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4.1 Discovering Word Cousins …

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1 4.1 Discovering Word Cousins …
Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins 4.1 Discovering Word Cousins … Use the rainbow image to stimulate a discussion on colours known in other languages. Also use EAL knowledge… Which colour words do you know in other languages?

2 Discovering Colour Cognate Cousins
English German Dutch Spanish French Italian white weiss wit blanco blanc bianco red rot rood rojo rouge rosso blue blau blauw azul bleu azzurro green grün groen verde vert brown braun bruin marrón brun/marron marrone pink rosa roze rose Discussion and answer chart Class and pair discussion Let pupils study this chart carefully to see first similarities between languages. Try and encourage the use of ‘ cognate’ to describe similar words , and ‘family’ to describe related languages Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

3 1a: Use the 12 colour word cards to replace the missing colours
English German Dutch Spanish French Italian white weiss blanco blanc red rot rojo rouge blue blau azul bleu green grün verde vert brown braun marrón brun/marron pink rosa rose 1a: Print one chart per pair Print out this slide as a chart for pairs/small groups: use the cut out words on slide 4 to place on this chart Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

4 1a. Cut out one set of words per pair
wit bianco rood rosso blauw azzurro groen verde bruin marrone roze rosa 1a. Cut out one set of words per pair Print out this slide and cut up words to be placed on chart on slide 3 Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

5 1b: Cut out one set of words for a whole class game
weiss wit blanco blanc bianco rot rood rojo rouge rosso blau blauw azul bleu azzurro grün groen verde vert braun bruin marrón brun/marron marrone rosa roze rose 1b: Cut out one set of words for a whole class game WHOLE CLASS ACTIVITY Print out slide (enlarge?) and cut it into 30 words. Give each pupil a word. Give the classroom six English colour ‘corners’: white, red, blue, green, brown, pink. Can each pupil find their corner? In each corner, can each colour find their ‘colour cousins?’ (Germanic/ Romance?) What about French brown? They seem to belong to two families! (perhaps gives this card to a HAP) Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

6 1c: Challenge answer chart with 10 colours
English German Dutch Spanish French Italian white weiss wit blanco blanc bianco red rot rood rojo rouge rosso blue blau blauw azul bleu blu/azzurro green grün groen verde vert brown braun bruin marrón brun/marron marrone pink rosa roze rose yellow gelb geel amarillo jaune giallo orange oranje naranja arancione grey grau grijs gris grigio black schwarz zwart negro noir nero 1c: Challenge answer chart with 10 colours Challenge: For older or gifted pupils or mixed returning pupils . This is an extension activity using 10 colours in the 6 languages. 1: Show this chart briefly to pupils Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

7 A4 chart: use the 50 colour word cards to replace the missing colours
English German Dutch Spanish French Italian white red blue green brown pink yellow orange grey black 1c: Challenge chart: print out one for each pair 2: Print out this slide as a chart for the number of small groups Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

8 weiss wit blanco blanc bianco rot rood rojo rouge rosso blau blauw azul bleu blu/azzurro grün groen verde vert braun bruin marrón brun/marron marrone rosa roze rose gelb geel amarillo jaune giallo orange oranje naranja arancione grau grijs gris grigio schwarz zwart negro noir nero 1c: Challenge words: print out one for each pair and cut up words to be placed on slide 7 chart 3: Print out this slide for each group and cut up words to be placed on chart on slide 7. Slide 6 gives the answers Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

9 2a: Colour Cognates Quiz: 6 colours
Answers 1. Which colour begins with the same letter in all languages? 1. 2. Look at the French/ Spanish /Italian for ‘white’. What English word (cognate) does this remind you of? 2. 3.‘Bruin’ is a very old nickname for a bear. Why do you think this is? (Hint : Dutch is similar to Old English) 3. 4. French has two words for brown. One is a Romance word and one is borrowed from the Germanic language. Which is the Romance word: brun or marron? 4. 5. In English, we sometimes write : The sky is an azure colour: a) What colour is azure ? b) Which languages give you this clue? 5a) 5b) 6. There are two words for blue in Italian.:azzurro & blu. One means dark blue &one:light blue. Which word means dark blue? Which word means light blue? How did you decide? Write this answer on the back of this sheet 6a) 6b) 6c) 7. In English we sometimes write that a garden is verdant What colour does verdant describe? Which languages give you this clue? 7a) 7b) 8. One colour word is named after a common flower, in all languages except English a) What flower is this? b) The English word for this colour is the name of a different flower; what is this flower called? 8a) 8b) 9. Looking at colour words: which two languages have most cognates with English? 9. Colour cognate quiz : 6 colours (younger pupils) Teaching notes: depending on ability and age: use this as a: Whole class task eg class quiz like a TV (or pub) quiz. Paired comprehension The story of why a bear is called Bruin is like a very old fairy-tale: Google it! Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

