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Stakeholder engagement update to NuLeaf Sept 16

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1 Stakeholder engagement update to NuLeaf Sept 16
Official Socio economics & Stakeholder engagement update to NuLeaf Sept 16

2 Official Background Socio-Economics was included in the Energy Act 2004 in an attempt to avoid a repeat experience of the 1980s where rapid decline in the British coal-mining industry left profound social and economic scars for local communities. By developing and implementing a comprehensive socio-economic strategy and collaborating with key stakeholders, we can help to minimise the adverse effect of our decommissioning activities on local communities and save taxpayers’ money over the long-term.

3 Official Objectives Our overarching socio-economic objective is to support the maintenance of sustainable communities near to our sites. Our priorities are to: Enhance the opportunity for local people to be involved in decommissioning work or other economic activity through education, retraining and skills development; Support the diversification of local economies into other sectors by increasing the number, variety and vibrancy of local businesses, promoting entrepreneurship and taking steps to attract new enterprises; Increase the attractiveness of areas near NDA sites as places to live, work and invest in, with particular emphasis on achieving environmental, social and infrastructure improvements; and Work with nuclear new-build and neighbouring site organisations to work cohesively on socio-economics and maximise potential benefits to the community.

4 Official Successes Construction of further education centres across the country such as Bridgwater college Regeneration of Whitehaven town centre through the building of Albion Square, the Beacon refurbishment and the youth Foyer project; Workforce transition schemes, to support redundant workers in finding new/self-employment; Support to new business start-ups and local supply chain organisations; Support to key local infrastructure projects, such as Scrabster Harbour.

5 Official Achieving our mission skills development to counteract the skills shortage; social and economic infrastructure development to attract those with the skills we need to locate in the area; economic diversification support to create a vibrant local supply chain, widen career opportunities, and providing attractive employment opportunities for the families of nuclear workers to attract them to, or retain them in the community; building and maintaining stakeholder support for our mission; Support to education establishments to enable local throughput of pupils with the right skills to support the industry.

6 Challenges to tackle Lack of Strategic Thought Leadership
Official Challenges to tackle Lack of Strategic Thought Leadership The SLCs are leaving us behind in terms of socio-economic policy Delegation to SLCs each SLC has its own method of evaluation, monitoring and reporting Focus on Funding we have overwhelmingly focused on the support via funding element Mission Driver we haven’t prioritised those funding requests that both meet a defined socio-economic need and support the industry in its mission Monitoring and Evaluation we don’t report on that progress systematically, thereby underselling the achievements we’ve made

7 Impact of Strategy III Integration
Official Impact of Strategy III Integration Better integration of NDA strategies will drive more coherent direction to the SLCs and help maximise socio-economic potential Support from the Supply Chain Strategy III states that ‘we will increasingly expect our wider supply chain to contribute to the socio-economic agenda and will pursue contracting options that enable us to do that’ Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 There is a legal driver for supply chain contribution in the Public Services (Social Value) Act The recently-introduced legislation for the first time places a duty on public bodies to consider social value in its procurement activities Site-Specific Strategies We have committed to developing site-specific socio-economic strategies to give greater leadership to SLCs, clarity to stakeholders and clearer plans against which to monitor and report.

8 Official Next steps It is clear that, if we are to make a step-change in the value of our socio-economic activities, we need to rethink how we carry them out. There are two overarching critical factors: Mainstreaming socio-economics into the NDA’s decision-making Re-establishing leadership for socio-economic across the estate

9 NDA socio-economics will:
0fficial NDA socio-economics will: Give strong leadership to the estate; Support both the delivery of our Mission and the sustainability of our communities; Be informed by evidenced needs and trends; Be delivered in collaboration with key stakeholders; Focus on delivering impact using a variety of resources, not just financial support; Robustly monitor, assure and evaluate; Report in an open and transparent manner; Leverage external resources and investment to deliver impact; Be sustainable; Use the supply chain to help deliver our objectives.

10 How to find out more Our website: Subscribe to receive:
E-bulletin Blog post notifications: Follow us on: LinkedIn Join 700+ members in: NDA Estate Supply Chain LinkedIn Group

11 Stakeholder objectives
Inform This is about how we communicate information to our stakeholders Engage The goal here is to work directly with stakeholders who have a declared interest on an ongoing basis to ensure that concerns and aspirations are consistently understood Consult For the NDA, consultation describes the formal process of seeking stakeholder feedback and responses to specific questions or information we have placed in the public domain

12 Our aims to provide opportunities for the public and stakeholders to better understand, comment on and influence NDA planning and decision making; to provide opportunities for the NDA to draw on the knowledge and experience of stakeholders to improve its planning and decision making; to build and maintain relationships with stakeholders that lead to mutual support and confidence; to enable the NDA to meet its legal and regulatory responsibilities to consult.

13 The current approach Local engagement is carried out principally through site stakeholder groups National engagement is carried through a national stakeholder event and a number of ‘specialist subject area’ discussions such as our Theme Overview Groups and specific ‘one off’ events such as that held on proportionate regulatory controls earlier this year We also attend relevant sessions with key stakeholders in Scotland and Wales as well as international stakeholders

14 The case for change At the local community level, we will see several sites approaching quiescence Several of our sites have adjacent EdF stations approaching the end of their working life There are sites with new nuclear build proposals in advanced states Local authorities increasingly interested in our work SSGs not performing a feedback role very effectively Eleven years on a good time to review and effect change

15 Strategy suggestions Introducing a regional or SLC-based approach to stakeholder engagement to generate interest from a wider range of stakeholders and to ensure that the conversations are tailored to the specific SLC/region. Proposals aimed at increasing stakeholder engagement and involvement in the business planning process. Improving our broader engagement to reach a wider audience by strengthening our online activities and using social media. Continuing to utilise credible and preferred options studies to develop early engagement on topics emerging from our strategy.

16 Next steps We have begun a conversation with stakeholders on how to get the very best out of the time and resources committed to SSGs This is looking at: Membership How material is presented and made available for re-use How the meetings are publicised Agendas We have recognised the importance of engagement with local authorities and supported that through funding We need your involvement in building that engagement

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