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Topic 1: International Criminal Activity

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1 Topic 1: International Criminal Activity
Criminology B Unit 1 Topic 1: International Criminal Activity

2 Relations Between Governments on International Crime
Border disputes and immigration Revolutions and struggle for power International response and responsibility Government supported illegal trade and activity Drug trafficking Terrorism Piracy “Military Acts” vs. Acts of Terrorism Court systems and rights of accused Rights of foreign citizens

3 Early 20th Century Response
_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated 30,000 metric tons of opium in 1907 compared to 5,000 in 2000 Legislation has broadened to include drugs like cannabis, LSD, Methamphetamines, etc.

4 Drug Numbers Today Illegal drug trade estimated at $_____________U.S. dollars a year Second only to ___________________________ 90% of drug trade centers around 3 plants Opium poppy (________________) Coca bush (________________) ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Growing methamphetamine market in Mexico and Southeast Asia Rise of Afghanistan in the drug market

5 Mafia Involvement ________________________ established at ___________________________ ______________________________ Grown in ___________________ Refined in __________________ Distributed out of _______________

6 Golden _______ and Golden _______
Golden Triangle: _______ (formerly Burma), _______________ 1991: approximately 81% of world’s total opium produced in this region Golden Crescent: ____________________________________ Afghanistan and the drug trade Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refers to Afghanistan as “narco-state” based on corruption of government officials with illegal drugs General Mohammed Daud Daud Deputy Minister of Interior responsible for counternarcotics Counternarcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) Safeguarded shipments of illegal opiates Takes share of $3 billion profits Trade routes also bringing in weapons and ammunition Denial of top government officials of any wrongdoing Incident involving tanker truck with 700 kilograms of raw opium Opium production globally : ___% 2007: ___%

7 South America Connection
All of cocaine consumed in the world is grown in Andean countries of __________________________ Through the late 1990’s in to 2000’s, __________ with major cartels like the Medellin was dominant Today though, _____ has become the largest capable of producing 340 tons of cocaine a year compared to Colombia at 309 tons Colombian numbers may not be accurate because many are smaller crops hidden by canopy coverage in the jungle In 2000, it is estimated that Colombia could generate close to ________ tons of cocaine a year

8 ___________________ _______________ drug lord and head of ______________________ 1975 begins drug operations flying planes from Colombia and Panama to U.S. Medellin drug cartel considered most successful criminal enterprise smuggling 15 tons of cocaine a day ($_______________________________) Purchases land in ______________ called Norman’s Cay for shipments to U.S. Use of planes, boats and submarines Elected to Colombia’s Congress in 1982 Forbes lists him as 7th most wealthy in the world in 1989 Wealth close to $25 billion and Medellin controlling 80% of global cocaine market Hero to many because of generosity 1992: U.S. begins all-out manhunt for Escobar along with vigilante group called ______________________ Killed Dec. 2, 1993 by Colombian National Police Escobar quote: “I prefer to be in a grave in Colombia than a jail in the U.S.”

9 ____________________
_______________________________________________________________ Born in Colombia in 1943 Life of crime and prostitution First murder at age of 11 Part of Medellin Cartel Killed niece of important _____________ family Cocaine trafficking through New York, Miami and Southern California Brought in estimated $____ million per month Moved to New York in her 30’s Government intercepts 150 kilos of cocaine in 1975 Flees country and later resettles in Miami and later California ___________________________ and violence in Miami Considered responsible for over ______ murders Possibly even __ of her former husbands Captured in California by DEA and put on trial Indicted on 3 murder charges but later thrown out ____year sentence Released in 2004 and deported back to Colombia Killed Sept. 3, 2012 in Medellin, Colombia by drive-by motorcyclist

