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2 Maritime Transport Development – National perspectives
Geostrategic position at the intersection of major European and Pan-European transport corridors Priority on developing the Core network – ports with hinterland connections Functioning and efficient transport systems stimulates long-term economic growth and social opportunities Safe, reliable, cost-efficient, eco-friendly and sustainable maritime transport services Considering Slovenia’s geostrategic position at the intersection of major European and Pan-European transport corridors, considerable efforts are being invested into fulfilling the requirements of the European transport policy in the establishment of the trans-European network. To meet the EU transport policy goals considerable investments are needed along the transport corridors. Since the infrastructure investment opportunities are scarce, Slovenia devotes special attention to the development of the core network. The Port of Koper is integrated into the trans-European transport network TEN-T as one of the key entry and exit ports of the overall European network. Stimulating the development of maritime infrastructure is therefore a key element in establishing trans-European multimodal networks that ensure the undisturbed operations of the internal market and the strengthening of economic and social cohesion. The development of cost-efficient maritime transport infrastructure and services adapted to the needs of sustainable economic growth should also ensuring adequate protection of the environment as well as safety and security is therefore .

3 Key national documents and policies
Resolution on Maritime Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia nr. 10/91) Resolution on the Transport Policy of the Republic of Slovenia (intermodality - time for synergy) (O.G. of RS nr. 58/06) Resolution on the National Maritime Development Programme (O.G. of RS nr. 87/10) Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia (adopted by the Government on July 29, 2015) + Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy (not yet adopted) These priorities and objectives for the development of Slovenia’s maritime transport are embedded in the key strategic documents: Resolution on Maritime Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia Resolution on the Transport Policy of the Republic of Slovenia (intermodality - time for synergy) Resolution on the National Maritime Development Programme Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia (adopted by the Government on July 29, 2015) + Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy (not yet adopted) When drafting the new transport development strategy the original intention was to develop a Resolution on the National Development Plan for Public Transport Infrastructure, which would · define an integrated and comprehensive development of transport and transport infrastructure by 2030 · provide for the regular and stable financing of transport infrastructure, · provide the basis for the drawing of the EU funds in the financial perspective (ex-ante conditionalities). In order to provide a suitable basis for the drawing of the EU funds, the Resolution had to be extended in it‘s scope of application, including the management, maintenance and the operation of the transport system, with a particular reference to the public passenger transport, the intelligent transport system (telematic applications), logistics and alternative fuel infrastructure. Due to the extensive change in the scope it was decided that the adoption of the extended document was to be divided into two phases; the adoption of the Transport Development Strategy followed by the plan for its implementation with a priority order regarding the implementation of investments, funding, time periods and responsible bodies, which is still in the process of adoption.

4 Priorities for Maritime Transport: 1
Priorities for Maritime Transport: 1. Development of port infrastructure and hinterland connections Establishment of trans-European multimodal networks Elimination of bottlenecks Increasing port throughput capacity, competitiveness, reliability and efficiency Improving transport connections with neighbouring countries Improving passenger mobility and infrastructure Ensuring alternative ship fuel supply The main priorities stemming out of the latest national strategies and policies are centred around the development of port infrastructure and hinterland connections, maritime transport safety and management and maritime education. At the forefront of the development of port infrastructure and hinterland connections are the following objectives: Establishment of trans-European multimodal networks (including the motorways of the sea dimension) Elimination of bottlenecks Increasing port throughput capacity, competitiveness, reliability and efficiency Improving transport connections with neighbouring countries Improving passenger mobility and infrastructure (Passenger terminal and development of sustainable transport system along the Adriatic coasts) Ensuring alternative ship fuel supply (on-shore electricity supply and LNG fuel availability)

