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NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule

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1 NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule
Deliberative Product --- Not for Release NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule EPA’s Construction General Permit (CGP) for Stormwater Discharges

2 Objective Provide an overview of the transition from eNOI to CGP NeT Introduce key terms and system processes for electronically filing Explain and demonstrate some key features and functionality of the CGP NeT tool Provide you with support and resource information to assist in your transition from eNOI to CGP NeT

3 Overview of CGP New 2017 CGP recently signed and will be effective Feb 16, 2017 Who needs to apply for coverage? Operators in an area where EPA is the NPDES permitting authority (see Appendix B of the CGP) Operators of construction activities that will disturb one or more acres of land, or that will disturb less than one acre but are part of a common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more. Operators requiring permit coverage include any party associated with a construction activity that meets either of the following two criteria: The party has operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or The party has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with the permit conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the permit). Where there are multiple operators associated with the same project, all operators are required to obtain permit coverage.

4 Overview of CGP Existing projects covered under the 2012 CGP that extend beyond February 16, 2017, will have until May 17, 2017, to submit a new NOI to continue permit coverage For existing projects that will not continue, users may: Elect to submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) in eNOI; OR Just allow their 2012 coverage to expire Emergency-related project (i.e., a project initiated in response to a public emergency (e.g., mud slides, earthquake, extreme flooding conditions, disruption in essential public services), for which the related work requires immediate authorization to avoid imminent endangerment to human health or the environment, or to reestablish essential public services), you will be required to submit a new NOI using CGP NeT no later than 30 calendar days after commencing construction activities to be covered under the 2017 CGP.

5 Waivers (Appendix C of CGP)
Waivers in lieu of needing to obtain coverage under this general permit are only available to stormwater discharges associated with small construction activities (i.e., 1-5 acres) Qualification for Waivers are based on: a low rainfall erosivity factor (R-Factor) a TMDL analysis an Equivalent Analysis that determines allocations for small construction sites are not needed Operators must notify EPA of its intention for a Waiver Where the Operator changes or another is added during the construction project, the new Operator must also submit a waiver certification to be waived.

6 Waivers (Continued) Waiver Deadlines
Waiver certifications must be submitted prior to commencement of construction activities. If you submit a TMDL or Equivalent Analysis waiver request, you are not waived until EPA approves your request. As such, you may not commence construction activities until receipt of approval from EPA. Late Notifications: Operators are not prohibited from submitting waiver certifications after initiating clearing, grading, excavation activities, or other construction activities. The Agency reserves the right to take enforcement for any unpermitted discharges that occur between the time construction commenced and waiver authorization is granted.

7 Used to obtain coverage under the 2017 CGP
Notice of Intent (NOI) Used to obtain coverage under the 2017 CGP Undergo 14 day review process when Certified Can be placed “on hold” by EPA Review clock resumes when record is “released” if fewer than 14 days have passed since submitting the NOI If “on hold” status extends beyond the 14 day review period, NOI record is ‘Active’ when record is “released” Can be terminated/rejected by EPA Can be changed via Change NOI Coverage can be terminated via Notice of Termination (NOT)

8 Low Erosivity Waiver (LEW)
Qualifications: Acreage to be disturbed less than 5 acres R-Factor less than 5 R-Factor can be calculated using EPA’s online calculator at If Project Start/End Dates change, R-Factor must be recalculated If Operator changes, new Operator must also apply for LEW Must be submitted prior to commencement of operations Can be changed via Change LEW Can be Discontinued

9 Notice of Termination (NOT)
Used to terminate CGP coverage Conditions for termination have been met (see Part 8 of the permit) and coverage under the CGP is no longer needed: Construction activities have ceased and final stabilization has been met; or Operator has transferred control of the site to another operator who has submitted an NOI; or Operator has obtained NPDES permit coverage under a different permit

10 Relevant Terms and Acronyms (see Appendix A of Permit for more)
Term Acronym Definition Central Data Exchange CDX Point of entry on the Environmental Information Exchange Network for environmental data exchanges to the Agency. A CDX account is required to access CGP forms. NPDES eReporting Tool NeT Data application used to enter/submit NOIs, LEWs, and NOTs. Notice of Intent NOI Used to obtain coverage under a General Permit. Low Erosivity Waiver LEW Used by small Operators who qualify for a waiver based on their rainfall erosivity factor and project size Notice of Termination NOT Upon completion of construction, the Notice of Termination allows Operators to terminate their CGP coverage. Certifier None The entity authorized to certify forms, see, Signatory Requirements, for certifier criteria. Preparer The individual preparing forms. This may be the certifier or an individual the certifier designates to prepare the form.

