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Presented by Wiseman Sibiya
Rand Water’s Approach with Municipalities & Government Disciplines to address and Improve Wastewater Services Presented by Wiseman Sibiya
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Rand Water’s Approach
Milestone Achieved Challenges encountered Lessons learned Conclusion Q & A
INTRODUCTION Recent assessment of WWTWs conducted by Rand Water in Gauteng, Free State and Mpumalanga revealed that: Municipalities are facing serious change on O&M of WWTW and related sanitation systems. Ageing infrastructure Lack of technical skills relevant to wastewater services Inadequate funding/budgeting to run these systems Institutional arrangements
…Contd Rand Water is state owned enterprise and bide by Water Services Act 108 of 1997 to provide: Management services Training and other support services( including sanitation) to Water Service Institutions (WSI) Supply treated/non-potable water to end users Catchment management to or on behalf of Water authorities
…Contd According to DWA`s “First Order Assessment Report conducted in May 2009 and 2009 Green Drop Report : Nearly half of the 852 wastewater treatment works around the country were not in a state to be assessed. 203 wastewater treatment plants scored “better than 50% 32 wastewater treatment plants (3.8%) received Green Drop status. The poor performance is mainly caused by design limitations, lack of adequate funding for operation and maintenance, skills shortage including insufficient attention given to maintenance by municipalities.
….Contnd DWS, Water & Sanitation Sectors’ Goal:
to meet the needs of the people in terms of water services provision, to promote sanitation services and to protect the water resources.
RAND WATER’S APPROACH Assist WSA by conducting detailed assessment on WWTWs and sewage pumpstations Compiled assessment report with recommendations and present it to the WSA Assessment covers among others; process technology installed, design capacity vs operating capacity, HR matters, maintenance, budget, OHSA compliance, etc. Enter to partnership with WSAs through: Public-public Partnership
RAND WATER’S APPROACH …Contd Memorandum of Understandings
Co-operate Agreements Institutional Capacity Enhancement
1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Employer’s objective is to upgrade the Sebokeng Waste Water Treatment Works by a 50Mℓ/day module. The works to be carried out include demolition work, mass earthworks and civil works, associated mechanical and electrical works. Primary Settling tanks- Launder channel casting Secondary Settling tanks Pouring of concrete at the drying beds 2. PROJECT SCOPE 3. PROGRAM Construction Commenced: August 2013 Completion Date (Phase 1): December 2017 Part of the Sedibeng Regional Sewage Scheme. Aim is to deliver an effective solution that will eradicate the pollution into the Vaal River and its tributaries; create regional bulk sanitation infrastructure for the Southern Gauteng Region to address under capacity of WWTT. (Upgrade 100 Ml/d) 4. PHYSICAL PROGRESS – JAN 17 Civil Contract (72% Complete) Mechanical contract ( 81% Complete, design and procurement) Bulk Electrical contract (71% Complete) Perimeter fence construction ( 23% Complete)
Continues Sebokeng WWTW upgrade
5. CHALLENGES Continued work Stoppages 30% procurement of local sub-contractors & labour employment Delays on payment of contractors due to non payment from DWS Demand for training by all workers on site.. 6.SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 221 local people are employed in the project 41 women and 180 men 50% of local employment is youth (111 youth) 106 general labour 115 skilled personal 10 subcontractors of which 8 are local subcontractors
Cracked asbestos sewer pipe lines contributing to extraneous flows.
1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Sedibeng Regional Sewer Scheme (SRSS) is a multi-faceted sanitation project which aims to develop a sustainability bulk sanitation capacity in the Sedibeng region, deliver effective solutions to prevent pollution of strategic national water resources and unlock development projects and economic opportunities in the region that require sanitation services. Cracked asbestos sewer pipe lines contributing to extraneous flows. Sewer spillage at pumpstation 34 Leeuwkuil WWTW aerial view 2. PROJECT SCOPE SRSS scope consists of: Stage 1 (Technical Feasibility Study, Land Procurement and Institutional Arrangement) Stage 2 (Design and construction for the Sedibeng Scheme and the implementation of Technical Feasibility Study outcomes)
….SRSS continues 3. PROGRAM Project Commenced: 10 February 2014
Completion Date (Short Team Implementation Phase) 14 December 2018 4. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Socio-Economic Study is 90% complete. There is no local labour involved because the project is still at professional services stage.
