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LPAC Administrator Sessions
End-of-the-Year LPAC Annual Review April 3rd & 4th Secondary and Elementary LPAC Administrator Sessions
LPAC Administrator of the Year Votes
Objectives Learn procedures/expectations for the Annual Review LPAC process A. State Assessment Results/LPAC Calendar B. LPAC Committee and Responsibilities C. Annual Review Process D. Special Exit Criteria (ELs/Special Education) E. ELL Linguistic Accommodations Screens, Exit Letters and Progress Letters) F. ELL LPAC Folder Audit Process and Documentation Bilingual/ESL Program Summer School Information Summer Professional Development
Tentative State Assessments Results Dates/ LPAC Meetings
State Assessment Results: 5th and 8th grade Reading by April 18th and May 30th TELPAS by April 28th 3rd-4th grade Reading by June 14th English I-II by June 2nd EOY OLPT Testing Window: April 3th- April 28th (Students without 2 consecutive years of TELPAS data) EOY Terra Nova Testing Window: April 3rd- April 28th (For potential 1st, 2nd grade and 11th-12th grade exits) Suggested EOY LPAC Meetings Timeframes: May 1st –23rd
LPAC Committee and Responsibilities
Composition of the LPAC
The LPAC is composed of a: -Campus Administrator* -Professional Bilingual Educator* -ESL Teacher/Professional transitional language educator* ( An ESL certified teacher or general ed. teacher trained in sheltered instruction) -LPAC Parent* of a students participating in bilingual or ESL education. This parent cannot be an employee of the school district. -Special education representative member when considering ELLs/Special Education Students. - Any other LPAC members that need to provide input about the ELLs. *All members must be present! TAC § TEC § Signatures in documentation are drawn, not TYPED TAC § (c) In school districts and grade levels not required to provide a bilingual education program, the language proficiency assessment committee shall be composed of one or more professional personnel, a campus administrator, and a parent of an English language learner participating in the program designated by the school district.
LPAC Membership Guidelines
All LPAC members must be trained. (Refer to the Bilingual/ESL Department Website for the Parent Training resources) If one of the members does not understand English (parent), the training should be developed in the member’s primary language. At the LPAC meeting, an interpreter should be available if the parent representative is not proficient in English. The parent representative volunteers her/his time in the LPAC. Trained parent serves as a representative parent for all ELLs. The student’s parents are not required to attend the LPAC meeting. Each trained LPAC members will also sign an oath of confidentiality because test and other information that is shared and analyzed for all students must be considered with respect to each student and his/her family’s rights to confidentiality.
EOY LPAC Training at the Campus Level
Create your EOY LPAC campus session in Eduphoria. Ex: LPAC Annual Review- GCM Trained LPAC administrator trains campus staff who will participate in the EOY LPAC process. Campus designee grants credit for training completion to campus LPAC members in Eduphoria. Oaths of confidentiality by all trained members are kept on file by campus LPAC administrator. LINK: HOW TO CREATE A COURSE IN EDUPHORIA:
LPAC Guidelines All trained members are given prior notification of the meeting. All required members meet and a chair is selected for the meeting. Members review and discuss all student data and information. Members arrive at appropriate decisions. Members sign and date all documentation forms/LPAC forms. (Maintain records for five years (member roster, LPAC minutes, training documents with dates, oaths of confidentiality…)
LPAC Guidelines Decisions are kept in the LPAC minutes which are kept online with the eStar program. Documentation for each students is archived in the student’s record folder on line once the information has been reviewed and all needed documentation has been collected. TAC (f & l) Notify the Bilingual/ESL Department PEIMS Clerk, Claudia Orozco, upon conclusion of your EOY LPAC meetings.
LPAC Responsibilities
Identification of ELLs Placement of ELLs Parent Approval Assessment and Documentation Review *Instructional Methodologies and/or Interventions Accommodations for Assessments Coordination of services with other programs *Linguistic Accommodations (BOY, MOY & EOY) (ELL Instructional Accommodations online) Annual Review (linguistic and academic progress) Special Education/EL Special Exit Criteria Review
LPAC ANNUAL REVIEW -Testing of students in English for growth and exit
-Progress letters -Exit letters -Review and/or Set New Special Education Exit Criteria -EOY EL instructional linguistic accommodations
Annual Review- Data Documented on eStar The LPAC should review:
Benchmark Classroom tests State Criterion-Referenced test data Norm-referenced English and Spanish (when applicable) standardized achievement test data Oral language proficiency test data TELPAS data Passing grades in all subjects and courses taken Any input that will give a well-rounded picture of the students’ growth and progress
ELLs NON-ELLs Bilingual and ESL students PK-12th Parent Denials M1s and M2s Print a LEP and M1 and M2 Report from TEAMS to ensure all students are accounted for at the EOY LPAC meeting.
