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From the earth to the Stars
After the detecion of Gws on earth, in now time to go the Stars. LISA for (Laser Inteferometer Space Antenna) is a join project ESA/NASA for a new mission. You can regonize a photo of VIRGO and on the top a picture the futur LISA mission LISA consist of 3 spacecraft, each with a Y shaped payload, form an equilateral triangle with sides of 5 millions kms in length. This configuration, where the two branches of each satellites coincide with the branches of the others spacecraft, form one of up to three Michelson-type interferometers.
On this simple movie, the trajectories of the 3 spacecraft is shown
On this simple movie, the trajectories of the 3 spacecraft is shown. The centre of the triangular formation of the 3 spacecraft is in ecliptic plane, 1AU from the sun and 20 behind the earth. Simultaneously the plane is inclined at 60 degree with respect to the ecliptic.
Orbiting These particular heliocentric orbits for the 3 satellites were chosen such that the triangular formation is maintained throughout the year with the triangle appearing to rotate about the centre of the formation one per year. Each satellites is on his own orbit around the Sun. This allows a single space-based detector to provide directional information on the GWs.
LISA Performances Periodic sources burst sources Hulse-Taylor
This figure shown the comparison of frequency range of sources for ground based detector and LISA. The frequency band for VIRGO is approximately the same of LIGO). This two curves correspond of one year of observation. The frequency band for the ground based detector is essentially limited at frequency below one hertz because on the earth, it exist a background due to the Newtonian gravity gradients Essentially the two main sources of gravitational sources for LISA are the galactic binaries and the massive black holes expected to exist in the centers of most galaxies.
Science Goal LISA frequency band : 10-4-10-1 Hertz
LISA science goal complementary to ground based interferometer Short-period known galactic binaries Mergers of massive ( Msun) and intermediate mass ( Msun) Compact objects (NS, BHs) spiralling into massive and intermediate mass BH Astrophysical stochastic background : WD-WD galactic and extragalactic Gravitational wave signals from the early universe But, because the booths kinds of the detectors (ground-based and space based) have similar energy sensitivies, their different observing frequencies are ideally complementary
Massive Black Hole Numerical Post Newtonian relativity Post Newtonian
This is a simple picture of the frequency observed during the inspiral of two Massive Black holes. The first phase is the inspiral mode where the 2 BHs turn around each other. Normally, LISA can detect the GWs of this phenomena long time ago the coalescence. This type of calculation can be done on the post Newtonian approach. The second phase, has properly to speak, is the coalescence, at contrary this calculation can be done in numerical general relativity, because we are in presence of strong gravitational field. This last years, some important progress were made. The last phase after the coalescence, is the ringdown and calculation in the post Newtonian can be done. Image of NC6240 taken by Chandra Showing a butterfly shaped galaxy Product of two smaller galaxies (two active giant BH)
Massive Black Hole (cont.)
Post Newtonian calculation One year before coalescence First day First day Last day This is an example of Post Newtonian calculation of two MBHs of 105 solar masse at 1 Gigaparsec from LISA one year before the merger. During the first day the frequency of the GW is approximately monochromatic The frequency evolve little and the strain (h) is in the domain of LISA. In the last day before coalescence (in the limit of this type of calculation), the frequency and the amplitude change rapidly.
Massive Black Hole (cont.)
Relativity : From inspiraling post-Newtonian waveforms-> precision test of general relativity From merger waveforms (numerical relativity) -> test of non linear gravity. Astrophysics : Cosmic history of MBH’s-MBH’s 3 Gparsec This simple picture shown the evolution of frequency and amplitude for different couple of BHs. Events rates : 0.1 to 100 years !