The implementation of Westonaria Regional Sanitation Scheme (WRSS) located in Rand west Local Municipality under the jurisdiction of West Rand District Municipality. 2. PROJECT SCOPE Construction of an New 20Ml/day Zuurbekom Wastewater Treatment Works 20Ml/day is part of the Westonaria Regional Sanitation Scheme Rand Engineering Designs Services for Bulk Water & Sanitation Service at Syferfontein Development Construction of Westonaria Pump Station & Associated Infrastructure 3. PROGRAM Construction Commence: All three projects are currently at evaluation stage and appointment to be concluded in March/April 2017 Commencement is subject to issuing of Record of Decision by GDARD for Zuurbekom WWTW and Mohlakeng Pump station. 4. PHYSICAL PROGRESS EIA: Draft EIA report for Zuurbekom to be submitted to GDARD by the 17th February 2017 Final EIA report for Mohlakeng Pump Station was submitted to GDARD on the 25th August 2016 WULA: Submitted to DWS in 2016 and not issued All tenders are currently at evaluation stage
..Contd 5. CHALLENGES Pressure to obtain Record of Decision from GDARD. Targeted obtain approval by GDARD in the next 3 months. DWS to issue WULA for Zuurbekom WWTW and Mohlakeng Pump Station 6.SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The project estimated to employs about 100 locals, the process shall be done in phases as soon as main contractor have been appointed. Male = 58 (estimated from total) Female = 42 (estimated from total) Total amount of money required to pay laborers and Subcontracts will be determined as soon as the construction contractor have been appointed.
Other Projects includes:
Ngwate L.M. – Refurbishment of Vredefort WWTW’s Mafube L.M. – Extension of WWTW in Namahadi/Frankfort (Phase 1- construction of 2 pump stations and Rising main) Emalahleni L.M.– Upgrade of Klipspruit WWTW Victor L.M.- Upgrading of Delmas and Botleng WWTW’s Mogality City L.M.- O&M WWTW 2.Thembisile Hani L.M. – O&M WWTW Westonaria – WWTW’s Emfuleni LM- Advisory services WWTW’s Innovation – Biogas, Bio enzyme & AMD reuse to potable drinking water project.
MILESTONES ACHIEVED Emfuleni Local Municipality
5 year O&M contract for Rietspruit WWTW, Sebokeng WWTW, Leeuwkuil WWTW & 45 Sewage Pump Stations. improved the effluent quality within 6 months from 40 % to above 85 % compliance with legislation Minimized sewage spillage and repairs turn around time Thembisile Hani Local Municipality 5 year O&M contract for Tweefontein K WWTW
MILESTONES ACHIEVED Brugspruit Acid Mine Drainage Plant
6 months renewal contract with DWA to operate & maintain Brugspruit Acid Mine Drainage Plant. Scope of above projects include: Management, operations, scheduled maintenance, Industrial Effluent Monitoring, Process Upgrade, Health & Safety, Analytical Services, capacity building & Bio-monitoring programme.
MILESTONES ACHIEVED Emalahleni Local Municipality
Refurbishment of 3 Sewage Pump stations Moqhaka Hani Local Municipality Refurbishment of Kroonstad WWTW DWA Project Refurbishment & recommissioning of Brugspruit AMD Plant in Witbank. Extension of Hannes van Niekerk WWTW
Brugspruit AMD Plant Excavation in preparation for the spring protection Carrying out the spring protection Draining the land between the holding dam and the southern outfall inlet. Preparing the gabian cells to support the pipeline between the holding dam and the southern outfall inlet.
Brugspruit Refurbishment- Completed
Acid Mine Drainage Plant
CHALLENGES Lack of technical skills and human resources
Meeting new green drop quality requirements up to point of discharge State of bulk sanitation reticulation systems and treatment infrastructure Current design & capacity of the wastewater treatment plants Poor regulation compliance and enforcement Changing institutional arrangements
CHALLENGES …Contd Industrial Pollution Municipalities financial status
Political interferences
CONCLUSION It’s clear that South Africa is still facing major challenge in addressing wastewater services to meet basic human needs and compliance to legislation. The partnership of Water Services Providers (WSP) with government disciplines and Water Service Authorities can accelerate both water and wastewater services delivery.
Water is Life ! Sanitation is Dignity !
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