Testing Administrator
The person administering the oral language proficiency test (listening and speaking) must have documentation of training in the administration and scoring of the test and must be proficient in the language of the test. TAC § (c) The LPAC, not the test administrator, must meet and review all assessment results to bring to the LPAC.
What Tests, When and Who? PRE-K-Kinder 1st-5th 6th-12th Pre-IPT/IPT
April 3rd- 28th IPT I April 3rd-28th IPT II Per TEA Director, NOT ALL ELL students must be administered the listening and speaking sections of the IPT. If a student was rated in TELPAS listening and speaking last year and this year, then those ratings may be used to review language development (instead of IPT).The ELL students who are to be tested at the end of the year in the English OLPT Listening and Speaking sections are:
Who Are We Testing for IPT Listening and Speaking at the EOY?
LEP Students without 2 years of consecutive TELPAS data… PK and Kinder students Pre-IPT Students who are recent immigrants (newcomers) who were not in Texas last year and did not participate in TELPAS. (If they came after March 1st- We do not test them in OLPT) Students who went to school last year in a state other than Texas. (If they came after March 1st- We do not test them in OLPT) Students for whom previous TELPAS scores are not available. (Students who missed the TELPAS testing)
Assessment Results Screen
Exit Criteria PLAN FOR APRIL TESTING: Potential Exits: students in grades 1st-2nd and 11th-12th will need the norm-reference test (Terra Nova) as part of the criteria for exit ELL status.
Parental Notification of Exit Status
LEP Denial Meets Exit Criteria ESL Classroom Non-ELL Meets Exit/Reclassification Criteria Bilingual Classroom Texas Education Agency Bilingual/ESL Unit
Exit Letter Collect and upload exit letters into eStar.
Document attempts to collect the exit letters under Screen # 9 LPAC Notes. Flag students whose exit is pending due to STAAR results. You will need to follow up with those in July-August window. Update the date on Screen # 9 once the exit letter is collected. Notify the district PEIMS Data Clerk when exit letter is received.
Exit Letter Collect and upload exit letters into eStar.
Document attempts to collect the exit letters under Screen # 9 LPAC Notes. Flag students whose exit is pending due to STAAR results. You will need to follow up with those in July-August window. Update the date on Screen # 9 once the exit letter is collected. Notify the district PEIMS Data Clerk when exit letter is received.
Placement for Next Year
LEP Denial Not Meet Exit Criteria ESL Classroom ELL in Bilingual ELL in ESL ELL in gen. ed Bilingual Classroom Texas Education Agency Bilingual/ESL Unit
Special Exit Criteria EOY Review
Step 6: Determine and Document Whether Student Has Met Modified Exit Criteria At the end of the year, the ARD committee, with key LPAC members, meets to review the assessment results and subjective teacher evaluation required under TAC § (h) to determine whether the student has met the modified exit criteria. The subjective teacher evaluation must reflect the status of the student following the administration of the assessments. This meeting is to be held at the end of the school year, as required by TAC Section (g). This means that an additional ARD committee meeting is necessary for students whose annual ARD committee meeting is held at a different time. If the decision is made to exit the student based on the assessment results and subjective teacher evaluation, the ARD committee finalizes and documents the change in placement or program and delineates instructional services including the monitoring period for exited students. Furthermore, as required under TAC § (l)(1)(H) relating to exit from bilingual education or ESL services, the LPAC also documents the exit decision in the student’s permanent record file.
Annual Student Progress
TAC § School districts shall report to parents the progress of their child as a result of participating in the program offered to English language learners in English and the home language at least annually.
Annual Student Progress
Student Educational History
The Student Educational History form for all English language learners needs to completed in eStar by May 23rd, 2017. The current school data information needs to be entered for all English learners into eStar. Data will need to be added in subsequent years in eStar. Trained aides can assist LPAC administrators input the information.
End-of-the Year LPAC eStar Screen: # 9
LPAC Comments: Document attempts to document the exit of students if parents do not return the exit letter signed. Select “Pending” if exit criteria is pending due to STAAR testing results. Select “No” if student did not meet exit criteria. Clone to prepopulate current instructional placement in for next year program placement. Summer School: Click yes if attending and the type of summer school.
Student Exit Criteria? Select No/Yes/Pending for exit criteria.
Add recommendation: Click to clone, meeting, exit and effective dates will be prepopulated in the next screen. Instructional Accommodations: Teachers complete. Schedule/Course Recommendation: Specialists complete the schedules for 5th-12th graders. Summer School: Select No/Yes if the student is or is not attending summer school. Summer School Indicator Code: Disregard. Indicate type of summer school: PK-K, 1st 2nd, SSI, Newcomer Language Camps, EOC Remediation LPAC Comments/Notes: Indicate attempts to notify parents of exit status.