10 2a: Answer sheet: Colour cognates quiz: 6 colours
1. Which colour begins with the same letter in all languages? 1. red 2. Look at the French/ Spanish /Italian for ‘white’. What English word (cognate) does this remind you of? 2. blank 3.‘Bruin’ is a very old nickname for a bear. Why do you think this is? (Hint : Dutch is similar to Old English) 3. Bruin = brown = bear 4. French has two words for brown. One is a Romance word and one is borrowed from old Germanic. Which is the Romance word: brun or marron? 4. marron 5. In English, we sometimes write : The sky is an azure colour: a) What colour is azure ? b) Which languages give you this clue? 5a) light blue 5b) Italian and Spanish 6. There are two words for blue in Italian.:azzurro & blu. One means dark blue and one means light blue. Which word means dark blue? Which word means light blue? How did you decide? Write this answer on the back of this sheet 6a) blu 6b) azzurro 6c) azure = sky colour 7. In English we sometimes write that a garden is verdant What colour does verdant describe? Which languages give you this clue? 7a) green 7b) Fr, Sp, It 8. One colour word is named after a common flower, in all languages except English a) What flower is this? b) The English word for this colour is the name of a different flower; what is this flower called? 8a) rose 8b) pink 9. Looking at colour words, which two languages have most cognates with English? German, Dutch Teaching notes: While the colour pink is named in other languages after a wild rose colour: the English word ‘pink’ is named after the flower dianthus: common name: Pink. Dianthus has a frilled, zig zag edge: hence pinking shears! The story of why a bear is called Bruin is like a very old fairy-tale: Google it! Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

11 2b: Colour Cognates Quiz: 10 colours
Answers 1. Which two colours begin with the same letter in all languages? 1. 2. Look at the French/ Spanish /Italian for ‘white’. What English word (cognate) does this remind you of? 2. 3.‘Bruin’ is a very old nickname for a bear. Why do you think this is? (Hint : Dutch is similar to Old English) 3. 4. French has two words for brown. One is a Romance word and one is borrowed from the Germanic language. Which is the Romance word: brun or marron? 4. 5. In English, we sometimes write : The sky is an azure colour: a) What colour is azure ? b) Which languages give you this clue? 5a) 5b) 6. There are two words for blue in Italian.:azzurro & blu. One means dark blue and one means light blue. Which word means dark blue? Which word means light blue? How did you decide? Write this answer on the back of this sheet 6a) 6b) 6c) 7. In English we sometimes write that a garden is verdant What colour does verdant describe? Which languages give you this clue? 7a) 7b) 8. One colour word is named after a common flower, in all languages except English a) What flower is this? b) The English word for this colour is the name of a different flower; what is this flower called? 8a) 8b) 9. One English colour has no cognates and meant ‘ink’ in Old English. What colour is this? 9. 10. The illness jaundice causes your skin to look very yellow. Can you see a language link? 10. 11. The word for a semi tropical fruit is nāranj in Persian /Old Arabic. What is the English version of this cognate /colour word that has entered both Romance and Germanic languages? 11. 12. Looking at colour words: which two languages have most cognates with English? 12. Colour cognate quiz: 10 colours (older pupils) Teaching notes: depending on ability and age: use this as a comprehension or a as class quiz like a TV (or pub) quiz. Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

