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Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 2 Can you sing an English song?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 2 Can you sing an English song?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 2 Can you sing an English song?
Section C

2 Sing this song.

3 ...can..., but can't... can can't Ben play basketball play soccer
Bill ride a bike drive a car Joan dance to disco perform ballet Jenny speak English speak Japanese Bob sing an English song sing a Chinese song ... Make right sentences as quickly as possible!

4 造句比赛计时系统 时间到! 距离结束还有 9 10 8 12 13 7 11 4 1 2 3 5 6 14 26 25 15 27 28 30 29 23 24 17 16 22 18 21 19 20 can can't Ben play basketball play soccer Bill ride a bike drive a car Joan dance to disco perform ballet Jenny speak English speak Japanese Bob sing an English song sing a Chinese song ... 0% % % % % 单击即开始

5 The baby couldn't walk three weeks ago, but now she can.
She can walk now. She couldn't walk three weeks ago.

6 She can skate very well now.
six years old She can skate very well now. She could skate just a little when she was six years old.

7 James could play basketball a little when he was seven.
But now he can play it very well. seven years old

8 Look, listen and understand.

9 1b. Read 1a and complete the table.
Using a table can help to summarize the main information of the reading passage. Name Activity In the past Now Jane fly a kite couldn' all very well Maria Michael and Kangkang perform ballet could…just a little very well play ping-pong couldn't a little

10 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
It's _____ _____ outdoor activities. time for

11 Look! Jane _____ _____ a kite. The kite is flying so high. She can ____ kites ____ ____ now. is flying fly very well

12 But one year ago, she _________ do it ___ _____.
couldn't at all

13 Maria _____ ___________ballet. She _____ perform ballet very well now.
is performing can

14 But _____ she was five, she ______
dance just ____ _____. when could a little

15 The children are all having a good time.
Michael and Kangkang____ _______ ping-pong. They _______ do it before, but now they can play ping-pong a little. They ____ like ______ ball games. are playing couldn't both playing The children are all having a good time.

16 1c. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions with the information in 1b
Name Activity In the past Now Jane fly a kite couldn' all very well Maria Michael and Kangkang perform ballet could…just a little very well play ping-pong couldn't a little Example: A:Can Jane fly a kite ? B:Yes, she can do it very well now. But she couldn't do it at all in the past.

17 2. Look at the pictures and follow the example to make sentences.
two years ago now Example: They can sing English songs now, but they couldn’t sing any English songs two years ago.

18 last year/this year when I was five/now a month ago/now

19 4a. Read each pair of words aloud, paying attention the word stress
4a. Read each pair of words aloud, paying attention the word stress. Then match them with their sounds.

20 4b. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the tones and the stress. Then listen and repeat. 录音 1.Does he 'look like a 'good 'cook? 2.I 'think you can 'drink that 'thing. 3.Can you 'cook a 'dinner or 'play 'football? 4.It's a 'joy to 'watch the 'boy 'playing with his 'toy.

21 Summary We learn: We can: phrases: outdoor activity, ball games, have a good time, look like. sentences: She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldn’t do it at all. We can: take about our experience of the past and now, by using “could” and its negative form “couldn’t.” e.g.1. She can perform ballet very well now. But when she was five, she could dance just a little. 2. They couldn't do it before, but now they can play ping-pong a little.

22 Homework 1.Make five sentences about yourself by using can, canot could or couldn’t. 2.Read 1a and try to retell. 3.Finish Section C in your workbook.

23 Thank you

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