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“Facebook,Twitter” Ghada AlMadi. #

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1 “Facebook,Twitter” Ghada AlMadi. #201200478
Social Networks.. “Facebook,Twitter” Ghada AlMadi. #

2 Some of the most powerful tweets..
Sohaib Athar tweeted this hours before president Obama announces the death of Osama Bin Ladin.

3 Stefanie got to snap a spectacular shot of the Endeavour space shuttle's final flight

4 “Welcome back Egypt” from Wael Ghonaim.

5 A homeless man reunited with his missing daughter after 11 years.

6 After the riots in the UK, an account was created to bring everyone who wants to clean the city.

7 Earthquake in Japan.

8 He jokingly tweeted this, but guess what was waiting for him when he landed? Yes, his order.

9 Facebook in Saudi. There are 5,539,300 Facebook users in Saudi Arabia, which makes it #33 in the ranking of all Facebook statictics by country.

10 There are 70% male users and 30% female users.

11 Social networking is the way 21st century communicate today, but actually it means the grouping of individuals into specific groups. Like small communities or neighborhood subdivision. Although social networking can be in person, especially in workplace, schools, universities, but mostly it’s more popular online.

12 The advantages of social networking sites:
Facebook: a social community connecting friends, colleagues, family and relationships. Twitter: a social networking and also termed micro blogging community. MySpace: leading social entertainment site “music, games, movies..”

13 The disadvantages of social networking sites:
Threat of viruses. Wasting time. Risk of fraud or identity theft. Cyberbullying and crimes against children.

14 Social networks impact in the society
Stay in touch with friends and family who live in the other side of the world, via skype for example. Social networking sites thurst people together in mind-blogging combinations of attributes – conservative/liberal, parents/child-free, religious/atheist/agnostic.

15 References:

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