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Advocacy Committee Chairman

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1 Advocacy Committee Chairman 2016 - 2018
Zonta Advocacy Area 2 Meeting April 1 - 2, 2017 Jan Landsberg Advocacy Committee Chairman Good afternoon…………………….. Today I plan to .. Review what advocacy is Talk about the range of Zonta advocacy resources Discuss ZI advocacy goals & identified priorities Explore these priorities and Review what can be done at a local level.

2 Zonta and Advocacy A decade ago, at the 58th International Convention in Melbourne in 2006, the delegates approved a new strategic plan that incorporated ADVOCACY in Zonta’s first objective and mission statements. Mission : Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Though I think that if you reflect on Zonta’s history, even though the word advocacy was not actually included, Zontians have certainly been advocating for women’s rights since the establishment of ZI! The Objectives of Zonta International : To improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy. 2

3 Access to all resources
Zonta’s Vision Gender Equality Women’s rights are recognized as human rights Empowerment Every woman is able to achieve her full potential Women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men Access to all resources All things to advocate for! A life free of violence No woman lives in fear of violence

4 What is Advocacy? Advocacy is the expression of support for or opposition to a cause, argument or proposal. Advocacy may include influencing laws, legislation or attitudes. Zonta advocacy is an action taken in “the public interest” or for “the greater good” with respect to empowering women and girls and advancing their human rights. Zonta International, its districts, and its clubs shall be nonpartisan and nonsectarian. (ZI Bylaws Article III Policy, Section 1.) So what is Advocacy? Lets recap….. Advocacy is action directed at change -- in attitudes, policies, laws & practices. It involves… 1.identifying & developing awareness of a problem, 2.analyzing causes & alternatives, 3.developing recommendations to solve the problem, 4. building support for the proposed solutions, and 5.seeing proposals through to enactment Advocacy is integrated with Service, Scholarships & Awards, in fact with all areas of Zonta. Every Zonta district & club around the world implements its own service, scholarship, & advocacy initiatives, in addition to supporting international initiatives. 4

5 Resources There are many Zonta resources to assist you.
Policies and Procedures ZI Objects and Policy, Bylaws Article II and III Advocacy Definitions and Policy, with Guidelines Affiliation with Other Organizations Policy, with Guidelines Zonta Advocacy – When? Who? How? Advocacy Project Scorecard Advocacy framework (per CEDAW) Women’s Reproductive Health Policy Position Papers and Statements Advocating for Women’s issues – the Zonta path - Feb. 2017 Zonta International, politics & political parties – March 2017 Newsletters and Electronic resources Zonta International,District 22 Governor and Advocacy newsletters ZI and District 22 Websites and Facebook pages International and District Advocacy Committee members There are many Zonta resources to assist you. Two recent statements “Advocating for Women’s issues – the Zonta path” Feb & “ZI, politics & political parties” – March 2017 Posted on D 22 website. I encourage you to read them in full, but key points are: They address issues of changes worldwide which are putting at risk women’s rights, therefore our advocacy actions are needed more than ever! HOWEVER, It is therefore very important that we continue to adhere to Zonta’s policies and procedures Please be clear that Zonta International, its districts and clubs in all communication, verbal or written SHALL BE non-partisan and non-sectarian SHALL follow Zonta International’s advocacy policy when advocating locally and globally on issues that will improve the lives of women and girls SHALL NOT ADVOCATE FOR NOR AGAINST political parties or the appointment of specific persons to any political positions in any country. Individual members SHALL NOT use district/club websites or district /club social media pages to express personal views - NB – NOT SIGNING PETITIONS in the name of Zonta or if you may be associated with Zonta, especially those being circulated widely on social media or .

