities 2,200 universities connected Self-funded operation High utilization (70%+) H.323 AccessGrid DVTS Easy Easy if multicast ready Easy if multicast ready Not Easy

4 CERNET2 Video Trial Pure IPv6 National Backbone
25 GigaPops in 20 cities 120 universities connected Free usage Low utilization (10%) DVTS (30Mbps) - Distance learning HDTV(27Mbps) - for VoD SDTV-uncompressed (280Mbps) - for interactive VC HDTV-uncompressed(1.2Gbps) - for interactive HDVC 3D DVTS(60Mbps) - for special demo

5 Our Thinking DVTS is a good application
Popular globally special demand for network support 30Mbps, single video stream Solve the DVTS transmission problem may help for solving other HP transmission problems Especially for inter-domain case CERNET2 provides a test-bed IPv6 large scale distributed DVTS collaborative environment DVTS is a good starting point!!!

6 CERNET2 DVTS Trial Connection topology Node configuration Data flow
Reflector development Traffic monitoring Website support User controlled testing tools

7 CERNET2 DVTS Connection Topology
25 DVTS nodes (diameter is about kms) Bidirectional transmission 750Mbps DVTS THU XA WH HF SJTU GZ CD SY TJ CHQ XM NJ LZ DL HAB CHC JN HZ CHS ZZ PKU BUPT BUAA FDU TJU BJ SH

8 CERNET2 DVTS Node configuration
SW DVTS Testing server DVTS sender DVTS receiver

9 DVTS configuration— Ordinary Node
CERNET2 backbone From reflector Uni.’s video Other uni.’s videos 30Mbps 30Mbps Sender Receiver display

10 Node configuration—Central Node (1)
Reflector array sender switch GE Multicast/unicast T640 12 receivers 13 receivers backup CERNET2 THU sending Reflector array Each reflector receives multicast/unicast stream from sender and converts to 12(13)unicast duplicated copies to 25 different IPv6 hosts distributed in 25 Pops 30Mx25=750Mbps

11 Equipment Configuration— Central Node (2)
bj wh gz nj sh xa cd sy tjn lzh chq chs zhz hef jnn xmn hzh dln chc hrb pku bupt buaa fdu tju PAD display array PC cluster switch GE 30Mx25=750Mbps PC cluster Each PC receives a DVTS stream from one of the 25 Pops, respectively T640 CERNET2 THU Receiving

12 Data Flow CERNET2 25 DVTS nodes CERNET2 CERNET2 DVTS receiving DVTS
sending SJTU XJTU PKU …… …… JLU JLU CERNET2 CERNET2 GE GE GE GE R R R R R R switch switch switch switch PKU 北大 SJTU DVTS receiving CERNET2 national Center THU CERNET2 national center THU DVTS sending JLU 吉大 NMS 网管 DV DV

13 Video Wall

14 Reflector Development
It runs on Linux OS and developed using g++ It supports IPv4 and IPv6 It supports Unicast and multicast (SSM and ASM) It can reflects 20+ streams with gigabit network card It will be released as Open source soon source reflector S SSM multicast unicast

15 Network Traffic Monitoring

16 Website Support

17 User-controlled Testing tools (1)
Open and share the network-application test statistics both for administrators and end-users Common language To do the test automatically with the test server at any time without partners testing servers setup To do the trouble-shooting hop by hop Distributed servers in each AS discovery and management

18 User-controlled Testing tools (2)
Key techniques Testing server Web-server Easy access Dvping UDP packet/port 8000 (source-destination)/addr(source-destination)/30Mbps Dvmcast For DVTS file receiving For DVTS real streaming echo Distributed servers management Dvbeacon Dvping, internal 1 test/hour

19 User Controlled Testing Support (3)
Web server dvmcast dvping User: tein2 Pass: tein2

20 dvping monitoring dvbeacon

21 Lessons learnt (1) Large-scale DVTS is possible
Network limitation 30 nodes for unicast Much more for multicast PC limitation CPU/Ethernet card Integrated tools is very important for trouble-shooting Isolate network problem and application problem to do the test hop by hop Open and share the testing statistics for the administrators and system engineers and end-users Relieve the load of face-to-face test

22 Lessons Learnt (2) Non-technique factors POC list Website
Find the right person ASAP Website Standard configuration manul Test reports release Sharing info on common problem solving Important notice

23 Summary Large-scale DVTS video platform
Unicast Pure IPv6 Multiple reflectors with multicast feed Multicast very soon Large-scale application-specific measurement system User controlled pre-test tools Real time network traffic monitoring

24 Thank you!

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