10 Drug Cartels in Mexico ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rise of drug cartels in Mexico led to increased violence on both sides of the border Especially western part of Mexico along Pacific Ocean Methamphetamine production Prior was via the Caribbean and then into Florida Estimated that major drug cartels in Mexico and Colombia generate between $___________ billion a year Alignment has created 2 major drug cartels Juarez, Tijuana, Los Zetas and Beltran-Leyva Gulf, Sinaloa and La Familia

11 Drug War in Mexico Earlier leadership ignored operations of drug cartels Corruption and payments 2006: Election of President ___________________ Declares war on drug cartels ______________________________________________________________________________________ Protests over lack of effectiveness of drug war One poll showed only __% of Mexican citizens found value in fighting war versus violence it creates

12 American Involvement in Trafficking
Drug cartels have “___________________________” in Texas Intimidation of land owners in Texas to use as bases Identified problem in Texas with kids as young as 11 to bring drugs across border 25+ minors arrested in one Texas county for involvement in one year Considered “expendable” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment of around $50 for efforts Driving vehicles, acting as lookouts or other efforts ________________________________ Customs and Border Protection efforts to warn about dangers in schools and in the communities _____________________ area accounts for 49% of marijuana seizures along southern border

13 Violence and Murder 2010 saw 4,000 drug gang related murders in Mexico in second quarter Doubled the amount from first quarter of 2009 Ciudad, Juarez had 3,000 murders by Dec. 16, 2010 up from 300 in 2007 Death toll from 2007-January, 2011 at 34,612 Half of the killings taking place in Chihuahua, Tamaulipas and Sinaloa ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mexican media groups in March, 2011 vow to not publish cartel propaganda or glorify drug-related violence ___________________________ elected in 2012 Focus on bringing down heads of Cartel families Less control of families because of lack of “leadership”

14 U.S. Government Involvement
Morida Initiative passed by Congress in 2008 aimed at helping with helicopters, drug-sniffing dogs and weapons trafficking 2010: President Obama pledged to station additional 1,200 National Guard troops and hire an additional 1,000 Border Patrol agents $600 million border security bill passed targeting drugs and weapons Drug-smuggling tunnel discovered across California-Mexico border from Tijuana into U.S.

15 ____________________________
Most powerful drug leader in the world today Head of the ____________________ Cartel Connections all around the world for drug trafficking Control over a _______ of cocaine production in Colombia Largest source of drugs to the United States Controlled ___% of drugs in Chicago Originally sent to prison in 1993 but bribed his way out in 2001 Serving 20 year sentence Captured in ____________________ Feb. 22, 2014 Escaped from maximum security prison July 12, 2015 From shower area into mile long tunnel with motorcycle Mexican officials had stated he would not escape again President Enrique Peña Nieto stated “inexcusable to allow what happened a few years ago to happen again” Recent bizarre tweets from his son Threaten to kill ______________________________________ Picture in Costa Rica Car accident in Southern Mexico with man taken to hospital of similar description Captured again Jan. 8, 2016 by _______________________________ United States seeking __________________________________________

16 Global Statistics and Facts
International Labor Organization _____ million people are in human trafficking situation at any one time U.S. State Department ________________ trafficked across international borders a year _______________________ are trafficked into U.S. a year Driven by commercial sex and cheap, illicit labor 43% for prostitution and 32% for labor in EU _________________________ established by ___ in 2000 142 parties agree to the “3P’s” _______________________________

17 Conditions for Trafficking
________________________________________________________________________________ Victims are silenced through threats and forced into dependency on their captors Government ignoring forced labor Limiting enforcement to either foreign trafficking victims or their own citizens Demand for cheap goods, services, labor and sex creates market for exploitation

18 Exploitation of Dreams and Hopes
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Example: overeducated woman with few options in village where she lives Introduced to possibilities in the world Exploiting the information gap Use their lives and freedoms as collateral to guarantee a better future Recruitment fees used to trap people once they arrive Cases with guest workers leading to abuse because it lacks traditional employer relationship and also turned over to prostitution because of lack of voice

