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Battle ‘Bot Rules & Strategies

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1 Battle ‘Bot Rules & Strategies
Mr. Zushma Livingston High School Technology & Design for Science & Engineering


3 The contestants may NOT damage or destroy the power/control wires connected to the robot.

4 Other Rules Robot must be less than 24oz – 36oz for heavyweight.
Matches last 2 minutes each. A match will end in the event that a robot travels out of bounds or is declared immobile. Contestants have 2 minutes to connect their robots and be sure they are mobile. Delay of match may result in point deductions and/or disqualification.

5 How to score points:

6 Ping-Pong Balls 10 balls on table – 1 point each
Last robot to touch the ping-pong ball receives the points.

7 Muscle Push opponent out of bounds – 10 points (8 points for heavyweight) Robot is “out of bounds” when any part of the robot TOUCHES the red boundary line. Once a robot goes out of bounds the contest is over.

8 Immobility / Knock Out Robot is declared immobile by the judge after 10 Seconds of non-movement. – 15 points (when caused by opponent) Competitors may declare their own robot immobile at any time during the event. – NO POINTS for either team Once a robot is declared “immobile”, it may not re-enter the match. When immobility is declared on or by a contestant, the controls must be placed on the table and no longer touched. The opposing robot has 30 seconds from the time immobility is declared to complete whatever action it feels is necessary. Remove ping-pong balls Push opponent out of ring Destroy opponent

9 The Arena

10 Pro’s & Con’s of Design

11 Pro’s & Con’s of Design

12 Pro’s & Con’s of Design

13 Pro’s & Con’s of Design

14 Pro’s & Con’s of Design

15 ‘Bots in Action

16 ‘Bots in Action

17 ‘Bots in Action

18 ‘Bots in Action

19 The winning ‘bots have one thing in common…
The winning ‘bots have one thing in common…. They can move forward and backward consistently.

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