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How to make an allophone student member of the class ?

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1 How to make an allophone student member of the class ?
Sylvain Trias, trainer for teachers concerned with the inclusion of allophone students, CASNAV Bordeaux

Do I know what an allophone student is ? Do I know how the skills of allophone students are determined and checked when they arrive ? Do I know how allophone students are taken in charge by their school ? Do I know the first teaching actions to be done when an allophone student is in my class ? Do I know how to teach the language used at school to an allophone student ? Do I know how to assess the skills acquired by an allophone student in the subject I teach ? Do I know what skills I should focus on to decide where an allophone student should be the next school year ?

3 Allophone : person whose native language is not that of the community in which he/she lives, The word "allophone" is formed from the Greek roots ἄλλος (állos), meaning "other", and φωνή (phōnḗ), meaning "sound" or "voice".

4 The first educational action
Interview Assesment Orientation Define a personalized support plan for inclusion

5 A collective process Create a protocol in your school
Headmaster, headteacher … must participate at the first interview with the student and the family Inclusion of allophone student also means a sort of inclusion of the family. Create a tool in foreign languages to explain the school system to the parents


7 First step in the classroom
Teacher has to speak slowly, used body language Have the students introduce themselves to the allophone student Used yours hands to show the first instructions Reassure and invite the allophone student to speak. In the beginning language must be taken as a game, funny game.

8 How to speak Speak in your language
Never speak in other language (english, spanish, arabic…) Don’t forget, the allophone student has to learn the language of the country Take time to rework, simplify Don’t correct him everytime, let him/her talk

9 Firts step in the classroom
Used the same sentence patterns Every teacher make the allophone student active as much as possible Start the class with a question to the allophone student Don’t forget your aim is to teach allophone student the school language

10 CERCL The Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a series of descriptions of abilities which can be applied to any language. These descriptors can be used to set clear targets for achievements within language learning, to help define language proficiency levels and to interpret language qualifications. It has become accepted as a way of benchmarking language ability, not only within Europe but worldwide, and plays a central role in language and education policy.


12 First instructions What an allophone student has to learn first = instruction verbs Preference is given to oral but allophone student must learn to write right away So, keep a part of the board for the words you want him/her to write

13 Speak Let him read out loud during every classes
Used Dspeech free software which convert written text into oral speech Work in groups help the allophone student speak Let his/her classmate clarify your lesson Peer system is one of the most important system for inclusion of an allophone student

14 write Write on the board the recurrent words in your lesson
An allophone student copy simple sentence He used a dictionary during classes to understand the new words ( 5 or 6 per day) Provide accessible exercices during each classes

15 assess Used criterion-referenced assessment
Mark or grade the student’s work Adjust the assessment When preparing the assessment, you must have in mind that the allophone student may be able to do more than what you expect

16 Tools Peer learning, Visual-Auditory-Kinaesthetic
Inclusion must be total ( chess club, arts, drama club, sport activities, social activities within the school…) Use practices of « multilinguisme » or « plurilinguisme » Promote intercutural dialogue Create your own tools for the allophone student

17 Example : Desk Blotter

18 Curriculum : What skills i should focus on to decide where an allophone student shoud be the next school year ? Don’t focus too much on linguistic skills Focus on the school appetence Focus on the new learnings start with his/her classmates You can also focus on the science and mathematical skills

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