19 Global Slave Labor International Labor Organization estimates ___% of child labor worldwide is in __________________ South Asia: families of farmers with inherited debt Industry and commercial fishing ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Examples of regulations in U.S. _______________________________________________ Retail sellers and manufacturers publicly disclose efforts to eradicate global trafficking Businesses more than $100 million annual worldwide receipts California has __th largest economy in world

20 Enforcement and Penalties
Based on UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime Maximum penalty no fewer than 4 years _______ trafficking offenses to be treated as _______ offenses and equal in penalties Combating issue by focusing on _________ side instead of simply on _______________

21 Further Enforcement Control of solicitation of overseas work
Prosecution of these people even though violations may take place in another country Tracking of migrant populations and identification of victims International efforts for communication Prosecutions and convictions 2008: 5, 212 prosecutions 2,983 convictions 2010: 6,017 prosecutions 3,619 convictions _____ trafficking cases far outweigh ________ Positions in society of individuals leading labor trade Convictions sometimes difficult because of idea of “________”

22 United States Statistics
Between Jan. 1, 2007-Sept. 20, 2008 1,229 alleged incidents reported to agencies in U.S. _____ trafficking accounted for____3% _______ or unknown made up other 17% Forced prostitution and sex trafficking were largest categories Of the alleged 1,018 sex trafficking, ___% involved children 57% of total cases were 24 years or younger 30% of total cases were U.S. citizens 871 suspects involved in reported cases Approximately 8 in 10 were male

23 History of Piracy Regions of the world Terms _________________
Both along the Northern coast and Eastern coast Indian Ocean, South China Sea, Bay of Bengal From Europe to the Caribbean Terms _______: an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea by non-state agents; those who engage in the practice are sometimes called Pirates ___________: authorized by national authorities; considered “commerce raiding” ____________________: another term associated with Pirates Connection to the Caribbean and a type outcasts from multiple nations and backgrounds Name comes from type of wooden spin called “Buccan” for cooking meet

24 History of Piracy Goes back at least as far as ___th century B.C.
Kidnapping of boys and girls to be sold as slaves Greeks and Romans European society and the ____________ during the early Middle Ages Attacks on Western European settlements Raids and attacks in other areas of the world? Piracy in Asia around Japan, Korea, India, China and the Philippines starting in the 9th century _____________________________

25 Barbary States Located in ______________________________
Countries of _____________________________________________________ Ports of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli Shipping in the western Mediterranean Estimated ______________________ European sailors taken into slavery and sold Conflict with the United States ______________________: payments made by a government to pirates or governments to protect against piracy In 1800, estimated ___% of U.S. budget went to pay ransom and tributes to Barbary states End of this policy of tribute payments under Jefferson would lead to conflict ________________________ ( ): 2 separate wars Blockade of ___________________ in 1801, U.S.S. __________________ is captured and crew taken prisoner; ship is later burned to keep from being taken by pirates Eventually would lead to the end of paying tribute Invasion into _________________________ Marine anthem: “To the shores of Tripoli”

26 Pirates of the Caribbean
Mid 1600’s to 1720’s the Golden Age of Piracy in the New World European money and competition Importance of transportation of goods over the Atlantic Ocean English conquest of ______________ from ________ in 1655 Impact of the ________________________ between Europe, Africa and the New World Many of the “Pirates” had once been part of military action of European governments—”Privateers” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unprotected and defenseless Island of ___________ (part of Haiti today) and Buccaneers

27 _________________, Jamaica
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Built on money from “stolen gold” “______________” sanctioned piracy from England Desire for Spanish gold _________________________________________________________ Population larger than _____________ or ____________ at that time June 7, 1692 _____________________ causes entire section of land of Port Royal to break away into the water

