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A note from the designer was that the different coloured sub heading sections (e.g.  green, red, orange/brown) with niho & kowhawhai could be used as follows:

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Presentation on theme: "A note from the designer was that the different coloured sub heading sections (e.g.  green, red, orange/brown) with niho & kowhawhai could be used as follows:"— Presentation transcript:

1 A note from the designer was that the different coloured sub heading sections (e.g.  green, red, orange/brown) with niho & kowhawhai could be used as follows: - heading intro page (white background)  - content page/s (coloured background)...or visa versa. Please feel free to use the above as a guideline.

2 Aratiatia Aspiring Leaders

3 Nau mai Karakia Mihimihi - Ko wai, No hea, Kura?
Section Sub Heading Nau mai Karakia Mihimihi - Ko wai, No hea, Kura? - One sentence that describes what you want to get out of the course Housekeeping Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

4 Expectations and Overview
Section Sub Heading Expectations and Overview Expectations….wants… needs…desires Outline of Day 1&2 Day 1 Morning – Developing your Authentic Leadership plan Day 1 Afternoon – Building your plan Day 2 Morning – Leadership Inquiry Day 3 Afternoon – Support team & Actions

5 Authentic Leadership – Why?
Section Sub Heading Authentic Leadership – Why? Last 5 years deep distrust of leaders Only short term outcomes can be achieved if leadership is not authentic Authentic leadership produces sustainable outcomes Superior results over a sustained period of time is the ultimate result of an authentic leader Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

6 Authentic leaders demonstrate…
Passion for their purpose – no egos Practice their values consistently – true to values Lead with their hearts & heads – passionate, courageous, motivated Establish long-term, meaningful relationships – committed, trusted Have self discipline to get results – responsible for outcomes, hold others accountable They know who they are – know their life story

7 Section Sub Heading Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Their attributes Speak their truth Know leadership business is about people Have rich moral fibre Courageous Build teams and communities Deepen themselves Are dreamers Care for themselves Commit to excellence rather than perfection They leave a legacy Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

8 Kapu tī

9 Knowing your life story
Section Sub Heading Knowing your life story Know your life story – Daniel Vaellas story What is your story? Timeline – significant events in your life, dated Write your story to go with it. Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

10 True North Internal Compass
Section Sub Heading True North Internal Compass Developing your internal compass Now you know more about you…. Reflections? Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

11 Knowing your Authentic Self
Section Sub Heading Knowing your Authentic Self Strengths & Development Areas Attributes Development needs “Know your weaknesses so you can surround yourself with people who will compensate for them” Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

12 Break

13 Practising Values & Principles
Section Sub Heading Practising Values & Principles 10 values – insert values hyper link (first 10 words that come to mind) Recall a time your values were conflicted? How did you resolve this? Were you pleased with the outcome? Recall a situation when your values were tested under pressure Did you deviate from your values? What resources did you seek? What would you do differently if you had that situation again? Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

14 Leadership Principles…..
Section Sub Heading Leadership Principles….. ….that you want to use to lead others? Rank in order What are your ethical Ethical boundaries you will not cross? Rank in order Have you ever deviated from your North Compass and values in order to achieve your goals? How did that go? What would you do differently in the future? What support tools do you have? Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

15 Motivation Whats motivating you to be a leader? Sources of motivation?
Section Sub Heading Motivation Whats motivating you to be a leader? Sources of motivation? Extrinsic and intrinsic leadership Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

16 Leadership Principles…..
Section Sub Heading Leadership Principles….. ….that you want to use to lead others? Rank in order What are your ethical Ethical boundaries you will not cross? Rank in order Have you ever deviated from your North Compass and values in order to achieve your goals? How did that go? What would you do differently in the future? What support tools do you have? Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

17 Integrated Leader…. Shade each box…. Section Sub Heading
Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

18 Kai

19 Purpose of your leadership…..
Section Sub Heading Purpose of your leadership….. Look back at life story - can you see your passions? How do your passions lead you to purpose of your leadership? Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points

20 Spirit Writing Ask the questions- For what purpose am I leading?
Section Sub Heading Spirit Writing Ask the questions- For what purpose am I leading? How does that link to the rest of your life?

21 Epilogue Find a quiet place complete sheet or do in another way
Section Sub Heading Epilogue Find a quiet place complete sheet or do in another way make sure you include all the sections Return to room at 3:30

22 Section Sub Heading Leadership whakaahua Whakaahua representing your vision for leadership – use words sparingly, tohu, symbols, pou… Share Header 1 with Haemata logo bullet points


24 Life Stories BillGeorge
Team work and leadership pep talk

25 End Screen

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