5 Development of Port of Koper
In the field of maritime infrastructure development at the port of Koper, approx. one third of the existing port infrastructure has been reconstructed in the past twenty years. Future measures related to investments in port infrastructure will mostly relate to the harmonisation of activities to ensure the realisation of the objectives of the Republic of Slovenia and the concessionaire, designed in the concessionaire's strategy as well as in the port’s development programme (in accordance with the provisions of the Decree and the Concession Contract, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopts the Koper port development programme every five years, which it annually monitors or supplements), everything in accordance with the adopted National Spatial Plan for the integrated regulation of the Koper cargo port. In general terms the development of the port of Koper will be facilitated through the following measures: · dredging access channels and basins, extension and construction of piers, and rearrangement of other port infrastructure; · rearranging the railway network to facilitate the reception of expected cargosand delivery within an acceptable period; · arrangement of a suitable road connection between the motorway network and the entrance to the port, and arrangement of the road network in the Koper area. Measures to facilitate an increase in transshipment of all types of cargoes from 18 million to 35–40 million tonnes are divided into three phases: Phase 1 – by 2015: dredging of access channel into basin1 and dredging of basin 1 of the container terminal to -15m was completed. Phase 2 – by 2020 (medium term): investments will include existing infrastructure. An important activity by 2020 is the deepening of the access channel into basin II, the extension of Pier I, and the acquisition of containers in the rear area. 3. Phase 3 – after 2020 (long term): two major investment projects will be carried out: the extension of Pier II and the construction of Pier III. Other measures include: Systematic market management and development of offer to create added value. Establishment of closer and more efficient relations (long-term partnerships) among all providers of logistical services. Extensions and reconstructions of port infrastructure capacities, providing for appropriate integration of the port system in wider international infrastructural networks. Care for sustainable development, environment protection and safety. Use of economical, modern and innovative technologies, where information-communication support is very important. Cooperation between the concessionaire and the local community, socially responsible conduct.

6 2. Maritime transport safety and management
Ensuring safety of maritime transport and environment protection (VTMIS, ICT equipment) Reducing administrative burdens and capacity building (Single Window (NEO), CISE) Implementation of hydrographic and mapping services Along with the development of port and hinterland infrastructure, the appropriate development of infrastructure and equipment for ensuring safety and monitoring of maritime transport is essential. Upgrading the existing monitoring equipment and infrastructure for monitoring and managing maritime traffic has been a priority and has been partially achieved in the past year with the establishment of a fully functioning VTS centre. The VTS centre now uses radar, CCTV, VHF radiotelephony and automatic identification system (AIS) to keep track of vessel movements and provide navigational safety in Slovenian waters. Further efforts shall be invested into providing adequate facilities and qualifications of VTS personnel and automation of navigation safety facilities. In terms of reducing administrative burdens regarding the reporting formalities for maritime transport, the Slovenian Maritime Administration is in the process of developing a national Single Window, upgrading the current national SafeSeaNet system adding new functionalities and developing a maritime applications portal. The development of the national single window was coordinated with all the relevant stakeholders including the port operator. The implementation which shall be completed in various stages and shall be fully operational by 2020. Slovenia shall also explore the potentials of setting up a national common information sharing environment among the competent authorities, with the aim to reuse existing information, avoid duplication and provide for a better maritime situational awareness picture and improve maritime surveillance. For purposes of navigational safety the country shall ensure regular hydrographic and mapping services.

7 3. Maritime education and training
Photos: Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet 3. Maritime education and training High-quality educational and qualification programmes for seafarers pursuant to the requirements of the STCW convention Raising the attractiveness of maritime professions Since maritime safety is indivisibly connected with the human factor further efforts need to be invested into education and training of seafarers and other maritime professions. It is essential that Slovenian educational institutions continue to provide high-quality educational and qualification programmes pursuant to the requirements of the STCW convention. The Ministry of infrastructure and the Slovenian Maritime Administration shall continue to support all activities aimed at protecting the seafarers rights and raising the attractiveness of maritime professions.

8 Maritime transport development - Regional perspectives
EU integrated maritime policy EU Maritime Transport Strategy The EU Strategy of the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion (EUSAIR) When drafting national policies we have strived to align our national policies and priorities by taking into consideration the goals and objectives of the EU integrated maritime policy and EU Maritime Transport Strategy 2018. The newest regional policy, which shall influence and shape the future development of maritime transport in the region comes in the form of a sea basin specific macroregional strategy. Namely the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) adopted by the European Commission and endorsed by the European Council in The Strategy was jointly developed by the Commission, together with the Adriatic-Ionian Region countries and stakeholders, in order to address common challenges together. The general objective of the EUSAIR is to promote economic and social prosperity and growth in the region by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity. EUSAIR has a limited focus on areas of mutual interest with high relevance for the Adriatic-Ionian countries. It is built on four thematic pillars: 1. Blue growth 2. Connecting the region (transport and energy networks) 3. Environmental quality 4. Sustainable tourism

