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EV Charging Infrastructure

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Presentation on theme: "EV Charging Infrastructure"— Presentation transcript:

1 EV Charging Infrastructure
Anthony T. Agoncillo EV Project Manager, Meralco

2 Meralco eVehicle Power Station

3 EV Charging Station Launch

4 Meralco EV Charging Station Users
eTrike eBike Segway PT eShuttle / eJeep eSchool Bus Model S iMiEV

5 Regular (“Slow”) Charging

6 Renewable Charging

7 Fast Charging

8 Meralco-designed Charging Equipment

9 Meralco-designed Charging Equipment
FEATURES Measures electricity output in watt-hour (Wh) and kilowatt hour (kWh) Allows input in per Peso or kWh charging Safe and secure twist-lock connector (NEMA L6-30R & L6-30P) Galvanized Steel, Hot-Dip (ASTM 123) Rust & Weather Proof (at least IP54 or NEMA3S) Ground Fault Circuit Breaker (240VAC, 30A) Power supply: Single-phase 1.8KW Maximum Current: 20 Amperes Electronic Meter w/ LCD Display (Php, kWh, Php/kWh) Keypad Twist-lock Outlet

10 Test Data: E-Shuttle vs Toyota Revo
E-Shuttles are 46% more energy efficient per km MERALCO offers customized services to address the requirements of the different customer segments.

11 Test Data: E-Bikes and E-Motorcycles
Parameters Kenwei EB0901T Zyklos XRM 04 Sta. Monica Zyklos 338 ETRO Agila Distance travelled in one full charge 42 KM 53 KM 45 KM 22.8 KM 47 KM Charging duration 6 hours 7 hours 10 hours 1.5 hours kWh consumption of one full charge 1.07 kWh 1.25 kWh 0.97 kWh 0.60 kwh 2.5 kWh Cost of one full charge P12/kWh) P12.80 P15.00 P11.60 P7.20 P30.00 P/km 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.32 0.64 MERALCO offers customized services to address the requirements of the different customer segments.

12 Test Data: Tesla Model S
Parameters Tesla Model S Distance travelled in one full charge 310 km kWh consumption of one full charge 50.42 kWh Cost of one full charge P12/kWh) P P/km P1.95 Charger Type Duration Regular Charging 10 – 12 hours Fast Charging 3 – 4 hours Regular Charging Fast Charging

13 The Classic vs The Modern Conundrum
The chicken or the egg? The EV or the charging station?

14 Charging Infrastructure
EV Type Range (kms) Daily Requirement Charging Location E-Bike / E-Motorcycle 28 (2-way) Home Work / School E-Car 55 (2-way) Work E-Jeep / E-Shuttle 24 (total - short); 120 (total - long) Operator’s Depot Terminal (Malls) E-Trike 50 (total - short); 100 (total - long) Home (if available) Malls Convenience / Fastfood Stores Parking Lot Operators LGU-assigned Property MERALCO offers customized services to address the requirements of the different customer segments.

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