Extreme Mass Ratio in Spiral (EMRI)
Small body spiralling into central body of 105 to 107 Msun This is more complicated problem, the extreme mass ratio in spiral. It is the case when a little mass is captured by example by a BH. The prediction of number of events/year is important (recapitulated in the small table here) and depends of the couple. But also the form of the GWs depend strongly of the mass ratio and of the initial condition. The figure show two examples of EMRI with different conditions. Relativity : Relativistic orbits Astrophysics : Probe astrophysics of dense cluster around MBH’s Existence and population of IMBH Events rates : for 10Msun+106Msun 10-90 for 0.6Msun+ 106Msun 1 for 100Msun+106Msun
Some properties of GW recall has the use of the experimentalist The wave is transverse, it is perpendicular to its direction of propagation. The deformation produced by a wave conserves surfaces. If the distance between two aligned masses increases, the distance between the two others masses along the perpendicular direction decreases. The wave is polarized. H+ and Hx First point, of course, the GW acts uniquely on mass. Geometrical interpretation of general relativity. L and ∂L should be interpreted as a propre distance. h is indeed a distance. Important properties :
Indirect proof tP [s] Einstein prediction
Hulse-Taylor Binary PSR (1974) Nobel Price (1993) Remark : Outside of LISA
How to measure L≈5106 kms Six free falling “mirors”
Use interferometry for measuring LISA frequency band : Hertz L≈5106 kms The spacecraft mainly serve to shield a « proof masse » (or a mirror). The proof masse sudden just the gravitation. LISA can be described as a big Michelson interferometer, but the actual implementation in space is very different from a classical interferometer. In classical interferometer, the light is reflected to the mirror and send back. The laser light going out from the spacecraft to the other corners is not directly reflected back because the very little intensity would be left over that way. 1 Watt send 0.7 picowatt received. In fact, each internal laser is phase locked either to is companion, forming the equivalent of a beam splitter or is like an amplifying mirror
Free falling (Inertial mass)
Principle Inertial mass inside the satellite Inertial mass satellite The principle of the inertial masse is summary on this simple animation. On the top is a schematic view of one satellite. The two branches containing two inertial masses, playing the role of mirrors and two lasers associated with two telescopes. The mirror made on gold platinum (4 cm in side) inside the satellite is isolated from the satellite. Around each cubes a pair of electrodes measure the displacement of the cube. Voltmeter
Free falling (Inertial mass) cont.
Solar Wind satellite Sun Voltmeter The resulting motion of the solar wind would be 104 times larger than the tiny motion due to GW
Free falling (Inertial mass) cont.
Thrusters Inertial mass Solar Wind satellite Sun Voltmeter
Free falling (Inertial mass) cont.
Thrusters Inertial mass Solar Wind satellite Voltmeter
Free falling (Inertial mass) cont.
Thrusters Inertial mass satellite Voltmeter
Free falling (Inertial mass) cont.
Interferometry Diffraction widens the laser beam to many kilometres
0.7 W sent, 70 pW received Need 6 lasers (NdYag-1064nm) Michelson with a 3rd arm, Sagnac Capable to distinguish both polarizations of a GW Orbital movement provides directionality
2 3 L1 L2 L3 Interferometry cont.
Laser frequency Response function of Michelson interferometer. 2 3 L1 L2 L3 Time Delay Interferometry
Noise Limitation Strain one year integration Frequency
Acceleration noise: m/(s2 Hz) Quality of drag-free control, Gravity gradient noise Shot noise : 70 pw Armlength penalty: 5 Million kilometer Strain one year integration Frequency
Physical Noise Galactic Background.
Summary Proposed to ESA 1993, approved as a Cornerstone Mission 1996
Collaborative ESA/NASA mission with a 50/50 sharing ratio ESA: Responsibility for the payload I&T, 50% of the payload (nationally funded) NASA: 3 S/C, launcher, ground segment (DSN), mission ops Science ops will be shared Data analysis by two independent teams (Europe and US) Launch foreseen in the 2014/??? timeframe
Technological mission
LISA Pathfinder Technological mission The LISA Technology Package on board of LISA PATHFINDER will enable testing of following LISA key technologies: 'Inertial Sensor': to demonstrate that the test masses are really flying free of all external influences and to detect changes in the position and orientation of the satellite relative to the proof mass; 'disturbance-free flight control': multiple sets of thrusters at µ-Newton levels (not part of LTP) will be used to control the spacecraft position to a few microns. The thrusters are to counteract the changes in position and orientation of the spacecraft due to external forces in order to keep it centred on the proof mass. This will also include test of the algorithms of the system control. ‘laser interferometer': to measure the absolute position and attitude and the difference in the displacement of the two proof masses to validate that each is 'disturbance-free' within the requirements.
LISA Pathfinder LISA Test Package
LISA Pathfinder where Launch foreseen in the 2009 timeframe
Contribution to the interferometry of LISA Pathfinder.
Team LISA APC Contribution to the interferometry of LISA Pathfinder. Development of a simulator for the LISA mission (LISA Code). R&D in Laser frequency stabilization (Iodine molecular line)
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