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Welcome to Parent Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Night!
This picture: Raymond Moriyama fonds, Reference Code: F , Archives of Ontario, I Insert your own class’s photo.

2 As you enter the room… Get your child’s computer from the computer rack. Open and sign in (login details are on a post-it by the trackpad) Open the movie on the desktop. Enjoy. Begin thinking of two sentences you describe your child (you will be asked to share your sentences during the presentation).

3 Agenda Introduce the class (you help!)
Give you a sense of how 5A3 operates Provide a curriculum overview Introduce simple ways you can help Answer Questions Allow time to Mix and Mingle

4 Name of Student Comment from student about his/her parents(s): “I think that my mom was very boy-crazy I think that my dad was brainy in math.”

5 Passionate about developing critical thinking skills in students
Mrs. Janet Abercrombie Passionate about developing critical thinking skills in students Passionate about helping students be responsible, independent, lifelong learners

6 Name of Student “I think my parents had good grades in 5th grade since they got good jobs.”

7 Technology Agreements Qtr. 1
Learn safe handling practices of equipment Review and understand Acceptable Use Agreement Establish password and protocols Develop ergonomic best practices Establish folder structure, file naming protocol and desktop management Develop Google site for ePortfolio Begin using Google docs for sharing and collaboration, e.g reading logs These are common agreements made by the 5th grade teaching team in

8 Student Name “My dad was the class clown in 5th grade. My mom was a straight-A student and always paid attention.”

9 Curriculum Overview: Literacy
The Workshop Model for Reading and Writing Learning what good readers do Practicing the new skills with the teacher Apply new skills to independent reading Word Study Rationale for change First steps Things to come… [Insert picture of students reading or insert a hyperlink to student videos or reading class.]

10 Student Name “My dad was probably a star student and everybody was jealous of him because he was so smart. Mom probably wandered off and played games.”

11 Curriculum Overview: Math
Everyday Math - slightly different this year (but not much) Problem Solving Exemplars Games Enrichment & Problem Solving Practice UP Puzzler [hyperlink to math video]

12 [hyperlink to PE video]

13 Curriculum Overview: Special Events
Cultural Encounters Colony Day Grade 5 Camp (October 19-21) Civil War Role Play Variables Olympics Middle School Visit Poetry and Writing Cafe [hyperlink to Music Video]

14 Curriculum Overview: Assessment
Rubrics and clear expectations outlined prior to any major assessment Ongoing anecdotal comments Exit slips and reflections End of unit assessments Projects (individual and cooperative) [Hyperlink to art video]

15 Simple Ways to Help… Let me know if there is something going on in the family. Read the newsletter blog. Send me news stories that might interest the students. Carefully consider party invites and other gifts. Avoid changes in after-school plans whenever possible.

16 Forms of communication…
Newsletter blog Classroom Website Day 1 reflection folder Student planner s and phone calls

17 Questions? Oh please ask away!

18 Odds and Ends… Photobooth video:
Open your child’s computer. Record a message that they will receive tomorrow morning. If you need some ideas: Things your child is doing that make you proud. Things you saw at parent night that surprised you or impressed you. Things you are looking forward to seeing this year.

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