EOY LPAC Recommendation eStar Screen # 9
Complete dates. The Program description and code are prepopulated if “clone” has been selected in previous screen. x It needs to be completed. x Exit Date: Last day of school, May 25th Effective Date: First day of next school year, August Program Status: Select placement for next year Pending: Select “Yes” if exit letter is pending due to STAAR results. Date of Parent Signature: Only date once the signed and dated exit letter is received or parents have been notified via phone or in conference. The “Pending” field will adjust to “NO” once the date the exit letter is received. X: Fields that DO NOT need to be completed. : Fields that need to be completed.
New enhancements: Title of screen, Recommendation, Exit and Effective Date will be prepopulated.
ELL Schedule 5th- 12th Graders -eStar Screen # 9-
Specialists will help select the courses for next year and provide an excel document to the counselor/s and LPAC administrator for review. A reading ESL class will be recommended to those students with Beginner and Intermediate TELPAS Reading proficiency. HS students may be recommended Practical Writing according to their TELPAS reading proficiency level. COUNSELORS SHOULD BE PART OF THE LPAC TO PROVIDE INPUT ON THE SCHEDULES AND HELP ADJUST THE ESL STUDENTS’ SCHEDULES AS NEEDED.
Special Exit Criteria: Review (or Setting for Next Year) eStar Screen # 11
It needs to be completed.
EOY ELL Instructional Accommodation FORM
ELL Linguistic Accommodation Form
Linguistic accommodations will be cloned from the middle of the year. Teachers will review and SIGN/DRAW.
ELL Linguistic Accommodation Form
LPAC Audit Form
Linguistic Accommodations State Assessment LPACs
Audits Main Findings Monitor LPACs Missing interventions for monitored students. Miss to select the six weeks option to determine which six weeks the interventions under review are considered. Linguistic Accommodations Teachers’ names are missing from the EL linguistic accommodations recommendations. State Assessment LPACs Teachers missed to select “NONE” when linguistic accommodations were not selected. Signatures LPAC members and teachers providing input are using the type feature instead of drawing for signature. Administrators signing in lieu of teachers. Archiving Records contain multiple entries in the archives. Recommendation: Do not archive right after the LPAC takes place. Ensure you have had time to review the information (i.e.: excel reports) and everything looks right prior to archiving.
Bilingual and ESL Program Summer Schools
PK Bilingual/ESL Summer School Location: -Alamo (AL, CL, CR) -Banuelos (BA, VW, HI, HO) -Carver (DZ, LA, CA) -Bowie (BO, AS, AU) -Travis (TR,HA, SJ) Newcomer Summer Camps: Grades Locations -3rd-5th ALAMO -6th-8th TBD -9th-12th TBD *See Bilingual PK-K summer school memorandum.
PK-K Bilingual Summer School Memorandum
Date: To: Summer School Principals and Campus Principals From: Pilar Moreno-Recio, Director of Bilingual/ESL Education CC: Dr. Melissa Duarte, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction; Eloy Chapa, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources; Matt Flood, Chief Technology Officer; Rebecca Robins, Director of Curriculum and Instruction; Araceli de la Cruz, Director of Student Services; Ron Wyatt, Director of Human Resources; Patricia Nesselrode, PEIMS Specialist, Sherry Bell, Assistant PEIMS Specialist and Claudia Orozco, PEIMS Data Clerk. Subject: PK-K Bilingual/ESL Summer School Attendance and PEIMS Coding Processes The following are the steps to ensure a smooth process to report attendance and PEIMS coding of Pre-Kinder and Kinder students attending the Bilingual/ESL Summer School: Designated campus administrator will collect the PK-K bilingual/ESL summer school applications, place them in a binder, and provide to the campus attendance clerks. The binders containing all summer school applications will be provided to the summer school principals. The campus attendance clerk will enter the students in PEIMS by April 28th. Once enrolled in summer school, PK-K students will be expected to attend all days of summer school. If absences occur, teachers will contact parents on the day that the absences occur. Summer school principals will review attendance daily to determine if any parents need to be contacted or adjustments in attendance need to be made. After the first week of attendance to summer school, the district Bilingual/ESL PEIMS Data Clerk will code students (Y) for summer school. No-shows will be removed at the end of summer school. The district Bilingual/ESL PEIMS Data Clerk will end the summer school coding of students who attended summer school after the district PEIMS roll-over happens the first week in August.
TEA Sheltered Instruction Training Series
20 CPE credits valid for two years Guide is provided to register and take the courses.
-Window is open from June 15th until November 15th.
-Teachers will submit completion of training modules and certificates to Nancy Hernandez in the bilingual/ESL department to grant teachers credit through Eduphoria.
Bilingual PK-K April Registration
Guidance Document
Any Questions We Can Help You With?
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