28 Piracy Today _________% of international freight is shipped by sea
Piracy at sea costs $__________ billion dollars annually Areas that lack ______________________________________ Today areas of __________________________________________________ International Anti-Piracy efforts United Nations Security Council, European Union, Maritime Security Patrol Area and NATO _______________________________ (IMB) tracking threats ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pirates also using money to arm rebel armies Importance of an International presence around the world International Maritime Organization United Nations and multi-National Naval presence

29 Defining Terrorism The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. U.S. Department of Defense duty.

30 1972 Summer Olympics _________________________________
Hostage situation between Israeli athletes and coaches and Palestinian group __________________________________ Kidnappers kill __________________________ __ of __ attackers were killed __ surviving members captured but _______________________________________

31 Hostages Taken _________________ had very little security and open feel “________” Games image in response to 1936 Berlin Olympics ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September, 4:30 a.m. attackers scale fence and enter apartments One Israeli coach, Moshe Weinberg and athlete Yossef Romano, killed during initial attack 3 escape through bravery of others 7 other members hide and were able to later escape Nine hostages remain with the 8 kidnappers Some members had actually worked in Village scoping out targets

32 Black September’s Demands
Release and safe passage to _______ of 234 Palestinians jailed in Israel 2 German radicals held in West German prisons Body of one of the Israeli victims thrown out window to demonstrate their power _____________makes clear they will not negotiate ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Post-war West German military not allowed to operate inside Germany during peacetime

33 Failed Rescue At one point in Village, German border-police begin to surround the apartments ____________________________________________________ Plan changes to fly hostages and kidnappers to Cairo, Egypt ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plan of ambush at airport by 5 German “snipers” Located 3 on control tower roof, one behind service truck and one behind tower on ground level Inaccurate count from before of how many actual terrorists Before helicopters land, police on plane decide to abandon mission

34 “______________________”
2 kidnappers discover ____________________________ Gunfire as they rush back to plane ____________________________________________________ Helicopter pilots had fled Armored personnel carriers are finally ordered and arrive Hostages shot in one of the helicopters at gunpoint Grenade then tossed into cockpit of helicopter Hostages in other helicopter also killed by gunfire ____ terrorists captured alive ABC coverage of events ______________________________________________ Initial reports said all hostages were alive “They’re all gone”

35 Aftermath of the Massacre
Criticism of handling ____________________________________________________ September 6: Memorial service with 80,000 spectators and 3,000 athletes Games would resume after some individual athletes and countries pulled out

36 Israeli Response September 8: Israel bombs 10 PLO bases in _______ and __________________ October 29: ________________________ plane guarantees _________________________________ Operation Spring of Youth and Operation Wrath of God Targets list of PLO leaders Palestinian Liberation Organization Operations continue for more than 20 years for revenge of Munich Massacre against PLO 2004: Families of Israeli victims reach financial settlement with Germany

37 ___________________ December 21, 1988
Flight from __________ to _______________ Explosion takes place at approximately 31,000 feet over ______________, Scotland ______ passengers and crew members killed Majority of those killed Americans (189) ___ people on the ground as well as 21 homes

38 Explosion and Investigation
_____________________ bomb with explosive Semtex hidden in cassette player and placed in _______________ Explosion was located on left side of plane under “P” in Pan Am Belief is that the cockpit separated within 3 seconds of explosion ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Remains of plane covered more than ______ square miles Bodies and evidence left for days to be collected _____________ pieces of evidence

39 _______________ Connection
Connection to 2 Libyan intelligence agents Retaliation for U.S. bombing on Tripoli in 1986 Muammar Qaddafi refuses to turn over suspects 1998 finally agrees to extradition to Scotland ______________________________ convicted in 2001 Sentenced to ____ years (later ____) Lamin Fhimah was acquitted Al-Megrahi ______________ in August, 2009 on ___________________ diagnosed with ______________ Feb. 22, 2011: Ex-Minister of Justice in Libya admits that ______________________ had personally ordered bombing U.S. asks for extradition but it is denied October, 2011 gives interview from bed stating he only has days, weeks or months to live Dies May 20, 2012

