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Standardization of non-ionizing radiation in the Nordic countries

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1 Standardization of non-ionizing radiation in the Nordic countries

2 Standards work on non-ionizing radiation in Sweden I
SEK , the ”Swedish Electrical Commission” is a Swedish national committee of International Electrotechnical Commission and Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique SIS the Swedish Institute of Standardization has given SEK the authority to be the organ for standardization within the field of electro-technology in Sweden.

3 Standards work on non-ionizing radiation in Sweden II
SEK Technical reports: Human exposure to magnetic fields - Low frequency (0 Hz to 10 kHz), 1996, 23 pages. Handbook 403: International and swedish electrical standards, available on internet All proposals for new standards are available on internet for comments up to a certain deadline.

4 Principle of prudent avoidance of Low-frequency Electric and Magnetic fields
There are no firm proofs of a relation between exposure and health risks Therefore, there is no motivation for expensive and enforced restrictions by the authorities On the other hand one recommend measures to avoid unnecessary exposure if it can be done without causing too high costs and other inconveniences

5 Standards work on nonionizing radiation in Denmark
Denmark has no engagements within standards on non-ionizing radiation. The radiation protection institute, SIS has no special mandate of non-ionizing radiation.

6 Standards work on non-ionizing radiation in Norway
There are no national standards on non-ionizing radiation in Norway. There is a national committee for CENELEC 211, and for RF it is recommended to follow the CENELEC-norms & -2. ICNIRP guidelines of are beginning to be used as well.

7 Standards work on non-ionizing radiation in Finland
Regulations that follow the IRPA/INIRC guidelines from 1988 for EMF > 100 kHz and no local SAR value for the general public. A new proposal has been handed over to the ministry of health that propose new standards based on the new ICNIRP guidelines that covers lower frequencies and SAR limit of 2 W/kg for the public and with some alterations concerning pulsed magnetic fields and microwaves.

8 Standardization in Europe
EU & EFTA & CENELEC & CEN & ETSI Directives and Standards - Concepts  -Standards via Keywords and Product Families Send Comments - View Comments  -Standards - Sales Points    

9 ETSI The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is a non-profit making organization whose mission is to determine and produce the telecommunications standards that will be used for decades to come.

10 CEN CEN which mission is to promote voluntary technical harmonization in Europe in conjunction with world-wide bodies and its partners in Europe

EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR ELECTROTECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION    together with its members, affiliates and co-operating partners is developing and achieving a coherent set of voluntary electrotechnical standards as a basis to a Single European Market / European Economic Area without internal frontiers for goods and services inside Europe


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