9 Pillar 2 - Connecting the region (Coordinators: Italy and Serbia)
1. Maritime transport - To strengthen maritime safety and security and develop a competitive regional intermodal port system. 2. Intermodal connections to the hinterland - To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers. The pillar 2 – Connecting the region shall focus on 3 topics with specific objectives 1. Maritime transport - To strengthen maritime safety and security and develop a competitive regional intermodal port system. 2. Intermodal connections to the hinterland - To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers. 3. Energy networks - To achieve a well-interconnected and well-functioning internal energy market supporting the three energy policy objectives of the EU – competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability. Both topic 1 and 2 are relevant for future maritime transport development. Under the topic Maritime transport the following priority areas have been identified:

10 Topic - Maritime transport (Specific objective: To strengthen maritime safety and security and develop a competitive regional intermodal port system) Improving and harmonizing traffic monitoring and management Enhancement and simplification of the existing ADRIREP Mandatory Ship Reporting system and proposal for the amendment of the IMO Res. MSC n.139(76). Implementation of an integrated Adriatic and Ionian common VTMIS, the related alerting system and the common training and certification schemes of the operators Developing ports, optimizing port interfaces, infrastructures and procedures/operations 1) Adoption of a common framework for the development of Single Window systems (Directive 2010/65/EU) allowing exchange of information between the ship and the onshore competent authorities and operators for streamlining administrative procedures (e.g. customs clearance, phytosanitary controls, etc.) 2) Adoption of a common framework for the development of internal and external port infrastructures (road/rail/berths/equipment) to support the ports' intermodality and related SSS transport flows by aligning them with TEN-T requirements 3) Adoption of a common framework for the development of green shipping solutions as the necessary facilities for bunkering with alternative fuels (LNG) and cold ironing in Adriatic-Ionian ports The Thematic steering group for pillar 2, which is one of the key implementors of the EUSAIR has so far identified the following priority actions and sub-actions for the Maritime transport topic: Improving and harmonizing traffic monitoring and management, with the sub-actions „Enhancement and simplification of the existing ADRIREP Mandatory Ship Reporting system and proposal for the amendment of the IMO Res. MSC n.139(76). Implementation of an integrated Adriatic and Ionian common VTMIS, the related alerting system and the common training and certification schemes of the operators“ Developing ports, optimizing port interfaces, infrastructures and procedures/operations, with the following sub actions „1) Adoption of a common framework for the development of Single Window systems (Directive 2010/65/EU) allowing exchange of information between the ship and the onshore competent authorities and operators for streamlining administrative procedures (e.g. customs clearance, phytosanitary controls, etc.) 2) Adoption of a common framework for the development of internal and external port infrastructures (road/rail/berths/equipment) to support the ports' intermodality and related Short sea shipping transport flows by aligning them with TEN-T requirements 3) Adoption of a common framework for the development of green shipping solutions as the necessary facilities for bunkering with alternative fuels (LNG) and cold ironing in Adriatic-Ionian ports“

11 Topic “Intermodal connections to the hinterland” (Specific objective: To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers) Developing motorways of the sea Identifying transnational IT tools for tracking and tracing of ITUs using MoS in the Adriatic Ionian Region, supporting intermodality through its integrated with inland terminals and port / inland operators and improving last mile connections Cross-border facilitation Adoption of common standardized administrative procedures at border crossings (e.g. for security, phytosanitary and custom controls) and implementation of small and target scale investments and joint training programmes In order to achieve the specific objective of developing reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland the two priority actions which are connected to the maritime transport node are: Developing motorways of the sea with the sub-action „Identifying transnational IT tools for tracking and tracing of ITUs using MoS in the Adriatic Ionian Region, supporting intermodality through its integrated with inland terminals and port / inland operators and improving last mile connections“. and Cross-border facilitation with the sub-action „Adoption of common standardized administrative procedures at border crossings (e.g. for security, phytosanitary and custom controls) and implementation of small and target scale investments and joint training programmes“ Since the strategy is still in it’s early implementation stages, much work still lies ahead of us. It is essential that the stakeholders in the region get acquainted with the possibilities and the potential of such cooperation and get actively involved in its implementation. More info on EUSAIR: Macroregional strategies in Slovenia:

12 Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention! Ministry of Infrastructure Directorate for Aviation and Maritime Transport Maritime Section


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