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De la Roboti Mobili la Vehicole Electrice

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Presentation on theme: "De la Roboti Mobili la Vehicole Electrice"— Presentation transcript:

1 De la Roboti Mobili la Vehicole Electrice
AC_robo_Team De la Roboti Mobili la Vehicole Electrice Ce sint Arhitectura/tipuri Tehnici de programare NASA JPL NASA EDU Robot

2 Metode:

3 Obiective: Startarea unei activitati de tip MIT IAP
Stabilirea unor obiective generale Stabilire calendar activitati 2010 Stabilire activitati vara 2010


5 Activitati

6 Obiectiv principal : conectare la http://robotics. nasa

7 Vehicol clasic

8 Vehicol hibrid

9 Vehicol electric

10 Roboti mobili - generalitati
Mobile robots have the capability to move around in their environment and are not fixed to one physical location. In contrast, industrial robots usually consist of a jointed arm (multi-linked manipulator) and gripper assembly (or end effector) that is attached to a fixed surface. Mobile robots are the focus of a great deal of current research and almost every major university has one or more labs that focus on mobile robot research. Mobile robots are also found in industry, military and security environments. They also appear as consumer products, for entertainment or to perform certain tasks like working, ( EXP. Lab robo Iasi)

11 Tipuri roboti mobili They are most commonly wheeled, but also include legged robots with two or more legs (humanoid, or resembling animals or insects). Aerial robots are usually referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) Underwater robots are usually called autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) Legged robot : human-like legs (i.e. an android) or animal-like legs. Wheeled robot.

12 Robot mobil cu roti

13 Cronologie robot vehicle/car
In its Viking program the NASA sends two unmanned spacecrafts to Mars 1980 The team of Ernst Dickmanns at Bundeswehr University Munich builds the first robot cars, driving up to 55 mph on empty streets 1987- Hughes Research Laboratories demonstrates the first cross-country map and sensor-based autonomous operation of a robotic vehicle. Ernst Dickmanns' robot cars (with robot-controlled throttle and brakes) drove more than 1000 miles from Munich to Copenhagen and back, in traffic, at up to 120 mph, occasionally executing maneuvers to pass other cars (only in a few critical situations a safety driver took over). NASA sends the Mars Pathfinder with its rover Sojourner to Mars. The rover explores the surface, commanded from earth. Sojourner was equipped with a hazard avoidance system. This enabled Sojourner to autonomously find it s way through unknown martian terrain. 2004 In the first DARPA Grand Challenge competition, fully autonomous vehicles compete against each other on a desert course.



16 JPL

17 JPL

18 JPL

19 JPL






25 from JPL


27 This project has been started at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne as collaboration between the Autonomous Systems Lab, the Swarm-Intelligent Systems group and the Laboratory of Intelligent System. The main goal of this project is to develop a miniature mobile robot for educational purposes at university level. To help the creation of a community inside and outside EPFL, the project is based on an open hardware concept, where all documents are distributed and submitted to a license allowing everyone to use and develop for it."



30 NXT Robot set

31 NXT Network


33 Personal Robot Design – ultima joi luna mai
ora 11 – (Student workshop – as SPINOFF)

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