6 ADVOCACY TOOLS Please sign in first at
You will have received information about the current ZI website upgrade, especially related to the membership pages New log in details are to be ed to members in early April. All members will then need to reset their password to log into the ZI website Members will need to have their address registered with ZI to be able to log in Then select the tools:

7 District 22 website Not enough time to regularly check websites!

8 2016 – 2018 Chairmen and HQ support
Advocacy Maria Jose Landeira Oestergaard HQ Megan Radavich International Advocacy There is a network of support throughout the various Zonta levels UN Leslie Wright Council of Europe Anita Schnetzer-Spranger

9 2016 – 2018 Chairmen and District 22 support
Zonta International Advocacy Committee Liaison Bridget Mather District Advocacy District 22 Advocacy Committee Chairman Jan Landsberg District 22 UN Committee Chairman Bridget Mather Club Advocacy District 22 Clubs’ Advocacy and UN Committee Chairmen

10 ZI Advocacy Goals Zonta International is a leading advocate for women’s rights. All advocacy actions are in-line with the strategic plan and have measurable impact. When relevant, cooperation with like-minded organizations is initiated. Further develop Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women Campaign Develop actions in support of the Women’s Empowerment Principles b) Zonta International utilizes its consultative and participatory status at the UN and Council of Europe to ensure equality and a life free of violence for all women. Zonta advocates for Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. c) Zonta International encourages Zonta clubs to cooperate across district borders to engage in advocacy actions at national level. d) Men are engaged as partners for gender equality. ZI endorses the HeForShe campaign and encourages Zonta Clubs to engage men in the community to join the campaign

11 ZI District 22 Strategic Plan 2016 - 2018
ADVOCACY In addition: CLUBS Provide an annual Advocacy report to the D22 Advocacy Chairman, demonstrating all actions are in line with ZI’s Strategic plan and Zonta Affiliation with Other Organisations Policy Guidelines”, including any engagement with like-minded organisations Support the “Zonta Says No” campaign, as evidenced by reports to D22 Advocacy Chairman, Area Directors and Facebook activity Focus on relevant UN International Days Report commemoration of UN day in October Engage men in the community to join ZI projects/campaigns

12 ZI research has identified two major issues
Violence against women Gender inequality Not a surprise & a major emphases for our Zonta advocacy campaigns……………………

13 Advocacy Issues Examples of issues that can be selected by clubs, districts and at national level Violence Against Women Domestic / Family In the work place – is being more recognised as an issue Violence in schools and university campuses Violence in the open spaces Violence against indigenous women Violence in armed conflicts and with refugees Human trafficking and slavery Female genital mutilation Early marriage Cyber bullying, sexting and other harmful practices Equal Rights Equal access to education at all levels Equal pay for equal work Equal access to the work place Equal access to leadership positions in the work place Equal access to decision making positions Equal access to land, property and housing Value unpaid work; share household responsibility Economic security Parental leave, flexible work Challenge gender stereotypes

14 1.Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women
“Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women” is a Zonta International campaign to raise awareness of and increase actions to end violence against women and girls around the world. The campaign, which began in November 2012 and has gone from strength to strength since then, features the service and advocacy actions of Zonta clubs and districts to prevent and end violence against women and girls in their local communities. All clubs have embraced this campaign enthusiastically…………………. Congratulations! Just need to continue to broaden and strengthen the areas targeted. So I don’t plan to elaborate further on this area today.

15 2.Envision Equality - Empower Women
Australia is ranked number 1 for educational attainment BUT only 46th for overall gender equality due to low levels of economic participation & political empowerment 62% of men in Australia think that women have equal opportunities, as opposed to 48% of women The Australian community continues to hold on to gender stereotypes Positive example - In the last year some positive gains have been made with women’s sport having a higher profile & becoming more mainstream More games are being broadcast on TV & also on primary channels Attendance at games has been very positive A spotlight has been shone on discriminatory contact inclusions & low remuneration, compared to their male colleagues, - & this is being addressed, with the Southern Stars Women’s cricket team recently getting over 100% increase in salaries. Public awareness & public advocating appears to have had an influence on this References: Global Gender Gap Report World Economic Forum ‘’A conversation in gender equality” March Kate Jenkins, Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner 15

16 Gender Pay Gap – Advocate for Equality
No country in the world has achieved gender equality (UN Women) It may take 118 years to close the gender pay gap (World Economic Forum) Australia – Gender Pay Gap 2016 – 23.1%, and is increasing Source: Australia’s gender equality scorecard November 2016

