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World Hunger By: Eva G. and Victoria D..

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Presentation on theme: "World Hunger By: Eva G. and Victoria D.."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Hunger By: Eva G. and Victoria D.

2 What is World Hunger? World Hunger is a big issue that is all over the world. It effects more than just one country. Unlike famines that receive emergency-aid, World Hunger is a silent, invisible, day to day condition which means that hunger can start anywhere and not be recognized for a while by other countries.

3 What Causes World Hunger?
Climate and weather cause hunger. Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and long periods of droughts. Also droughts are on the increase and are the most common causes of hunger leaving even more people hungry. Poverty traps and food prices also cause a lot of World Hunger.

4 Who Does it Affect? 795 million people are affected by world hunger.
World Hunger affects people who are poor, homeless, people who have suffered from natural disasters and people who live in places where no food is available. Hunger can also affect anyone, but it mainly affects people in poorer countries.

5 What Organizations Are Helping?
AARP Foundation Feeding America Generations United Meals on Wheels NOKID HUNGRY UNICEF World Food Program

6 Where is it Happening? World Hunger is happening in poorer countries that are not able to provide enough food. The five regions with the highest number of hungry people are Sub-Saharan Africa: 23.8% Caribbean: 20.1% Southern Asia: 15,8%(but 17.3% without India) Eastern Asia: 10.8%(but 13.5% without China) South-eastern Asia: 10.3%

7 When Did it Start? There is no specific date for when World Hunger started, although historians say it started back in the 16th century.

8 When Did it Become Recognized as a World Issue?
It got recognized when many children started suffering and starving and when many mothers lost their children.

9 Why Did it Start? World hunger started because first natural disasters started increasing and then poverty and poverty traps started. Also because some countries where richer than others so they had way more food than poorer countries.

10 How is Canada Helping? Canada is fundraising money for world hunger.
Also on October Canada announced $350 million in new funding to help feed world's hunger for the next five years. Canada created The Hunger Project. It is a strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of World Hunger, the opportunity for all people to live healthy and productive lives.

11 How is the Catholic Church Helping?
Countless Catholic publications have helped raise awareness about the importance of taking action on behalf of hungry people. Catholic Relief Services works on development all over the world helping to feed the hungry and strengthen infrastructure.

12 Bibliography Canada Helps CanaDon The Hunger Project

13 The End Hope you enjoyed this presentation and learned something about World Hunger.

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