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Car Service Station : Shahad Alotaibi 201300688 , Wafa Alotaibi 201303306 , Maram alzahrani 201301283.

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Presentation on theme: "Car Service Station : Shahad Alotaibi 201300688 , Wafa Alotaibi 201303306 , Maram alzahrani 201301283."— Presentation transcript:

1 Car Service Station : Shahad Alotaibi , Wafa Alotaibi , Maram alzahrani

2 Assessment Rubric for Group PowerPoint Presentation
Criteria Assessment Rubric for Group PowerPoint Presentation SCORES Title/Outline slides Outline slide presents an overview of the presentation topics, picture 2% The project Describe the problem or project that is the focus of your proposal Analyzing the project Describe a SWOT analysis with 2 points for each letter. 4% Planning the solution Work plan diagram showing tasks and deadlines, description of the work plan, types of groups used, and the division of tasks 5% Executing the plan Describe when the group will meet, reporting structures, and how the group will ensure all tasks are completed on time Evaluating the results Discuss likely obstacles your group will face, how you will handle social loafing, and how you will maintain group cohesiveness Delivery Speaks clearly and confidently, looks at audience, does not read each slide word by word, keeps hands out of pockets 3% Slide attractiveness Slides are attractive to look at with easy to read font, graphics, colors, headings, and sufficient white space Conclusion Final slide summarizes the key points (does not repeat the Outline slide) TOTAL 25%

3 Outline Outline The Project Analyzing the Problem
Planning the Solution Executing the Plan Evaluating the Results Summary

4 The Project The project aims to establish a car service station near the university. There is no car service station near the university. Breakdowns and servicing is challenging to access for students at the university. The objective of the car service station is to provide convenient and affordable services for the university.

5 Analysing the problem Strengths Readily available market
Low start-up cost Strengths – There is a ready market in place from the university students and staff. Low start-up costs are also a strength due to affordable equipment and a readily available location. Weaknesses – Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia which reduces the available market. Another weakness is establishing an effective working schedule so that classes are not interfered with. Opportunities – There is a high potential for growth because the proposed car service station would be the first of its kind in the area. There is also the potential to expand and add more services such as car wash. Threats – There is the threat of potential competition once others realize it is a profitable business.

6 Planning the solution Draft a project proposal
0-4th Week Present proposal to university 5th – 8th Week Apply for business permit 9th – 10th Week Assess possible locations 11th – 12th Week Implement car service station 12th Week onwards

7 Executing the plan Proposal shall be executed according to defined guidelines. Once funding has been secured from the university, business permits shall be sought from relevant authorities. Locations shall be assessed near the university. The group members shall hold regular meetings to assess current progress of the project. The meetings shall also be used to hand out responsibilities to group members.

8 Evaluating the results
Evaluate the deadlines to make sure they are realistic. Minimize social loafing. Ensure the university is involved on all aspects of the project. Prepare weekly reports on the progress of the project. Evaluate entire project after a year to determine profitability of the project.

9 Summary The DAPEE model is an effective project management tool.
It helps managers plan out the project proposal in manageable steps. The project has been well defined in the proposal. A thorough SWOT analysis was conducted for the car service station. The solution was planned, executed and evaluated in accordance with DAPEE model.

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