17 Gender Equality in Australia
Source: Australia’s gender equality scorecard November 2016

18 Gender Equality in Australia

19 Employer Action on Gender Equality
Source: Australia’s gender equality scorecard November 2016

20 Support Equal Pay Day Equal Pay Day in Australia marks the time from the end of the previous financial year that women must work, to earn the same pay as men. In 2016 it fell on Thursday 8 September. Will it be earlier or later in 2017? A campaign worth supporting! US will be advocating on 8 April – so watch out for US Zontians campaigning! They regularly mark the event in April. 20

21 Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations on 25 September 2015, to replace the MDGs. Zonta International supports all the goals; however, for the next two years, we are focusing our efforts on Goal No. 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

22 Zonta‘s focus – SDG 5 Targets
End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere End all forms of violence against women: in public & private spheres, including trafficking, sexual & other types of exploitation End harmful practices: child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation Value unpaid care & work; share household responsibility Ensure women’s full & effective participation & equal opportunities in leadership and decision making Ensure universal access to sexual & reproductive health care and reproductive rights Equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over property & financial services Enhance use of enabling technology Adopt & strengthen policies & legislation for promotion of gender equality & empowerment of women & girls at all levels ZI Forms - UN- Local Service And Advocacy Reporting Form for the UN SDGs – online form. Please fill in this form……………………………… Your club will have completed this form earlier this year for UN Committee Chair Bridget Mather. Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 Targets

23 Advocate around UN Days
Most Clubs celebrate these UN days 10 December 25 November Some other UN Days providing advocacy opportunities All clubs celebrate IWD & the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, kicking off the 16 Days of Activism. Many also recognise United Nations Day and Human Rights Day – but not as publically. There are many relevant UN Days - & this is not an exhaustive list – that provide great opportunities for developing advocacy actions. Women & Girls in Science, Rural Women & Women with disabilities – are often more disadvantaged. Women in retirement often live in poverty, because of lower wages, time out of workforce & limited superannuation. Older women are often the target of elder abuse – financial, emotional. Trafficking, FGM & child marriage are being reported as issues in Australia. 8 September 11 October 23

24 Involve men HeForShe Campaign White Ribbon
Week of Service – collaborate with men’s service organisations Perpetrator programs Actively engage men in a meaningful way to support gender equality Week of Service is a new initiative in 2017 – plan to collaborate on an event in 2018. 25 – 31 March

25 Together we are stronger!
Women and Men with a Common Purpose Empowering Women – through SERVICE AND ADVOCACY Participate Advocate Achieve Achieve greater impact internationally by combining our voices with like-minded organizations Work with government and community leaders who share common goals Together we are stronger! 26

26 Our ZI Advocacy Partners
WEPs – No time to expand on these today, but please go to the website to find out more. 26

27 Zonta Advocacy - When, Who, How?
Takes actions, mainly in relation to the UN Inspire local and national efforts Provide tools International level (Convention, ZI Board) Educate, inspire Provide information and guidance Coordinate club actions District level (Conference, District Board) Identify important local issues Educate members, find facts Take action, follow up, act as “watch dog” Club level (Club meetings, Club Board) Always evaluate and measure success! All levels Issues under state laws – letters DG signature Issues under federal laws - Combined Districts 22, 23 & 24 response as Zonta Australia Issues under local government laws – communicate with local council 27

28 What can clubs and districts do?
Know and understand Zonta International goals, policies and use resources Keep abreast of what is going on in your community Have you found your voice or are you still relying on others? – Step Up! Where do you and your club fit in, to solve problems and make a difference? Research what the key community issues are and what your members care about Keep abreast of what your government is doing and monitor and influence relevant legislation Get on decision-making committees and boards

29 What can clubs and districts do?
Work within coalitions, following ZI guidelines, including with other Zonta clubs Coordinate your Service, Advocacy, UN, Awards and Membership projects, linking to advocacy goals Document, monitor, follow-up, evaluate then plan your next steps Publicize you activity widely and regularly, within your community, on social media and to District and Zonta International Publicise regularly on your social media pages & post to ZI Share Your Story. Your local social media posts will then often be shared onto the District 22 social media pages for wider exposure. Share Your Story is distributed by ZI to clubs worldwide if registered with ZI, you will have been getting many stories into your inbox.

30 Be visible and be heard – make a difference!
Thank you

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