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Cómo teclear en español y un poco sobre los tildes y acentos.

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Presentation on theme: "Cómo teclear en español y un poco sobre los tildes y acentos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cómo teclear en español y un poco sobre los tildes y acentos.
Estudiante: ¿Cómo teclear en español? Profe G: ¡Es fácil! Estudiante: ¡Qué profesional! Profe G: Sí. ¿Tienes tres €? ¿Eres un pingüino? Estudiante: No y no. Cómo teclear en español y un poco sobre los tildes y acentos. How to type in Spanish and a Little about the accent marks and accents..

2 Las tildes son importantes en español.
Accent marks are important in Spanish el = the él = he mas = but más = more mi = my mí = me; si = if sí = yes te = you (as an object) - té = tea tu = your tú, you canto = I sing - cantó = he/she sang hablo = I speak - habló = he/she sang

3 Las tildes son importantes en español
Las tildes son importantes en español. Accent marks are important in Spanish

4 ¡Los acentos y las tildes son diferentes
¡Los acentos y las tildes son diferentes! Accents and accent marks are different. tilde = the accent mark á, é, í, ó, ú or the squiggly line above the ñ An accent mark means that you say the syllable the vowel is in louder. Not all words have accent marks acento = the different speaking accents that people have from different parts of the world People speak differently in different countries and in different parts of each country. ***acento escrito, acento ortográfica, acento agudo = accent mark ***

5 Las tildes. La manera antigua de teclar era muy mal. Accent marks
Las tildes. La manera antigua de teclar era muy mal. Accent marks. The old way of typing was very bad. Vamos a usar el teclado US-INTERNATIONAL KEYBOARD. ¡No usen el teclado ESPAÑOL, tiene teclas diferentes que nuestros teclados! We will use the US-INTERNATIONAL KEYBOARD. Do not use the SPANISH keyboard, it has different keys that our keyboards!

6 How to add a US-INTERNATIONAL keyboard.
Click “Search the web and Windows” on the bottom left of your screen. Type “Keyboard”. Click “Edit language and keyboard options”. Click “English (United States) Windows display language” under languages. Click “Options” from dropdown menu. Click “Add a keyboard.” Click “US-INTERNATIONAL QWERTY”.

7 How to use US-INTERNATIONAL keyboard.
First you must make sure you have the US-INTERNATIONAL keyboard selected. To type á, é, í, ó, ú type ‘ then either a, e, i, o, or u. To type Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú type ‘ then hold shift and type a, e, i, o, or u. To type ¡ or ¿, hold the RIGHT alt key and then 1 or /. To type ñ hold shift and type ~ (to the left of 1) then type n.

8 Important notes on US-INTERNATIONAL keyboard.
Holding right alt and hitting a directional arrow will flip your screen to that direction. To move it back hold right alt and click the up arrow. There are umlauts (ü) in Spanish. Nicaragüense, ambigüedad, pingüino, agüita, agüero and more. Hold shift and click “ then type u = ü Doing “ or ‘ or ~ requires typing that key and then a space. Remember only the right alt key works for ¡ and ¿.

9 Espera. ¿Cuándo usamos las tildes. Wait
Espera. ¿Cuándo usamos las tildes? Wait. When do we use the accent marks. It depends on what syllable is stressed, or said loudest, in the word. Not all words have accent marks. Syllabification skills in Spanish are mostly similar to those in English. *An in depth class on Spanish orthography and syllabification can be taken in advanced college courses. Rules 1. Word ends in vowel, n or s = no tilde, stress on second to last syllable. 2. Word ends in other letter = no tilde, stress on last syllable 1. gato = gato Chile = Chile 2. hablar = hablar comer = comer ***Any time the stress falls on another syllable there is a tilde to mark stress*** estúpido = estúpido éxito = éxito lápiz = lápiz

10 For more information on how Spanish accentuation works go to the following hyperlinks. accent marks explanation Durham University accentuation explanation accentuation practice and application accentuation practice and application

11 Sitios de web para marcar como favorito. Websites to bookmark.
Open the Chrome internet browser. Go to - Add to the bookmark bar. Go to - Add to the bookmark bar. Go to - Add to the bookmark bar. ***Using Google translate is both cheating and ineffective. Do not use Google translate, I will recognize it from the common errors that Google translate commits.***

12 How to turn assignments in electronically. . .
Open File Explorer Open the S drive Turn in the assignment to my folder:

13 Classwork assignment Open a word document and save it as Lastname, Firstname Hour Date. example: Smith, John 3rd hour - You will turn this in electronically during class tomorrow. It will be graded for correct answers. Type the following letters and sentences into the Word document, type them exactly. Letras: Á á É é Í í Ó ó Ú ú ñ Ñ Ü ü ¿ ? ¡ ! ¿Cómo es posible teclear en español? Pues, ¡es fácil! No toma mucho esfuerza o concentración. Vas a tener mucho éxito después de que aprendes como usar el teclado. Es importante saber teclear tildes y signos de interrogación y exclamación. También hay diéresis como en la palabra ambigüedad. Hasta mañana.

14 Classwork assignment continued.
Take a screen shot using the snipping tool of your bookmarks bar with the 3 webpages we added. Paste that screenshot into your Word document. Now go to and look up 1 noun, 1 verb and 1 adjective. Noun = person, place or thing Verb = action word Adjective = describes nouns Read through the entire definition. Take notice of the multiple definitions and translations for words. Choose the definition that fits the specific word and translation you are looking for. Type the English words and the Spanish translations below the screenshot you added. Be specific. There are 17 translations for “key”, so be specific on which translation you want.

15 Extra time. you get to use wordreference
Extra time you get to use to label things in the class. Pick an object in the classroom and look up the translation on Read through the translations and choose the appropriate translation. ***Unlike English, nouns have gender in Spanish*** ***The gender must be included in translations**** Generally nouns that end in o are masculine and have el before them el lápiz = the pencil el chico = the guy/man Generally nouns that end in a are feminine and have la before them la puerta = the door la chica = the girl/woman 3. OK your word with Profe Gittins then write the Spanish word and article (the “the” word) on a notecard and tape it to the object in the classroom.




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