12 2b: ANSWER SHEET Colour cognates quiz: 10 colours
1. Which two colours begin with the same letter in all languages? 1. red ; grey 2. Look at the French/ Spanish /Italian for ‘white’. What English word (cognate) does this remind you of? 2. blank 3.‘Bruin’ is a very old nickname for a bear. Why do you think this is? (Hint : Dutch is similar to Old English) 3. Bears are brown 4. French has two words for brown. One is a Romance word and one is borrowed from the Germanic language. Which is the Romance word: brun or marron? 4. marron 5. In English, we sometimes write : The sky is an azure colour: a) What colour is azure ? b) Which languages give you this clue? 5a) (light) blue 5b) Italian/Spanish 6. There are two words for blue in Italian.: blu & azzurro One means dark blue and one means light blue. Which word means dark blue? Which word means light blue? How did you decide? Write this answer on the back of this sheet 6a) blu 6b) azzurro 6c) Azure = light blue 7. In English we sometimes write that a garden is verdant What colour does verdant describe? Which languages give you this clue? 7a) green 7b) all Romance 8. One colour word is named after a common flower, in all languages except English a) What flower is this? b) The English word for this colour is the name of a different flower what is this flower called ? 8a) rose 8b) The pink 9. One English colour has no cognates and meant ‘ink’ in Old English. What colour is this? 9. black 10. The illness jaundice causes your skin to look very yellow. Can you see a language link? 10. Jaune = French= yellow 11. The word for a semi tropical fruit is nāranj in Persian /Old Arabic. What cognate /colour word has entered both Romance and Germanic languages? 11. orange 12. Looking at colour words: which two languages have most cognates with English? 12. German & Dutch Teaching notes: While the colour pink is named in other languages after a wild rose colour: the English word ‘pink’ is named after the flower dianthus: common name: Pink. Dianthus has a frilled, zig zag edge: hence pinking shears! Orange comes from naranj (Old Arabic) and the ‘n’ has been ‘rebracketed’ to join the article ( an) and leave the noun as orange/or similar in several languages Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

13 3: Be a ‘tricky translator!’
Is this writing a story, a letter, a poem, or something else ? What language do you think it is? What skills can you use to translate it? (the answers and translation come with a click ) Een appel is rood de zon is geel de hemel is blauw het gras is groen en de aarde is bruin welke kleur is liefde ? E A Dutch Riddle Poem. An apple is red the sun is yellow the sky is blue the grass is green and the earth is brown what colour is love? Begin with this slide on the whiteboard ( the answer only comes in on a click) Do pupils recognise this as a short poem or riddle? What DISCOVERY skills are they using to decode the poem? This activity is an opportunity to reinforce the similarities between Dutch and English… (close cousins!) The next slide could be used as a work sheet for pairs: HAPS could be asked to translate without the clues see slide 15 to bring German and Danish : the other 2 major Germanic languages into the discussion! Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

14 Een appel is rood de zon is geel de hemel is blauw het gras is groen
3: Worksheet: Be a ‘tricky translator! What skills can you use to translate this poem? Print out one per pair or per pupil Een appel is rood de zon is geel de hemel is blauw het gras is groen en de aarde is bruin welke kleur is liefde ? Translation An apple is ……………... the ……………. is yellow the sky is ……………….. the ………… ……….. and the earth is ……….. what colour is love? E This slide could be printed as a worksheet for pairs. HAPs could try to translate without these clues An upcoming version will have soundfiles Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

15 …which language is which?
4: A RAINBOW OF RIDDLES! Click for answers Ein Apfel ist rot die Sonne ist gelb der Himmel ist blau das Gras ist grün und die Erde braun wird welche Farbe ist die Liebe ? Una mela è rossa il sole è giallo il cielo è blu l'erba è verde e la terra è marrone di che colore è l'amore ? Italian French German Une pomme est rouge le soleil est jaune le ciel est bleu l'herbe est verte et la terre est brune de quelle couleur est l'amour ? Et æble er rød Solen er gul himlen er blå græsset er grønt og jorden er brun hvad farve er kærlighed ? Spanish Let pupils look at each poem carefully as it turns up. Give pairs some thinking time to match the language to the coloured poems: see next slide for a possible worksheet Ask pupils for at least one reason per colour for why have they come to their decisions: the clues are in the colour words! And cognates! Why are some decisions hard to make ? (because some word families are very similar!) Note: new versions of this PPt will have sound files Danish Uma maçã é vermelha o sol é amarelo o céu é azul a grama é verde e da terra é marrom que cor é o amor? Una manzana es roja el sol es amarillo el cielo es azul la hierba es verde y la tierra es marrón ¿de qué color es el amor? Portuguese …which language is which? Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

