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For help or more information, please contact the P&W SRM team at ;

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Presentation on theme: "For help or more information, please contact the P&W SRM team at ;"— Presentation transcript:

1 For help or more information, please contact the P&W SRM team at ;
This document explains how vendors can register for access to P&W’s SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) system (a.k.a. “SRM mySAP SRM) via P&W’s Supplier Portal. For the purpose of this document, we will refer to this system as just “SRM” For help or more information, please contact the P&W SRM team at ; Warning This document is the property of United Technologies Corporation (UTC). You may not possess, use, copy or disclose this document or any information in it, for any purpose without UTC's express written permission. Neither receipt nor possession of this document alone, from any source, constitutes such permission. Possession, use, copying or disclosure by anyone without UTC's express written permission is not authorized and may result in criminal and/or civil liability. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

2 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Getting to the Log-On screen of P&W’s “Online Services” Portal The “Online Services” portal (a.k.a. the e-Portal) is located on the web at: You will need this link again, therefore “Bookmark It” now. Your login ID (User ID) is (or will be) your address. Your password is automatically provided by P&W within ~24 hours of the first time that you register and are approved. Once registered, your password can be changed at any time from the “login” screen. If you forget (or forgot) your password, a new one can be requested from this same “login” screen. The new one will be sent to the address you used when you registered for the “Online Services” portal. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

3 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Registration for the P&W Supplier portal and the SRM application To access the P&W’s Supplier” portal, you’ll need your company’s registration code (also called the “company code”). If you know yours, go to step 2. Otherwise you’ll have to obtain one from your P&W contact in the purchasing organization or the SRM point of contact at your company before you can proceed. Go to the log-in page of the P&W “Supplier” portal by typing the following link into the URL area of a browser window. Note: although the portal should work with most browsers, P&W only supports IE (Internet Explorer) If you already have portal access, then login & look for the “Universal Registration” gadget. Click on the link “Request Additional Resources” then skip to step 7. If you have never used P&W’s “Supplier” portal, then go to step 3. Look for & click on the “Not Registered?” link. In the next pop-up window titled “Do you know your company’s Registration code?”, click on the link “Enter the Universal Registration Tool” just below “Yes”. In this screen “Welcome to Universal Registration” enter your company’s registration code (this is the code that you received from your P&W contact in the purchasing organization) and click “Continue”. On this next screen “Account Set Up - Step 1 of 4” you’ll need to enter your address twice & agree to the T&C’s for your use of the portal, then click “Continue” The next screen, “Account Set Up - Step 2 of 4” will ask you to fill out your contact information. Fields marked in bold are required. Fill this out as requested and then click “Continue” This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

4 Slides 5 thru 15 show you screen shots of the process described above.
Registration for the P&W Supplier portal and the SRM application…cont’d You’ll be brought to the page “Account Set Up - Step 3 of 4” where you can make your resource selections. Select “SRM” from the available choices (it may be the only choice). The page will refresh and will now show you the resource/role options of “Bidder-SUS”,“Invoicer- SUS” and “Process Order-SUS”. You can pick one, all or any combination of these roles. Important - full use of the SRM application requires access to all three roles. Some companies may split the responsibilities between three separate people, others may have one person do all three functions. It is up to your company to decide how to assign roles and responsibilities. Answer the question as to whether you have had access to P&W’s SAP system. If in doubt, check off “No”. Now click “Continue”. This next screen will show you what resource/role combination(s) you are requesting. You’ll need to type a reason as to why you are requesting the “SRM” resource. Once finished click on “Submit Request” You’ll get a screen that says “Thank you for submitting you request. Please be patient as your request should be approved within 7 business days”. The approval of this resource first goes to your “Client Administrator”(also known as your Site or IT Administrator) at you company and then to the P&W purchasing organization. Normally this does not take 7 days, but the message is erring on the safe side. Slides 5 thru 15 show you screen shots of the process described above. Slides 16 thru 22 show you what happens after you log into the P&W Supplier Porta. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

5 Typing : will bring you to this screen
Where can I find the Pratt & Whitney’s Supplier portal and how do I register? Typing : will bring you to this screen Click on the link, “Not Registered” This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

6 Look for this link and click on it:
Entering the Universal Registration tool Look for this link and click on it: This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

7 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Entering the Universal Registration tool cont.. Enter your company’s registration code into the “Company Code” box, This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

8 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Entering the Universal Registration tool – Step 1 Enter your address twice. Click on the check box indicating that you’ve consented to the T&C’s and then click “Continue”. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

9 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Account Set Up - Step 2 - User information form Fill out or update the info. on this page. BOLD/Red fields are mandatory. Press “Continue” to go to the next screen This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

10 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Account Set-up Screen - Step 3 This screen shows the resources that are available to you. It is based on your company’s registration code. Most companies will have smaller lists then what is shown below. Scroll down until you see the “SRM” resource. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

11 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Account Set-up Screen - Step 3 continued Select the SRM resource by placing a check mark here. The screen will blink and then….. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

12 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Account Set-up Screen - Step 3 continued ..these roles will appear. Put a check in the box for the “Bidder-SUS”, “Invoicer-SUS”, “Process Order-SUS”, or any combination of the three and then click “ADD” You’ll also need to answer this question as to whether you have had access to P&W’s SAP system, if in doubt, check off “No”. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

13 ….scroll to the top (or bottom) of the screen and press “Continue”
Account Set-up Screen - Step 3 continued ….scroll to the top (or bottom) of the screen and press “Continue” This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

14 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Submittal screen Fill out the reason for requesting this resource and the press “submit request”. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

15 ….you will receive a message something like this.
Confirmation screen ….you will receive a message something like this. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

16 Typing : will bring you to this screen
How do I log onto the Pratt & Whitney Suppier portal? Typing : will bring you to this screen User Name is your address Password assigned by P&W Check off this box that you understand the T&C’s of the portal To change your password If you forgot your password This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

17 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Landing page will be the “Home” community Once you have entered your login credentials, you will be brought this Home page”, This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

18 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Navigating from the the “Home” community page Once you are on the “Home” community home page, you can navigate to the SRM Community page, by clicking on the “SRM” link in the “Applications” drop down. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

19 You can launch into SRM by clicking on this button
How to Access the SRM instructions and training material The PowerPoint file for SRM Vendor help is be available on the “P&W Supplier Portal”, in this SRM Help Document folder below. You can launch into SRM by clicking on this button This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

20 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
Current Users of Online Services, how to register for SRM… If you need to get access to SRM (or any new resources) go to the “Home Page” and look for the Universal Registration gadget and click on “Request New Resources” and follow the steps. This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

21 This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR
For help or more information about the SRM application on P&W’s Online Services Portal, please contact the P&W SRM team at: This document contains no Technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR

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