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Learning from Jesus’ Questions

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2 Learning from Jesus’ Questions
In the book of Luke

3 Jesus’ Teaching Method
Note that He wants each individual member of the audience to put him/herself in the situation Puts audience member in a physical situation to teach a spiritual lesson

4 Questions for His Disciples
Luke 11:5-10 Physical situation: Friend asking friend for help Spiritual lesson: God gives because of persistence and need, not friendship Therefore, continually ask, seek and knock! We must be persistent, almost annoying in our asking and seeking God. You keep asking and seeking even when it looks like He’ll never come to the door. Have faith that He will open the door or give what you need (james 1)

5 Questions for His Disciples
Luke 11:11-13 Physical situation: Father giving to his child Spiritual lesson: Evil people know how to give good gifts Heavenly Father knows much better Therefore, ask! Luke says, Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit (vs 13). The H.S. is one of the greatest gifts, being the down payment for salvation (Eph 1:13-14). But in Matthew’s account (Matt 7:7-11) Jesus said Heavenly Father will give good things. This will be our focus. (James 1:17) When you ask your Heavenly Father He will give you exactly what you need Ask and accept whatever He gives because He knows best. Remember that we need to be persistent.

6 Questions for His Enemies
Luke 13:10-17 Physical situation: Loose his animal & lead it to water on the Sabbath Spiritual lesson: Jesus can free people from Satan’s bind Jesus not only taught with his questions but often stumped or silenced his enemies (Luke 13:17, 14:5-6, 20:7, 40, etc) But in this lesson we aren’t really looking at that aspect. We should note the immediacy of the demon leaving. When Jesus cleanses one’s sins it doesn’t take days or months, but they are removed immediately. Jesus was teaching that healing on the Sabbath was lawful, but that was probably not His main point.

7 Questions for His Enemies
Luke 14:1-7 Physical situation: Rescue his animal on the Sabbath Spiritual lesson: He will rescue those in danger at ANY time Again Jesus is showing that it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath, but it’s again not His main point.

8 Questions for His Enemies
Luke 15:1-10 Physical situation: Lost ONE item, and searches for it Rejoices if he finds the lost item Spiritual lesson: God seeks ONE, even though He has many More rejoicing over ONE sinner who repents than all the righteous Any man that loses something seeks it, even if he has others of the same. And if He finds it he calls EVERYONE to rejoice with him. God is seeking the lost (Luke 19:10) and will rejoice if one will repent.

9 Spiritual Lessons: God gives because of persistence and need, not friendship Evil people know how to give good gifts the Heavenly Father knows much better Jesus can free people from Satan’s bind He will rescue those in danger at ANY time God seeks ONE, even though He has many More rejoicing over ONE sinner who repents than all the righteous When we put it all together this is God’s plan of redemption. Man has a need and God satisfies that need (salvation, forgiveness). He will give the good gifts to those that ask, seek and knock. Jesus is the one and only who has the power to free from Satan (Acts 4:11-12). TODAY is the day of Salvation (2 Cor 6:2). If you are lost God is seeking you. If you repent God and His angels will rejoice that you are again righteous. Won’t you cause the LORD and His angels to rejoice today?

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