40 Cases of American Citizens Abroad
International Law Enforcement, Courts and Punishment

41 _____________ and ___________
18 year old American student in ____________________ Living with mother and stepfather ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Michael Fay charged with others with more than ___ counts Pleads guilty Later admits to only stealing signs but plea was to avoid punishment of caning Sentenced to four months in jail, a fine and _______________________________ Later sentence dropped to 4 strokes

42 U.S. Government Responds
President _______________ requests leniency Official U.S. position respects Singapore’s right to punish but believed punishment to be excessive ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 dozen U.S. Senators sign petition ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Support and opposition within the United States was split

43 Caning of Michael Fay May 5, 1994 punishment takes place with ___ strokes across bare buttocks ________________________________________________________________________________________ Able to walk and sit down ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Later in life would have addiction problems Multiple arrests for drugs and alcohol in Florida

44 ___________________ and _____
High school student from ______________________ Disappears while in Aruba for graduation trip on May 30, 2005 Last seen outside of Carlos and Charlie’s ____________________________ and two other men 3 men claim to have dropped her off at hotel Does not show up for scheduled flight home Luggage found packed in her room with passport ________________________________________________________________________________________ Search unsuccessful and called off Dec. 18 with Aruban authorities announcing she was probably dead

45 ____________________________
Dutch student studying in Aruba Identified on surveillance tape by hotel security Unclear still if the cameras were actually working or whether Holloway was identified Former Police Commissioner has stated Holloway did not ever pass through lobby to return to room Day of disappearance, immediately denies knowing Holloway but later admits to being with her that night Claims that man who was dressed like security guard helped her after she was dropped off and fell Case reopens in Feb., 2008 after video released of van der Sloot saying he had disposed of body Later would deny the comments Also mentions she might have been sold into sex slavery

46 The Search Search begins with joint U.S. and forces from Aruba
Some citizens given day off to help in search Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in constant communication 2 security guards from nearby hotel early on questioned Van der Sloot and 2 other men later arrested Aruban law allows for arrest on serious suspicion Stories begin to change Van der sloot admits to being left alone on beach with Holloway after being dropped off Claims he did not harm her but instead left her alone and he walked home Then claims he was dropped off by other 2 men and then they took Holloway home Further investigation Later partial draining of suspected ponds Aerial photos looking for shifts in ground for potential grave Searching of a landfill Netherlands take over the investigation in Sept. 2006 Again arrested on suspicion in 2007 only to be released again Dec prosecutor announces closing of case

47 Family Complaints Questions regarding slow reaction and progress in investigation Boycott of Aruba Support from Alabama Governor Bob Riley Case reopens in Feb after once again van der Sloot admits to responsibility only to later deny it Claims to be under the influence at the time He also would retract his statement that he sold her into slavery March, 2010: Van der Sloot makes an offer to the family of Natalee’s through their attorney the events surrounding disappearance and location of body Van der Sloot later charged in U.S. District Court with extortion and fraud after money had been wired

48 New Charges on Van Der Sloot
5 years to the day since the disappearance of Holloway, Stephany Ramirez in Lima, Peru disappears Found 3 days later in hotel room registered to Van der Sloot Arrested in Chile and sent to Peru to face charges Admits during questioning to killing Ramirez as well as knowing whereabouts of Holloway Charged with first-degree murder and robbery January 13, 2012: sentenced to 28 years in prison Faces extradition to U.S. following release to face extortion charges Cooperative efforts between Peru and Aruba in further interviews Van der Sloot admits to extortion plot to get back at family for “making his life tough” Dave Holloway files petition to have her daughter declared legally dead in June 2011 but mother Beth Twitty blocks it Legal presumption of death can allow for movement forward with investigation and charges Alabama judge rules she is legally dead on Jan. 12, 2012 Cl

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