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2 Introduction to the Master’s Office
Jonathan Friday - Master of Darwin and Woolf Colleges Amy Green - Master’s Office and College Support Coordinator Tom Ritchie – Residential Support Officer The Master’s Office is Located in Darwin College at B3-22 Woolf College Master's Welcome

3 What does the college master do?
The College Master has various responsibilities, but there are three in particular that relate to students: Providing assistance and support to students. Enhancing College life. Enforcing the University’s Non-academic Regulations Woolf College Master's Welcome

4 1. Assistance and support
There are various layers of support in the University, some of them in Schools, some of them provided centrally, and the College Master’s Office is one of the first places to come if you are experiencing problems of any sort. Depending on the problem we may provide direct assistance, or refer you to support services within the University. All matters are dealt with in strictest confidence. Woolf College Master's Welcome

5 2. Enhancing college life
The Master supports the work of the student-led Kent Graduate Student Association (KGSA) which represents Woolf Students within the University and organises College social events. The Master works with Woolf students and the University to ensure that members of Woolf College have access to appropriate facilities. Helping to resolve disputes among those living in Woolf. The Master organises some events for the benefit of Woolf members – the Woolf Welcome Buffet Woolf College Master's Welcome

6 3. Enforcing university regulations
There is a set of University regulations that apply to all students, whether they reside in College or off-campus. You are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with these Regulations. Start with the Student Life Handbook. Your School or Department will enforce academic regulations, but everything else resides with the Master’s Office. Breaches of the regulations are ordinarily dealt with by the imposition of a fine, but for very serious offences or persistent offenders the consequences can be fr more serious. Woolf College Master's Welcome

7 Examples of behaviours leading to fines
Smoking or vaping (e-cigarettes) inside a university building – typically a bedroom. Noise disturbance. Fire Safety – Intentionally setting off alarms; Failure to respond to an alarm; Misuse of Fire Equipment. Breaking rules related to your accommodation. Conduct - ranging from drunk and disorderly behavior through to threatening behaviour, damaging property belonging to others, violence and criminality. Woolf College Master's Welcome

8 Creating an enjoyable community
Do your part to ensure the College is a pleasant place to live for everyone. Remember, you are part of a community, and this brings with it rights (e.g. to live securely) and responsibilities (e.g. to show respect to others and their needs). What happens if a conflict arises? Talk to your housemates. If that doesn’t work, speak to the Residential Support Officer (Tom Ritchie If that doesn’t work, come to the Master’s Office. Woolf College Master's Welcome

9 The residential support officer
The RSO is a postgraduate student employed by the University to work with the Master to enhance student life within the College. The RSO is trained to help resolve low level disputes that arise in shared accommodation, as well as to support students by referring them to those professionals within the University most suited to assist. He has office hours and an address, and is there to help. Woolf College Master's Welcome

10 Finally . . . Enjoy yourself, and make the most of what the University has to offer. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, support or guidance. Live responsibly and safely. Woolf College Master's Welcome


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