16 4a: Worksheet: A rainbow of riddles
Poem colour Which language? Reasons for decision Yellow Green Orange Blue Red Purple Print out one per pair Use this slide as a worksheet for the Slide 15 activity Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

17 4b: Worksheet : looking for noun cognates
GERMANIC WORD FAMILIES ROMANCE WORD FAMILIES Print out one per pair English German Dutch Danish French Italian Spanish Portuguese apple sun sky Make games from this slide and slide 18 : Referring back to slides 13 and 15: pairs could choose one noun and find it in all the languages for the poems OR Print out answer slide 18 and cut up the words ( harder) or word strips ( easier) for pupils to place words in slide 17. grass earth Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

18 4b: Answer chart: looking for noun cognates
GERMANIC WORD FAMILIES ROMANCE WORD FAMILIES English German Dutch Danish French Italian Spanish Portuguese apple Apfel appel aebel pomme mela manzana maçã sun Sonne zon solen soleil sole sol sky Himmel hemel himlen ciel cielo céu An alternative use of this chart is to give pupils cut up words. Put images of the words (apple, sun etc) around the classroom . Can pupils move around the classroom to find their ‘meaning’ families? Can they also regroup to find their language families? NOTE: it is not an error that German nouns have a capital letter: all nouns have a capital letter in German. If possible find a German children’s story/picture book to check this fact (eg the Hungry Caterpillar). In fact it used to happen in English and was mostly lost by the 18th century and we now only use capitals for proper nouns. This discussion will recur in module 4.3 related to days of the week grass Gras gras graesset herbe herba hierba grama terre terra tierra earth Erde aarde jorden Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

19 Kuh vacca cow koe vache ng’ombe vaca ko
4.1.a: DISCOVERING LANGUAGE PEER ASSESSMENT: Your name Partner’s name On your own: Here are 8 words for COW in 8 languages Colour the English word yellow Find the German, Danish and Dutch words and colour them red Find the French, Spanish and Italian words and colour them blue One word is in Swahili! Colour it purple! Partner check Check with your partner: do you have the same answers? Partner talk: ‘reflect’ ( think and discuss) 1: How cognates let you make guesses about word meanings in other languages 2: Why the Swahili word doesn’t seem to belong to one of these families ‘ I have discovered… Complete the faces and sentences below. Kuh cow vacca koe vache ng’ombe vaca ko Slides 19 and 20 are short self and peer assessment tasks. Teachers might consider doing the cow task as an example with the whole class and giving slide 20 to pairs Answers! Vache: Fr // Vacca: It //Vaca: Sp//Kuh : German // ko: Danish//koe: Dutch // Ng’ombe : Swahili! Note: upcoming versions of this PPt will have sound files I have discovered: 1. Three German, Danish & Dutch cognates 2. Three French , Spanish & Italian cognates 3. A Swahili word Reflections: Cognates help me to: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. My partner has discovered: 1. Three German, Danish & Dutch cognates 2. Three French , Spanish & Italian cognates 3. A Swahili word Reflections: My partner says that cognates help to :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

Your name Partner’s name Colour English words YELLOW Colour French, Spanish and Italian words: RED Colour German, Danish and Dutch words: BLUE Colour Swahili words: PURPLE pez lune poisson luna vis moon fish mond mwezi pesce fisk maan luna Fisch Answers! poisson: Fr // pesca: It // pez: Sp// Fisch : German // fisk: Danish//vis: Dutch // samaki: Swahili! Answers! lune: Fr // luna: It // luna: Sp// Mond: German // måne: Danish//maan: Dutch // mwezi : Swahili! måne samaki I have discovered: 1. Three German, Danish & Dutch cognates 2. Three French , Spanish & Italian cognates 3. A Swahili word Reflections: Cognates are ….. .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. My partner has discovered: 1. Three German, Danish & Dutch cognates 2. Three French , Spanish & Italian cognates 3. A Swahili word Reflections: My partner says that cognates are: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Discovering Language: B1: Discovering Word Cousins

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