11 Overview of CGP Electronic Reporting
Previously used the eNOI system Starting February 16, 2017, new NOIs and LEWs will be submitted in the NPDES eReporting Tool (NeT) Why NeT? NeT is linked to other EPA data systems so CGP data can be shared across the Agency and with the public No CGP records are being migrated from eNOI to NeT CGP records previously submitted under previous CGPs can be found on the eNOI Search Tool Users with CDX accounts will simply have to add CGP NeT program service to their account

12 Gaining Access to CGP NeT - Login and Add Program Service
Log into CGP NeT ( Existing CDX User (eNOI, NeT, NetDMR) Enter User ID and Password Manually Add Program Service for NeT EPA CGP Certifiers may be asked to sign Electronic Signature Agreement if haven’t done so already New CDX User Register from within CGP NeT

13 Determine your Role Certifier Prepare, Certify, and Submit NOIs/LEWs/NOTs to EPA Must be authenticated in CDX Cannot be delegated Preparer Prepare an NOI/LEW/NOT for the Certifier

14 Already Have CDX Account Add NeT EPA CGP Program Service
Existing User Already Have CDX Account Add NeT EPA CGP Program Service

15 Add CGP Program Service
Visit CGP NeT ( Login with your CDX User ID & Password You will be taken to your MyCDX Home Page If you’ve forgotten your User ID or Password, click on the corresponding link and follow the instructions Click Add Program Service Select the “NeT: NPDES eReporting Tool” Program Category Select the “NeT - EPA Stormwater Construction General Permit” Program Service Select Role Preparers are finished. Certifiers continue with authentication process (next slide)

16 User Authentication – Certifiers Only
If you have never signed an Electronic Subscriber Agreement (ESA) with CDX before, you will be asked to do so Confirm that the name you have provided is accurate and that you want to proceed with LexisNexis authentication If you do not wish to proceed with electronic authentication, there is a paper option. Please note, that using the paper option will take several days to complete Enter your personal information into LexisNexis for authentication Please note that the data entered into LexisNexis is not saved, stored, or retained. It is used for authentication purposes only If rejected by LexisNexis, you must use paper ESA option Select and answer 5 security questions These security questions will be used when Certifying CGP forms. When certifying a form, one security question will be randomly chosen for you to answer Answers to the security questions are case sensitive If you have previously signed an ESA in CDX, you need only Select and answer the 5 security questions.

17 Requires CDX Registration
New User Requires CDX Registration

18 Go to CDX and Register Visit CGP NeT ( Click on the Create New Account link Select Role Users can only have 1 Role assigned Enter your Personal Information Create User ID, Password, Answer 3 security questions For Certifiers, select and answer 5 additional security questions Enter Organization Information If your Organization does not exist in the system, you can request to have it added Enter Phone & You will receive an with a verification code. Copy & Paste the verification code into the Verification field Preparers are now finished. Certifiers will need to authenticate

19 User Authentication – Certifiers Only
Certifiers will need to complete additional steps to authenticate Answer the LexisNexis Questions Use personal information Data is not stored or saved Electronically sign the Subscriber Agreement Can choose to submit paper ESA If LexisNexis fails, must submit paper ESA Paper ESA will take several days to process

20 Intro to CGP NeT

21 System Features Internet Accessible 20 minute time out
Can use computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones Can use Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome 20 minute time out 20 minutes of inactivity will log the user out Related Questions For some questions, depending on the answer provided, additional questions will appear Business Rules CGP NeT forces some data fields to meet specific formatting requirements User is notified immediately if business rule is not met

22 Preparer/Certifier: Certifier Only: What Can I do in CGP NeT
Create new, Change, Terminate NOI Create new, Change, Discontinue LEW Route form to other Preparer/Certifier Recipient must also be a CGP NeT user Certifier Only: Certify NOI (including Change & Terminate) Certify LEW (including Change & Discontinue)

23 CGP Form Status Status Definition Draft
An NOI or LEW that has been created but not yet Certified. Draft forms can be Edited or Deleted. Submitted An NOI that is currently within the 14-day review period. Submitted forms can not be edited. If changes need to be made, the form is to be deleted and a new NOI created. On Hold An NOI that EPA has placed in a temporary suspension for further analysis/review. On Hold forms can not be edited or deleted. Active An NOI that has completed its 14-day review or a LEW that has been certified. Active forms can only be Changed/Terminated. Terminated An NOI that has been terminated. Terminated forms can not be unterminated or modified. Discontinued A LEW that has been discontinued. Discontinued forms can not be restored or modified. Denied A CGP form that has been rejected by EPA. Consult with your EPA office as to the specific reasons for rejection. Denied forms can not be edited or deleted. Archived When an NOI or LEW has been changed (and becomes Active), the original form is archived and is no longer Active. Archived forms can not be edited or deleted.

24 Launching CGP NeT (after CGP Program Service has been added)
Visit CGP NeT ( Login with your CDX User ID & Password You’ll be taken to the MyCDX Home Page Click on the Role next to the CGP Program Service CGP NeT is launched

25 Entry way to EPA tools & systems CGP ‘widget’ allows for:
E-Enterprise Portal Entry way to EPA tools & systems CGP ‘widget’ allows for: Search existing NOI/LEW public records (i.e., submitted, active, and terminated forms) See Detailed Information from these forms Check Status of Review for submitted forms Download corresponding attachments URL –

26 [DEMO OF CGP & E-Enterprise]

27 Resources CDX Assistance
Call (toll-free) or (970) for International callers (8:00am – 6:00pm EST) NPDES eReporting Website: CGP Assistance Call Center at (toll-free) (9:00am – 5:00pm EST) to EPA CGP Informational Website – EPA CGP Support Website –

28 The URL is:
NeT Zendesk The NeT Customer Support web page contains (or will contain soon) a wealth of CGP (and NeT) related material User Guide Quick Start Guide GovDelivery ( subscription service) Training Schedule The URL is:

29 Questions?

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