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Orientation to Re-orientation

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1 Orientation to Re-orientation
A Journey of integrated life long growth in spirit, in community, in ones relationship to God with the highest purpose to know more deeply the Jesus we are joining in our world. The Stevenson School for Ministry promotes the integration of learning, with experience and theological reflection by serving as a nexus for Scholarship, and Formation in the context of Scripture, Tradition and Reason with the goal to serve and support congregational life and leadership.

2 Learning is a divine gift Enjoy it.
God has provided a world filled with wholesome delights that are to be enjoyed as a way to grow in the knowledge and love of God. Welcome to the Stevenson School for Ministry learning platform Learning is a divine gift Enjoy it.

3 Formation is the participation in and practice of the Christian life of faith. It is the same process that nurtures (helps us to conform to Christ's way of life) and converts (helps us to be transformed from another way of life to Christ's way of life). Formation is the means by which a community's world-view and value system are transmitted. Inspired From Called to Teach and Learn, the words of John Westerhoff and Joe Russell

4 “Teaching means leading from the known to the unknown, a kindly and non-violent activity born of love and not hatred. When I wish to lead anyone, I do not push nor bully him nor knock him down. Instead of forcing him, I take him by the hand and walk gently beside him, or I go ahead of him on the open road and beckon to him to follow me.” Panegersia, xv. Teaching as leading

5 Education Education is
Critical reflection on what we participate in and practice, on our thoughts, feelings, actions, and experiences in the light of the gospel and the Christian life of faith. A process that intends to produce change, to aid us to reform and renew our personal and communal lives, to bring them into line with more Christ like lives in the world. Also the procedure by which we continually examine and reflect upon how faithfully we are engaging in formation. The Church and SSFM is not so much an educational program, as it is an educational community. Christians are to be a self-critical people, always striving to be more faithful. Education

6 Learning can be messy

7 As Tertullian, a third-century theologian, commented, "Christians are made, not born." Historically, the process of making Christians was called catechesis. Today we understand catechesis as three intentional, interrelated, life-long processes: (1) formation — the participation in and practice of the Christian life of faith; (2) education — critical reflection on participation and practices in light of the gospel; and (3) instruction — the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the Christian life of faith.

8 The Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement
When the Gospel is about to be read, the congregation stands up. Something is going on. And then more than that, as the Gospel moment is approaching, a deacon, if there is a deacon in the particular church, a person who has been ordained to be at the intersection of the church and the world, is asked to read or chant the Gospel. Everyone in the room turns and reorients from wherever they are, they turn, they reorient themselves, facing the place of the Gospel, and stand for the reading of the Gospel. For hearing the teachings of Jesus. That Gospel moment, the Church has become The Jesus Movement From Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Invite others to become a part of the Stevenson School for Ministry Life- long formation and education engages and prepares all disciples to join the Jesus Movement

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