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Guyana LDN Implementation

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1 Guyana LDN Implementation
Trevor L. Benn Commissioner: Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission & National Focal Point to the UNCCD

2 Presentation Outline Guyana on Brief
Background to Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Target Setting Programme (TSP) The Process of LDN TSP How does Guyana intend to become land degradation neutral? National Working Group LDN TSP Steps LDN TSP Achievements UNCCD LDN TSP Data on Guyana Guyana’s LDN TSP Report Supporting policies and strategies Sustainable Land Management and Development Proposal Supporting Action Plans

3 GUYANA IN BRIEF Area: 215,000 sq km./ 83,000 sq miles
Population (2012 census): 747,884 (3.5 per person sq km) Coverage: Approx. 168,000 sq. Km, approx. 85% of total area has forests Only English speaking country on South American Continent. Coast comprises 90% of the country’s population concentration, major economic hub, most fertile land and extensive social services Major Sectors GDP include: Services Agriculture Manufacturing Mining Tourism Construction Economy is dominated with agriculture, forestry, fishery and mining sectors ; Forests account for 85% of the country covering 18.5 million hectares, 12.6 million hectares allocated for timber harvesting

4 Background to Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Target Setting Programme (TSP)
Guyana moving towards a Green State Guyana envisages the LDN TSP to address on-the-ground implementation measures affecting land degradation and support corrective actions including the promotion of sustainable land management practices, reclamation, etc The LDN TSP is a one (1) year national implementation process which began in September, Guyana opted in the LDN/ TSP in April, 2016

5 The Process of LDN TSP Formation of a National Working Group
Technical Working Group analyzed and validated Baseline Data Sub-group to identify and validate targets and measures National Report drafted for review Leverage Plan prepared

6 National Working Group
The National Working Group provided guidance and technical support for a more structured framework for the collection, measurement, monitoring and reporting (trends) of land degradation. The Agencies were Guyana Forestry Commission Iwokrama Environmental Protection Agency Guyana Rice Development Board Guyana Women Miners Association Guyana Sugar Corporation National Agriculture Research and Extension Institute Caribbean Youth Environment Network Protected Areas Commission Ministry of Agriculture Guyana Geology & Mines Commission Mangroves Private Sector Commission National Toshaos Council(Indigenous Group) Guyana Gold & Diamond Miners Ass. Loggers Association

7 LDN TSP Steps Milestone 3 Inception Workshop Milestone 2 NWG
Milestone 4 LDN Baseline National Voluntary Targets , Associated Measures Step 10 Report on progress Step 7 Identify measures to achieve targets The following slides show several examples of timelines using SmartArt graphics. Include a timeline for the project, clearly marking milestones, important dates, and highlight where the project is now. Step 6 Mainstream into land use planning National SLM project designed and approved, REDD+, draft land use policy, NDC to UNFCCC Milestone: GOG volunteered and received UNCCD support Step 8 Facilitate action – communicate benefits, fund activities Step 3 Assessing LD trends. Data shows change in land cover and land productivity but no change in soil organic carbon Step 4 Define Target. Guyana opted to use a national target Step 5 Define target that could be measured and time to achieve target Step 2 Setting the baseline using land cover, land productivity and soil organic carbon Step 1 Government Leadership and stakeholder engagement Step 9 Monitor changes in LD

8 LDN TSP Achievements LDN TSP Inception Workshop (March 8, 2017)
UNCCD Global Data Sets for Guyana validated using national data on forest/land cover for most of Guyana excluding the coast Baseline was accepted using the global data sets Targets established & Measures to address LD identified, and validated on August 31, 2017 Innovative programmes and projects identified in the leverage plan Outreach on coastal and hinterland areas to increase awareness


10 Which direction, what resources are needed
Sustaining LDN TSP Which direction, what resources are needed

11 Supporting Policies & Strategies
Green State Strategy and Framework Reduced Emissions from deforestation and degradation LDN TSP to be mainstreamed into the above 2 points Increasing transformative projects Sustainable Land Development and Management Project

12 Sustainable Land Management and Development Proposal
Proposed a Sustainable Land Management and Development Project in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to address current issues in the land sector OUTCOME 1: Sustainable use, management, development and reclamation of degraded lands mainstreamed in Guyana.  OUTCOME 2: Strengthened capacity for participatory and integrated land use planning, information systems, assessment and monitoring for sustainable land development, management and rehabilitation. OUTCOME 3: Capacity on the ground developed for responsible use and governance of land, land assessment and developing and implementing sustainable land plans and reclamation measures OUTCOME 4: Project management structures and mechanisms in place and functioning effectively and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework in place

13 Supporting Action Plans
Guyana’s Aligned its National Action Plan to combat Land Degradation (NAP) for the period, directly integrating LDN as a vehicle for the implementation of the Convention (approved by Cabinet in April, 2016) Commence preparation LDN TSP Implementation Plan

14 Supporting Action Plans
LDN offers an opportunity to create stronger synergies among the work of the 3 Rio conventions Work has commenced on integrating the 3 convention. It is hoped that this will contribute to national sustainable development policies.


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